This document provides an introduction to human resource development (HRD). It defines HRD as helping employees develop skills, knowledge and abilities through opportunities like training, career development, coaching and mentoring. The need for HRD is discussed, citing changing HR roles, knowledge-based organizations, and demanding customers. HRD's scope includes recruiting, performance analysis, developing managerial/behavioral skills, and learning through groups and job experiences. Objectives are to prepare employees for current and future jobs and promote development. Functions discussed are performance appraisal, training, executive development, and career planning.
• Human resource development (HRD) is the framework for
helping employees develop their personal &
organizational skills , knowledge and abilities.
• HRD includes such opportunities as employee training,
employee career development, performance
management and development, coaching, mentoring,
succession planning, key employee identification and
organizational development.
• Due to the changing role of HR functions.
• The shift of organization is from industrial era
models to knowledge era model.
• Customer today are more demanding, quality
conscious and cost sensitive.
• For motivating people, managers emphasize on
removal of barriers.
• Recruiting of employees.
• Analyzing, appraising and developing performance of
• Develop the employees in managerial and behavioral skills &
• Employee learning through group dynamics, intra and inter
team interaction.
• Learning through job rotation, job enrichment and
5. Employees & Employer
• Employees-
An employee is a person who works in the service
of another of hire, under which the employer has the right
to control the details of work performance
• Employer –
A person who is contractually bound to a
worker(the employeer) to give that worker money as a
salary or wage in exchange of ongoing work & for which is
employer directs the work & exercises fundamental control
over the work
•To prepare the employee to meet the present
and changing future job requirements.
•To prevent employee obsolescence
•To develop creative abilities and talents.
7. •To prepare employees for higher level
•Impart new entrant with basic HRD
skills and knowledge
•Develop the potentialities of people for
the next level job
8. •To aid total quality management (TQM)
•To promote individual and collective moral
, sense of responsibility , co-operative
attitudes and good relationships.
•To broaden the minds of senior managers
by providing them with opportunities for
an interchange of experiences within and
9. •To ensure smooth and efficient working of
the organization.
•To enhance organizational capabilities
•Performance appraisal-It is a systematic
evaluation of individuals with respect to
their performance on job and potential for
•Employee training – It is the process of
imparting the employees the technical,
operating skills and knowledge
11. • Executive development - It is the process of
designing and conducting suitable executive
development programs so as to develop the
managerial and human relation skills of
employees .
• Career planning and development- It is the
planning of one’s career and implementation of
career plans by means of education , training , job
search and acquisition of work experiences. It can
be done in three ways ,
1. Transfer
2. Promotion
3. Demotion
12. • Organization change and organization
It is the planned process designed to improve
organizational effectiveness and health through
modification in individual and group behavior
• Involvement in social and religious organizations.
• Involvement in workers’ participation in
• Involvement in quality circles
13. Present status of Construction
• Construction activity forms the basic activity
control development of other sector of activity
in National Development Plans.
• Construction is fairly labor intensive activity as
activity is mobile, seasonal and not continuous.
• As main generator of demand of construction
facilities , the govt. has vital role to play in the
development of domestic construction
14. • Construction industry mostly work on contract
system .
• The average age of skilled worker is getting close to
that to retirement and the sector is not engaged in
active process of replacing these skilled labor with
younger labor people.
• Secondly, the sector is experiencing a very high
turnover of workers, primarily in jobs with lower skill
requirements and in job that are mainly provided
through placework contracts.
15. •Challenges and issues facing the
construction industry are the need to :
• Replace skilled trades people to an aging workface.
• Manage labor supply in various industry.
• Recruit sufficient nos. to meet demands for skilled
• AgingWorkface-
• Labor shortage
• Attracting young people
• Maintaining currency
• Training Capacity
• Management & supervisory skills