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   -   Patrick Aljord / @patcito
What Is AngularJS Trying To Fix?
HTML is great for declarative code for static web page
<>el wrd<p
pHlo ol!/>

              Not so for dynamic pages:
< i=getn1>/>
 p d"reig"<p
   vriI =dcmn.tahvn;
   a sE    ouetatcEet
   a dLsee    sE
    ?fnto(,t f){
       ucine , n
       eatcEet'n +t f)}
        .tahvn(o'  , n;
    :fnto(,t f){
       ucine , n
        .dEetitnrt n as)}
   dLsee(ouet la' ucin)
    vrgetn =dcmn.eEeetyd'reig';
     a reig   ouetgtlmnBI(getn1)
    i (sE {
     f iI)
      getn.neTx ='el Wrd'
       reiginret  Hlo ol!;
    }es {
      getn.etotn ='el Wrd'
       reigtxCnet  Hlo ol!;

                 = Imperative :-(

     Declarative FTW!
1.    <>el wrd/>
       pHlo ol<p

2.    <>{reig}/>
Data Binding
1.   Define a model
2.   Binds it to a template
3.   When you modify the model, templates updates automotically
4.   When the user intereacts with the UI, templates knows how
     to sync the data with the model.
Concrete Example: JQuery Vs AngularJS
srp ye"etjvsrp"
 $fnto ( {
 (ucin )
  vrnm =$'nm'.a(;
  a ae   (#ae)vl)
  vrgetn =$'getn';
  a reig   (#reig)

    nm.eu(ucin( {
     aekypfnto )
      getn.et'el ' nm +'';
       reigtx(Hlo + ae !)
<nu tp=tx"i=nm"
 ipt ye"et d"ae>
< i=getn"<p
 p d"reig>/>

               Name:   Enter?a?name?here

Concrete Example: JQuery Vs AngularJS
 <i n-p>
  dv gap
 <nu tp=tx"n-oe=yuNm"
  ipt ye"et gmdl"orae>
 <>el {yuNm}!/>
  pHlo {orae}<p

           Name:   Enter?a?name?here

             HELLO !
   1. very simple
   2. very recognizable
   3. looks like the original HTML hello world
                   Thanks To...
    1.   Dirty checking
    2.   Only checks the current view
    3.   Only check when change may happen
    4.   Leverage the JIT
    5.   But... the DOM is slow
                      Implementation When?
AngularJS             Javascript      Now
Model Driven Views Native             Future
Object.observe        Native          Future
  There's already an AngularJS branch using Object.observe !
? Beatiful widgets: Cool
      Tricking the browser: Not Cool ??
  <lcas"a nvtb"i=mTb>
   u ls=nv a-as d"ya"
    <icas"cie>ahe=#eto1>eto 1/>/i
     l ls=atv"< rf"scin"Scin <a<l>
    <i< he=#rfl"Scin2/>/i
     l>a rf"poie>eto <a<l>

  <i cas"a-otn"
   dv ls=tbcnet>
    <i cas"a-aeatv"i=scin"H,ImScin1/i
     dv ls=tbpn cie d"eto1>i ' eto <d
    <i cas"a-ae i=scin"H,ImScin2/i>
     dv ls=tbpn" d"eto2>i ' eto <dv

   $fnto ( {
    (ucin )
      (#ya :at)tb'hw)

Declarative reusable components:
             Cool ??
  <aette"eto 1>
   pn il=Scin "
    i ' eto
  <aette"eto 2>
   pn il=Scin "
    i ' eto

            BROWSER NEAR YOU
             Implementation When?
AngularJS    DOM+JS         Now
Web          Native         Near Future
Mozilla shim for web components: x-tags.org
W3C specs:
  ? Data binding
  ? Templating
  ? Routing and deep linking
  ? Testing
  ? Form validation
  ? Dependency injection
  ? MVW (Model/View/Whatever!)
Introduction to AngularJS
angularjs scaffold
Checkout angularjs_scaffold if you're into Rails.
                   Patrick Aljord @patcito
                 +Patrick Aljord

Credits for the slides: Vojta J¨ªna, Mi?ko Hevery, Igor Minar.
Introduction to AngularJS

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Introduction to AngularJS

  • 1. AngularJS HTML ENHANCED FOR WEB APPS - Patrick Aljord / @patcito
  • 2. What Is AngularJS Trying To Fix? HTML is great for declarative code for static web page <>el wrd<p pHlo ol!/> Not so for dynamic pages: < i=getn1>/> p d"reig"<p <cit srp> vriI =dcmn.tahvn; a sE ouetatcEet vraditnr=iI a dLsee sE ?fnto(,t f){ ucine , n eatcEet'n +t f)} .tahvn(o' , n; :fnto(,t f){ ucine , n eadvnLsee(,f,fle;; .dEetitnrt n as)} aditnrdcmn,'od,fnto({ dLsee(ouet la' ucin) vrgetn =dcmn.eEeetyd'reig'; a reig ouetgtlmnBI(getn1) i (sE { f iI) getn.neTx ='el Wrd' reiginret Hlo ol!; }es { le getn.etotn ='el Wrd' reigtxCnet Hlo ol!; } }; ) <srp> /cit
  • 3. But... = Imperative :-( Declarative FTW! 1. <>el wrd/> pHlo ol<p 2. <>{reig}/> p{Getn}<p
  • 4. Data Binding 1. Define a model 2. Binds it to a template 3. When you modify the model, templates updates automotically 4. When the user intereacts with the UI, templates knows how to sync the data with the model.
  • 5. Concrete Example: JQuery Vs AngularJS <cittp=tx/aacit> srp ye"etjvsrp" $fnto ( { (ucin ) vrnm =$'nm'.a(; a ae (#ae)vl) vrgetn =$'getn'; a reig (#reig) nm.eu(ucin( { aekypfnto ) getn.et'el ' nm +''; reigtx(Hlo + ae !) }) }) <srp> /cit <i> dv <ae>ae<lbl lblNm:/ae> <nu tp=tx"i=nm" ipt ye"et d"ae> < i=getn"<p p d"reig>/> <dv /i> Name: Enter?a?name?here HELLO
  • 6. Concrete Example: JQuery Vs AngularJS <i n-p> dv gap <ae>ae<lbl lblNm:/ae> <nu tp=tx"n-oe=yuNm" ipt ye"et gmdl"orae> <>el {yuNm}!/> pHlo {orae}<p <dv /i> Name: Enter?a?name?here HELLO !
  • 7. SO DATA BINDING ALLOWS CODE THAT IS 1. very simple 2. very recognizable 3. looks like the original HTML hello world Thanks To... 1. Dirty checking 2. Only checks the current view 3. Only check when change may happen 4. Leverage the JIT 5. But... the DOM is slow
  • 8. DATA BINDING COMING TO A BROWSER NEAR YOU Implementation When? AngularJS Javascript Now Model Driven Views Native Future Object.observe Native Future There's already an AngularJS branch using Object.observe !
  • 10. ? Beatiful widgets: Cool Tricking the browser: Not Cool ?? <lcas"a nvtb"i=mTb> u ls=nv a-as d"ya" <icas"cie>ahe=#eto1>eto 1/>/i l ls=atv"< rf"scin"Scin <a<l> <i< he=#rfl"Scin2/>/i l>a rf"poie>eto <a<l> <u> /l <i cas"a-otn" dv ls=tbcnet> <i cas"a-aeatv"i=scin"H,ImScin1/i dv ls=tbpn cie d"eto1>i ' eto <d v> <i cas"a-ae i=scin"H,ImScin2/i> dv ls=tbpn" d"eto2>i ' eto <dv <dv /i> <cit srp> $fnto ( { (ucin ) $'mTbals'.a(so'; (#ya :at)tb'hw) }) <srp> /cit Declarative reusable components: Cool ?? <as tb> <aette"eto 1> pn il=Scin " H,ImScin1 i ' eto <pn> /ae <aette"eto 2> pn il=Scin " H,ImScin2 i ' eto <pn> /ae <tb> /as
  • 11. <google-map> <tabs> <tweet> <avatar> <color-picker> <invoice> <unleash-your-imagination>
  • 12. REUSABLE COMPONENTS COMING TO A BROWSER NEAR YOU Implementation When? AngularJS DOM+JS Now (directives) Web Native Near Future Components
  • 13. Mozilla shim for web components: x-tags.org W3C specs: http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-components-intro- 20120522/#custom-element-section
  • 14. THE WHOLE PACKAGE TO BUILD KICK ASS WEB APPS! ? Data binding ? Templating ? Routing and deep linking ? Testing ? Form validation ? Dependency injection ? MVW (Model/View/Whatever!)
  • 16. angularjs scaffold Checkout angularjs_scaffold if you're into Rails. https://github.com/patcito/angularjs_scaffold
  • 17. Thanks! Patrick Aljord @patcito http://blog.ricodigo.com http://twitter.com/patcito +Patrick Aljord Credits for the slides: Vojta J¨ªna, Mi?ko Hevery, Igor Minar.