After the Brown vs Board of Education decision mandated integrated schools, public schools in America had equal ratios of white and black students by enforcement of laws, though conflict arose from white parents uncomfortable with integration. While schools were physically integrated, children still socially separated along racial lines, demonstrating that true integration had not been achieved and de facto segregation remained an issue.
This document outlines Levi's digital marketing strategy to find customers their perfect fitting jeans. The strategy aims to connect with potential customers across all demographics on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram. It will encourage connecting through the website, mobile apps, blogging and other online methods to spread the word about Levi's jeans and their expansive sizes to help everyone find a comfortable and well-fitting pair.
Hitesh Nath Wadhwa is an experienced Area Sales Manager with over 15 years of experience in medical sales, specializing in cardiovascular and interventional cardiology products. He has a proven track record of exceeding sales goals at previous employers J. Mitra & Bros and Dewinter Optical Inc. Wadhwa utilizes strong communication, networking, and presentation skills to generate new business through professional meetings with doctors and medical conferences. He also conducts thorough market research and stays up-to-date on competitors to develop innovative sales strategies.
El documento trata sobre la afasia en ni単os. Explica que la afasia de Broca y Wernicke son los tipos m叩s comunes que afectan la comunicaci坦n en los ni単os, causando problemas para transmitir ideas de manera coherente o comprender el habla. Tambi辿n proporciona m辿todos que los padres y maestros pueden implementar para ayudar a estimular el desarrollo del lenguaje y la comprensi坦n en los ni単os con afasia.
El documento habla sobre la necesidad de un mundo sostenible que logre el equilibrio entre el desarrollo econ坦mico, la equidad social y la sustentabilidad ambiental. Se単ala que cada persona puede contribuir aprovechando mejor los recursos energ辿ticos en su hogar.
El documento analiza las principales instituciones certificadoras en gesti坦n de proyectos a nivel mundial. Tras estudiar el alcance e impacto del PMI, IPMA, AIMP y PMAJ, se concluye que el PMI ocupa el primer lugar en jerarqu鱈a dentro del mercado global de certificaciones al tener el mayor n炭mero de miembros certificados, ser reconocido en m叩s pa鱈ses y contar con los est叩ndares profesionales m叩s reconocidos internacionalmente.
This document discusses an MVP for an app called Halfway that aims to address the problems of asking for locations, typing long addresses, and not knowing convenient meeting spots. The MVP will test if users find value in Halfway and are willing to spend enough time in the app to make ad-based revenue profitable. A future MVP2 could add more result details, improve the design, and include features like suggesting meet up locations.
SalesHunt is a product tracking app created by Zijie Ku, Peter Park, Rolf Bates, and Bin Li that notifies users of price changes. User testing of the MVP found search and tracking features satisfactory but notifications and the overall product rated lower. Key feedback was a desire for more product data in search results, price comparisons in tracking lists, and removal of old prices from notifications. Areas for improvement include reducing bugs, handling varied product data, and displaying price changes within the app.
This document summarizes a presentation about tracking wound progress in diabetic patients. It discusses how doctors currently use expensive cameras and have difficulty determining wound surface areas and keeping records organized. The proposed solution is to use mobile devices to take pictures, approximate surface areas using image processing techniques, and centralize records and statistics on the cloud. This solution aims to provide a lower cost and more usable alternative to current standards, with the objective of developing a responsive web application for easy picture taking and updating while including contour analysis features.
This document discusses a presentation about tracking wound surface area and healing. It examines an overall need to track wound surface area, and presents information on tracking wound surface area with a potential cost of $25,000. The document concludes by asking if there are any questions.
The document summarizes user testing results for a marketplace app aimed at a local college community. Users were moderately satisfied overall, giving high importance but lower satisfaction ratings for features like categorizing data and linking to original posts. The next version of the minimum viable product will focus on adding a price search function, displaying post sources, and fixing user interface issues.
Hobby Link aims to connect hobbyists in new locations based on experience level by providing a location-aware app that directly matches users, as it sees opportunities compared to Meetup which is too hierarchical and Facebook which is not specialized for hobbies. An MVP will be developed after further market research into competition.
La planificaci坦n de una obra involucra decisiones sobre frentes de trabajo, secuencias, plazos y recursos. La programaci坦n es el resultado de la planificaci坦n y detalla las tareas, duraciones, dependencias, ruta cr鱈tica y recursos para completar el proyecto en el plazo previsto. La programaci坦n se realiza usando herramientas como MS Project que representan el diagrama de Gantt y permiten dar seguimiento a la ejecuci坦n frente al plan original.
Este documento presenta el c叩lculo referencial del costo de hora hombre para la edificaci坦n en Juliaca del 1 de junio de 2014 al 31 de mayo de 2015. Incluye los porcentajes de beneficios y leyes sociales aplicables a la remuneraci坦n b叩sica, as鱈 como el c叩lculo de la incidencia de estas leyes sociales sobre la bonificaci坦n unificada de construcci坦n. Finalmente, detalla el costo de hora hombre para operarios, oficiales y peones.
Web content: its the meat in the sandwich, not the icing on the cake. Too often, organizations fail to deliver content that meets user needs and serves their business goals. Even during website redesigns, the editorial process gets short shrift in favor of building new features and creating new designs. Thinking about the content is always left until the last minute, always thought to be somebody elses problem.
Ever wonder why so many websites feature dense, unreadable prose? Force you to navigate through pages of brochure copy and legalese? Look like they backed up a truck full of PDFs and dumped them in the content management system?
No content strategy, thats why.
When done the wrong way, creating new content and managing the approval process takes longer and is more painful than anyone expects. But planning for useful, usable content is possible-and necessary. Its time to do it right.
Banque Digitale : Dictao presentation pendant la conf辿rence CCM Benchmark 束 B...Dictao
Construire une relation multicanal de confiance avec vos clients et prospects
Dutot et Castellano - RECONCILIER REPUTATION ET E-REPUTATION : LA VISION DES ...Consommation Digitale
This document discusses various types of malware such as viruses, worms, trojans, and spam. It provides details on common infection methods like email attachments, messenger programs, and downloaded files. The document also addresses security issues and recommends precautions such as backups, software updates, and caution when opening unsolicited email attachments.
SalesHunt is a product tracking app created by Zijie Ku, Peter Park, Rolf Bates, and Bin Li that notifies users of price changes. User testing of the MVP found search and tracking features satisfactory but notifications and the overall product rated lower. Key feedback was a desire for more product data in search results, price comparisons in tracking lists, and removal of old prices from notifications. Areas for improvement include reducing bugs, handling varied product data, and displaying price changes within the app.
This document summarizes a presentation about tracking wound progress in diabetic patients. It discusses how doctors currently use expensive cameras and have difficulty determining wound surface areas and keeping records organized. The proposed solution is to use mobile devices to take pictures, approximate surface areas using image processing techniques, and centralize records and statistics on the cloud. This solution aims to provide a lower cost and more usable alternative to current standards, with the objective of developing a responsive web application for easy picture taking and updating while including contour analysis features.
This document discusses a presentation about tracking wound surface area and healing. It examines an overall need to track wound surface area, and presents information on tracking wound surface area with a potential cost of $25,000. The document concludes by asking if there are any questions.
The document summarizes user testing results for a marketplace app aimed at a local college community. Users were moderately satisfied overall, giving high importance but lower satisfaction ratings for features like categorizing data and linking to original posts. The next version of the minimum viable product will focus on adding a price search function, displaying post sources, and fixing user interface issues.
Hobby Link aims to connect hobbyists in new locations based on experience level by providing a location-aware app that directly matches users, as it sees opportunities compared to Meetup which is too hierarchical and Facebook which is not specialized for hobbies. An MVP will be developed after further market research into competition.
La planificaci坦n de una obra involucra decisiones sobre frentes de trabajo, secuencias, plazos y recursos. La programaci坦n es el resultado de la planificaci坦n y detalla las tareas, duraciones, dependencias, ruta cr鱈tica y recursos para completar el proyecto en el plazo previsto. La programaci坦n se realiza usando herramientas como MS Project que representan el diagrama de Gantt y permiten dar seguimiento a la ejecuci坦n frente al plan original.
Este documento presenta el c叩lculo referencial del costo de hora hombre para la edificaci坦n en Juliaca del 1 de junio de 2014 al 31 de mayo de 2015. Incluye los porcentajes de beneficios y leyes sociales aplicables a la remuneraci坦n b叩sica, as鱈 como el c叩lculo de la incidencia de estas leyes sociales sobre la bonificaci坦n unificada de construcci坦n. Finalmente, detalla el costo de hora hombre para operarios, oficiales y peones.
Web content: its the meat in the sandwich, not the icing on the cake. Too often, organizations fail to deliver content that meets user needs and serves their business goals. Even during website redesigns, the editorial process gets short shrift in favor of building new features and creating new designs. Thinking about the content is always left until the last minute, always thought to be somebody elses problem.
Ever wonder why so many websites feature dense, unreadable prose? Force you to navigate through pages of brochure copy and legalese? Look like they backed up a truck full of PDFs and dumped them in the content management system?
No content strategy, thats why.
When done the wrong way, creating new content and managing the approval process takes longer and is more painful than anyone expects. But planning for useful, usable content is possible-and necessary. Its time to do it right.
Banque Digitale : Dictao presentation pendant la conf辿rence CCM Benchmark 束 B...Dictao
Construire une relation multicanal de confiance avec vos clients et prospects
Dutot et Castellano - RECONCILIER REPUTATION ET E-REPUTATION : LA VISION DES ...Consommation Digitale
This document discusses various types of malware such as viruses, worms, trojans, and spam. It provides details on common infection methods like email attachments, messenger programs, and downloaded files. The document also addresses security issues and recommends precautions such as backups, software updates, and caution when opening unsolicited email attachments.
This document analyzes the link networks of Iranian municipal websites. It finds that Tehran, Yazd, and Tabriz municipal websites have the most inbound links, making them the most visible. A formula is used to identify the core municipal websites, which are Tehran, Yazd, Tabriz, Mashad, Qom, and Isfahan. These core websites are ranked, with Tehran and Isfahan ranked highest based on their Google Page Rank and traffic. The conclusion recommends Iranian municipalities improve collaboration and link building between their websites to increase visibility and provide better services to citizens.
The document analyzes the level of participation of Iranian librarians in the E-LIS repository. It finds that in 2008, Iran ranked 5th among Asian countries in terms of contributions to E-LIS, with 98 information sources. However, Iranian researchers' participation in E-LIS has increased approximately 2.5 times since then. Possible reasons for low Iranian involvement include lack of awareness of the repository, unwillingness to share research, or prioritizing administrative duties over contributions. The study concludes that while participation may increase visibility, topic relevance and quality are more important factors in receiving citations.
The document provides a summary of key discussions from a meeting in 3 sentences:
The meeting focused on strategies to improve customer service and reduce wait times. Various initiatives were proposed such as increasing staffing, streamlining processes, and developing an online booking system. Overall the discussions centered around enhancing the customer experience through greater efficiency and technology.
6. 悴惆惆惺惶惘 惆惘惘惠惺悋
An academic, or scientific, genealogy,
organizes a family tree of scientists and
scholars according to mentoring
relationships, often in the form of
dissertation supervision or postdoc
supervision relationships.
7. Academic genealogies are particularly easy to
research in the case of Spain's Doctor degrees,
because until 1954 only Complutense University had
the power to grant Doctorates.
This means that all holders of a Doctor degree in
Spain can trace back their academic lineage to a
Doctoral supervisor who was a member of
Complutense's Faculty.
8. The academic lineage or academic ancestry of
someone is a chain of professors who have served as
academic mentors or thesis advisors of each other,
ending with the person in question.
Many genealogical terms are often recast in terms of
academic lineages, so one may speak of academic
descendants, children, siblings, etc.