This document provides an overview of basic statistics. It discusses the origin and meaning of statistics, including its derivation from the Latin word "status" and its use as a measure of economic, political, and social conditions. Statistics is defined as the collection, organization, analysis, and interpretation of data, and it is divided into descriptive statistics which summarizes data and inferential statistics which determines something about a population from a sample. The document also covers types of statistics, importance of statistics, characteristics, limitations, and abuses of statistics.
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2. Origin of Statistics
Not precisely known how the
word statistics was originated
Believed to have been derived
from the Latin word Status
meaning political state
In early days the word statistics
had been believed to be use as an
indicator or yardsticks of country's
economic, political and social
conditions .
But in the modern time it is used in
almost all aspects of human related
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3. Meaning of Statistics
The word statistics is used in three different
1. Statistics as Singular
2. Statistics as Plural
3. Statistics as a Plural of Statistic
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4. Meaning of Statistics
Statistics as singular:
-branch of knowledge that deals with the collection, organization, classification,
presentation, summarization, analysis, and interpretation of statistical data in
any field of inquiry
Statistics as plural:
- refer to numerical facts and figures collected in a systematic manner with a
definite purpose in any field of study
- In this sense, statistics are also aggregates of facts which are expressed in
numerical form
Example: Statistics on industrial production, statistics or population growth of
a country in different years etc.
Statistics as a plural of statistic:
- used as the plural of the word Statistic which refers to a numerical quantity
like mean, median, variance etc, calculated from sample value
Example: If we select 15 student from a class of 80 students, measure their
heights and find the average height. This average would be a statistic.
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5. Definition of Statistics
According to R.A. Fisher
- The science of statistics is essentially a branch of applied mathematics
and may be regarded as mathematics applied to the observational data.
According to Croxton & Cowden
- The science, which deals with the collection , presentation, and analysis
of numerical data
A modern and more comprehensive definition
- Statistics is a branch of knowledge refers to the body of techniques and
methodology developed for the collection, classification, organization,
presentation and analysis of statistical data and for the use of such data in
decision making in any field of enquiry
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6. Business Statistics
Statistical methods and techniques used to
analyze data collected from various fields of
business and management is called business
The main purpose of this course is to familiar the
business students with the most commonly used
statistical methods of analysis and enable them to
use business data effectively in making decision
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7. Types of Statistics
Usually divided into two categories
Descriptive Statistics:
- methods of organizing, summarizing, and presenting data in an
informative way
Inferential Statistics:
- methods used to determine something about a population on the
basis of a sample
Population: Complete set of individuals, objects or measurements
having some common characteristics. Example: All workers of a
factory, All employees of a firm, etc
Sample: A representative part of the population of interests.
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9. Characteristics of Statistics
Should deals with aggregate of individuals rather than
with individual alone
Should be expressed a numerical figure
Should have the property of being varied by
multiplicity of causes
Statistics collected should be reasonable standards of
Statistics should be obtained for pre- determined
Statistics collected should allow comparison with other
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10. Limitation of Statistics
Deals with quantitative characteristics
Does not deals with individual
Results are true only in general and on an
Can be misused by ignorant or wrongly
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11. Abuses of Statistics
Trite quotation: There are lies, damned lies and statistics
Statistics can be abused in
1) data collection
incomparable data, biased sample, etc
2) data presentation
failure to present complete classification system, inappropriateness
in graphic representation, etc
3) data analysis
use of absolute number instead of percentage, use of percentage
instead of absolute number, etc
4) interpretation
interpretation based on averages instead of individual cases, etc
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12. Assignment
Define statistics. How was it originated? Make brief review of
various definitions of statistics and in light of this definitions ; give
your own definitions.
Planning without statistics is a ship without rudder and a compass.
In light of the statement explain the importance of statistics as an
effective aid to national planning of Bangladesh.
Are statistical methods likely to be any use to a business firm?
Illustrate your answer with some typical business problem.
Comment on the following statement:
All statistics are numerical statements but all numerical statements
are not statistics
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13. References
Islam, M.N.An Introduction to Statistics and Probability 3rd
Lind, D.A.,William G.M. Statistical Techniques in Business
& Economics 12th edition
Roy, M.K. Business Statistics 1st edition
Pillai, R.S.N., V. Bagavathi, Statistics 1st edition
Shukla, M.C., S.S. Gulshan, Statistics; Theory and Practice
1st edition
Jalil,M.A., R. Ferdous, Basic Statistics Methods and
Applications, 1st edition
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