This document discusses a workshop on training researchers in online research methods. The workshop is part of a larger project aimed at stimulating careful and critical use of online research methods and mainstreaming their use. The workshop will cover when to use online questionnaires and interviews, developing a basic online questionnaire, experiencing a short online interview, and discussing ethical and methodological issues. The document outlines some advantages and disadvantages of online research methods, noting they are not a shortcut and must be used carefully and appropriately. Participants will discuss key issues to explore regarding online research methods.
4. This workshop
? Part of the TRI-ORM (Training Researchers in Online
Research Methods) project (May 2007 to May 2009).
ESRC Researcher Development Initiative
? Builds on Exploring Online Research Methods in a
Virtual Training Environment (May 2004 to July
2006). ESRC Research Methods Training Programme.
? The aim is to stimulate the careful and critical uptake,
and further sophisticated use, of Online Research
Methods (ORM) and to work towards mainstreaming
these innovative methods by building a national and
virtual network of research training in ORM.
5. Existing site +
Self-directed study
TRI-ORM Project structure
Workshops for beginners
in online methods
online course
for advanced users
6. Aim of workshop
By the end of the session you will be able to:
? Consider when to use (and when not to use) online
research methods for your social science research
? Develop a basic online questionnaire
? Experience a short online interview
? Discuss some key ethical and methodological issues
surrounding the use of online research methods
? Access web-based resources and support materials to
further develop your skills, knowledge and teaching in
online research methods
8. What are online research methods?
? Online research methods (ORMs) are research
methods that utilise internet as medium for research
? Also called internet mediated research (IMR) or online
? Include
– online questionnaires
– synchronous and asynchronous interviews
– virtual ethnographies
– online experiments etc
? Today’s focus is on online questionnaires and
9. Your interest in ORM
As a group identify:
? Some advantages of using online research methods
? Some disadvantages of online research methods
? The key issue(s) that you wish to explore today
10. What value online research?
? Huge uptake online research methods, especially
online questionnaires
? Useful in particular situations e.g. researching online
populations and previously difficult to contact groups
? Can mitigate distance and space and so
internationalise research
? Can save time and money
? Safety issues
? Different dynamics of communication:
- more neutral venue
- more thoughtful responses
- different participants open up/excel
11. But….disadvantages
? But digital divide can limit who we talk to
? Drop off rates for questionnaires high
? Issues of identity verification
? Lack of empathy/rapport for interviews
? Circumstances of interview beyond interviewers control
? Technical obstacles
? Still need degree of technical competence and
institutional support
12. Careful and critical use ORMs
? So ORMs are not a shortcut 'easy option'
? Many issues and problems of onsite research remain
? Divide between onsite/online methods inappropriate
? Must be used, carefully and critically and appropriately
in light of each specific research topic
Attempting to undertake online data collection is far easier than
successfully accomplishing it. For those who chose to perform it, they
must do so deliberately and cautiously.
(Best and Krueger, 2004)
While online methodological frameworks are in constant flux, change
is not necessarily always progressive: there is a need for online
researchers to practice their 'craft' with reflexivity.
(Madge and O’Connor, 2005)