This document summarizes a Pachyderm workshop. The workshop introduced Pachyderm, a tool for creating rich-media interactive presentations. It explained why attendees should recommend or use Pachyderm for projects. Lunch was available. The workshop also described the OSU Media Manager for encoding video for Pachyderm and a wiki for sharing Pachyderm projects and discussions. Attendees were asked to provide evaluation feedback.
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Introduction to Pachyderm, Pachyderm Student Projects
1. Pachyderm Workshop
Pachyderm: pa-ki-derm
1. Any of various nonruminant mammals (as an elephant, a
rhinoceros, or a hippopotamus) of a former group (Pachydermata)
that have hooves or nails and usually thick skin; especially:
2. A web-based rich-media interactive (flash) presentation authoring
and publishing system.
Scott Sayre
Sandbox Studios
2. Why You?
You can recommend Pachyderm as a tool for future
You could use it for your own project development .
You could train and/or assist others in the use of
4. OSU Media Manager
Provides an online method to encode video for distribution
via Pachyderm, the web, email, etc.
Accepts almost any format of video, and can encode at
standard resolution (320 x 240) Pachyderm--or high
resolution (640 x 480).
Encodes all media in H.264 for playback using the popular
Flash player.
5. OSU Pachyderm Wiki
A collaborative workspace for Oregon State
University Pachyderm users.
Use this space to post your
questions, discussion ideas, and add links to
your Pachyderm projects to share with others.
6. Workshop Evaluation
Please take a few minutes to provide us
feedback by visiting:
Thank you!