This document discusses Saving for Change (SfC), a savings-led microfinance initiative for rural poor populations. Some key points:
1) SfC works through informal groups of 20 people who save together and can take small loans. It operates outside of regulatory frameworks and builds on existing savings traditions.
2) SfC received funding from the Gates Foundation to expand to new areas, create training manuals, conduct research, and feasibility studies in Latin America.
3) SfC aims to provide financial services to populations that previously had little to no access, such as 70-80% of communities in Cambodia.
4) The goal is for villagers to replicate the program through 1,
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Introduction to Saving for Change
1. Saving for ChangeA joint Initiative of Oxfam America and FreedomfromHunger
10. No link to external creditGates Grant Four ComponentsExpansion 2. Manuals/Training-Oxfam/FfHResearchLatin American feasibility studyIf successful much more funding in 2 to 3 years
12. Saving for Change Created a new MF Market 10% had MFI or Credit union loan
25. Different Financial Products in Different MarketsCommercial Banks2 Billion People$1,500–$20,000 or more/yr.Credit UnionsNear PoorUpper PoorMFIs$2 to $4 per day/ $730–$1,500/yr.4 Billion PeoplePoor$1 to $2 per day/ $360–$730/yr.Detitute*Sources: VISA International, World Bank, C.K. Pralahad
26. Different Financial Products in Different MarketsCommercial Banks2 Billion People$1,500–$20,000 or more/yr.Credit UnionsNear PoorUpper PoorMFIs$2 to $4 per day/ $730–$1,500/yr.4 Billion PeopleSavings Led Poor$1 to $2 per day/ $360–$730/yr.Less than $1 per day/ $360/yr.Destitute
38. SfC Strategy for Scale UpDESIGNDELIVERYBuild on World Class ExperienceLeverage Local TraditionsMass-scale, Low-costBuild in SustainabilityVillagers train VillagersAdapt to Levels of LiteracyChose an Expansion StrategyBuild on OA StrengthsOne Product-Keep FocusedDelivery through Local NGOsSimple Metrics to Assess PerformanceConstant ImprovementDocument Outcomes and ImpactFundraiseAdvocate