Puppet is used to automate repetitive tasks and to give system administrators a flexible framework to build on. Puppet is written in Ruby, and comprises a configuration language to write manifests and modules, daemons to run the Puppet instructions on managed systems and to coordinate machines that are using Puppet, and a dashboard to help visualize your systems and create reports.
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Introduction to Puppet and Usage In Cloud
1. Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
Aditya Patawari
Fedora Ambassador and Contributor
System Administrator at Directi Internet Solutions
adimania on freenode irc
May 13, 2012
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
2. Topics
Challenges faced by a System Administrator
Why scripts fail to scale
Need of a con?g management tool, Puppet
Puppet installation and con?guration
Centralized infrastructure management
Cloud Is Di?erent
Cloud Intelligence For Puppet
Scaling Puppet master
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
3. Challenges Faced By A System Administrator
New servers. New applications. Updates.
Initial Con?guration. Management. Replication.
New joinees. People Leaving Organization.
Read Again from ?rst bullet. Essentially  ̄SyaAd Loop ̄
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
4. Why Scripts Fail To Scale
Looks Dirty, specially when exceed 1000 lines (50 for perl)
Master Slave Transport: Usually SSH :(
Changes with platform
More focus on  ̄how to do? ̄ than  ̄what to do? ̄
Do you like to Document?
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
5. Need Of A Con?g Management Tool, Puppet
Centralized Con?guration Management
Easy To Introduce New Nodes
Platform Independent Con?gs
Clear Structure = Self Documenting
Saves you from Carpel Tunnel!
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
6. Puppet vs Chef
Usually more people on IRC, faster replies on mailing lists
Puppet is older, more recipes available
Awesome documentation and reference books like Pro Puppet
Derived from my limited experience, criticism welcomed
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
7. Puppet Installation And Con?guration
yum, apt, gem
Client-Server Architecture
Precon?gured with basic setup.
TLS security: Puppet CA
The Magic File: site.pp
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
8. Puppet Installation And Con?guration
vim /etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
9. Puppet Installation And Con?guration
tree /etc/puppet
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
10. Centralized Infrastructure Management
Manifests and Modules
Classes and Nodes
include and inherits
Providers and Facts
Serving Static Files
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
11. Cloud Is Di?erent
Everything is Virtual
On-the-?y Provisioning
Puppet Needs to be Cloud Aware
Plan for Capacity
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
12. Cloud Intelligence For Puppet
Update Con?g Frequently
Handle Security Certi?cates of Clients
Regex Awesomeness
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
13. Scaling Puppet Master
Webrick? Get Passenger/Unicorn
Splitting o? the File Server
Load balancer and Puppet Cluster
Git can do Magic!
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud
14. Questions?
Now is your chance :)
Aditya Patawari Introduction To Puppet And Usage In Cloud