This deck gives an overview of Firebase. Firebase allows mobile developers to develop a quality app, grow the user base and monetize from it, through cross-platform SDKs. With Firebase Analytics at it's core, you will be able to have a clear 360 view of your app without having to juggle between multiple dashboards.
5. Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Developers are time and resource constrained
6. Source: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis non erat sem
Proprietary + Confidential
Source: Appcelerator/IDC Study -
Developers say that
orchestrating and managing datafrom
multiple backend sources
is a bottleneck
12. Designed for apps
Event and user centric
Connects across Firebase
Free & unlimited
13. Determine the effectiveness of notifications and
update your re-engagement strategy.
Discover what in-app activities trigger in-app
purchases and surface these appropriately; improve
your user's experience to increase engagement and
Remote Config can target custom app experiences
at members of different Analytics audiences and
measure the impact of their experiments using
Analytics reports.
Analytics will provide campaign attribution reporting
for AdWords, App Indexing, App Invites, Dynamic
Links, and Notifications.
40. More Firebase
Sample app: FriendlyPix
Codelab: FriendlyChat
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