Presentation on the introduction of Kanban as the Maintenance process for the GmbH products.
Key messages:
Good, flexible agile process for maintenance. Suitable also for teams not that experienced in agile, as it picks up the teams where they are and leads to continous improvement and maturity.
Great reduction of cycle and lead time in short time frame after introduction.
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Introduction of Kanban for large scale maintenance at GmbH / OOP 2010
1. Kanban for large scale off-shored
maintenance @
January 26 2010 - Munich
Feedback to
20. e.g. weekly prioritization e.g. bi-weekly releases
Input Development Acceptance Production
5 5
Ongoing Done Ongoing Done
Fixed WIP limits for relevant phases
22. Kanban cards visualize overall process state
and clearly indicate bottlenecks in the
---> basis for applying TOC
and other bodies of production knowledge
23. Theory of Constraints (light) - Eliah Goldratt:
identify bottleneck
max. stress on bottleneck
eliminate (or minimize) bottleneck
Eliah Goldratt - The Goal
24. de鍖nition of WIP limits
reduction of batch size
reduction of lead time
(Littles law)
25. Littles Law:
lead time = WIP / throughput
easy to change: discipline / hard to change:
Flow mid term change process
26. estimations
---> calculation of
cycle time and lead time
60. introduction of classes of service
for production incidents required:
expedite tickets
to accomodate SLA
61. Thanks for your time and
62. more on Kanban
02/2010 - 26. Feb 2010
5.3 - Thu 14:30 - 15:30 articles by
Stefan Roock & Bernd Schiffer Stefan Roock &
Was ist dran an Kaban Markus Andrezak
Trainings w/ David Anderson
feedback on all things kanban at #oop2010: