2. ? AI = New Electricity By Andrew NG
? What was meaning of CEO?
? Chief Engineering Officer
? Chief Electrical Officer
? New Product = Any Product + Electricity
? Now New Product = Any Product + AI
3. Some more Quotes about AI
? AI + Product means People should be able to interact
with computing in a natural and seamless way. C Sundar
? The world's first trillionaire will be an AI entrepreneur C
Mark Cuban
? Predicting the future isn¨t magic, it¨s artificial intelligence.
- Dave Waters
4. AI Examples
Auto Tagging
Self Driving Car
E-commerce Recommendation
Gmail Smart Reply q
Windows Cortana , Apple Siri : Virtual Assistant
Prisma photo editor : Image to painting
6. AI ? ML ? DL ?
Artificial Intelligence,
deep learning, machine learning?
!?whatever you¨re doing
if you don¨t understand it
!?learn it.
Because otherwise you¨re going
to be a dinosaur
within 3 years. - Mark Cuban
15. Convolutional Neural Network
1. CNN is a feed-forward network that can extract topological properties
from an image.
2. Like almost every other neural networks they are trained with a version of
the back-propagation algorithm.
3. Convolutional Neural Networks are designed to recognize visual patterns
directly from pixel images with minimal preprocessing.
4. They can recognize patterns with extreme variability (such as handwritten
16. Deep Learning
1. Deep Learning can contain a number of layers of Neural Networks.
2. The input to each layer (two-dimensional arrays) looks a lot like the
output (two-dimensional arrays) from previous layer.
3. Each layer have a number of steps like Pooling, Convolution,
Rectification, Normalization, etc.
18. Convolution
So we will get maximum outputs at the pixels, where the
pattern matches with filter pixels.
19. Pooling
Pooling involves stepping a small
window across an image and taking
the maximum / average value from
the window at each step called
So 2 types of pooling:
- Average Pooling
- Max Pooling
20. Rectified Linear Units (ReLU)
1. ReLU is most used Activation
function in Neural Networks.
2. It¨s math is very simple!
wherever a negative number
occurs, swap it out for a 0.
3. This helps the CNN stay
mathematically healthy.
21. Fully connected layers
1. Fully connected layers take the
high-level filtered images and
translate them into categories.
22. CNN with MNIST Dataset