6. 悴惆惆惺惶惘 惆惘惘惠惺悋
An academic, or scientific, genealogy,
organizes a family tree of scientists and
scholars according to mentoring
relationships, often in the form of
dissertation supervision or postdoc
supervision relationships.
7. Academic genealogies are particularly easy to
research in the case of Spain's Doctor degrees,
because until 1954 only Complutense University had
the power to grant Doctorates.
This means that all holders of a Doctor degree in
Spain can trace back their academic lineage to a
Doctoral supervisor who was a member of
Complutense's Faculty.
8. The academic lineage or academic ancestry of
someone is a chain of professors who have served as
academic mentors or thesis advisors of each other,
ending with the person in question.
Many genealogical terms are often recast in terms of
academic lineages, so one may speak of academic
descendants, children, siblings, etc.