The document provides an introduction to entrepreneurship. It discusses how entrepreneurial activity flourishes where ideas, capital, expertise, and communication converge. It also notes that entrepreneurship involves starting, growing, and running companies. Entrepreneurship is pursuing opportunities beyond one's current resources. The document outlines some traits of successful entrepreneurs and notes that entrepreneurial success knows no bounds in terms of demographics. It provides an overview of the entrepreneurial mindset, process, and environment.
2. Home for Dreamers and Doers
The reasonable man (woman) adapts himself
(herself) to the world. The unreasonable one persists in
trying to adapt the world to himself (herself).
Therefore, all progress depends on unreasonable men
(and women).
George Bernard Shaw
3. The Entrepreneurial Environment
Entrepreneurial activity flourishes where ideas, cash,
professional and managerial expertise, and good
communications converge
Entrepreneurship is a craft as well as an art.
Entrepreneurship is not only about starting companies its
about growing and running them
5. Entrepreneurship
You can do new things
You can do old things differently
You can innovate, consolidate, expand BUT
The only necessary and sufficient condition for business is
For entrepreneurs, timing is everything
15. While formal schooling is an important
advantage, it is not a guarantee of success
nor is its absence a fatal handicap.
Ray Kroc
16. Creativity as a prerequisite to
Creativity - is the ability to bring
something new into existence.
Innovation - is the process of doing new
17. Creativity, Innovation and Problem Solving
Creativity and Innovation consists of...
SEEING what everyone else has seen,
THINKING what no one else has thought of, and
DOING what no one else has dared!
19. Entrepreneurs..
Do things that are not generally done in the
ordinary course of business
Some entrepreneurs become
celebrities...others become ridiculed for
their failed dreams
All contribute to the spirit of free
20. Is a dynamic process of creating incremental wealth.
This wealth is created by individuals who assume the
major risks in terms of equity, time and career
commitment of providing value for some product or
The entrepreneur must somehow infuse value to the
product or service...
21. Start
Take Over a
a Family
Pursue Social
by Innovating in
Non-profit The Act
Context entrepreneurially
Entrepreneurial in a profession.
Act as
Entrepreneur in a
Established Work in a
Company Purchase an
Business Venture
22. Economics & Entrepreneurship
Richard Cantillon: Entrepreneurs make decisions about
resources allocation.
Adam Smith: Entrepreneurs react to economic change.
He described the enterpriser as an individual who
undertook the formation of an organization for
commercial purposes. He mentioned role of
industrialist...,person with unusual foresight who could
recognize potential demand for goods and services
Jean Baptiste Say: Entrepreneurs had exceptional insight
into societys needs.
23. Carl Menger: Entrepreneur as a change agent. Economic
change does not arise from circumstances but from an
individuals awareness and understanding of those
Joseph Schumpeter: Entrepreneurship as a force of
Creative Destruction. Described it as a process and
entrepreneurs as innovators who use process to shatter the
status quo through new methods...
John Stuart Mill: Necessity of entrepreneurship in private
enterprise. He described them as business founder.
24. Everyone wants to be an entrepreneur
Beliefs about entrepreneurship:
Entrepreneurs are INDEPENDENT
Entrepreneurs get RICH
Entrepreneurs have FUN!
Entrepreneurs are passionate people.
25. Are my goals well defined?
Personal aspirations
Business sustainability & size
Tolerance of risk
Do I have the right strategy?
Clear definition
Potential for growth
Can I execute the strategy?
Organizational infrastructure
The founders role
If answer is
YesIf answer is no
Entrepreneurs Framework
If answer is
If answer is no
26. Review: why be an entrepreneur?
The main reasons
- Independence and freedom
- Creativity and self-expression
Another important reason
- Cant hold a normal job!
Many successful entrepreneurs are
crazy, weird people
- Passion
27. Being an entrepreneur is not
basically motivated by economics
I'll repeat:
risk risk risk risk risk risk
28. Starting a business is risky
New ideas are untested. . . Thats why
theyre new ideas!
You throw an idea into the world. . . And
see what the world says in response.
There are thousands of variables you
cant control
And you probably dont have a lot of the
skills you need
29. Entrepreneurship seeks to understand how
opportunities to create something new arise and are
discovered or created by specific persons who then use
various means to exploit or develop them, thus
producing a wide range of effects.
A Definition
30. Key Activities
Identifying an opportunity
Exploiting or developing this
Running a new business
31. Entrepreneurs...Traits
Self-confident and optimistic
Able to take calculated risk
Respond positively to changes
Flexible and able to adapt
Knowledge of markets
Able to get along well with others
Independent minded
32. Energetic and meticulous
Creative, need to achieve
Dynamic Leader
Responsive to suggestions
Take initiatives
Resourceful and firm
Perceptive with foresight
33. Entrepreneurial success shows no respect
for age, background, gender, race or class.
It is open to anyone, all you need is a drive
and personal ambition and a refusal to
listen to those who do not share your
Richard Branson
34. Venturing into the Unknown
Problem A Problem B Problem C
.息 2003 Edward P Marram 6STG_012503 28