Strategy Deployment is a process that links senior leadership strategic planning to enterprise-wide improvement projects and objectives. It involves establishing an organizational vision and strategic plan, deploying annual objectives to departments to develop targeted improvement plans, implementing plans through regular reviews, and annually evaluating progress. An effective Lean transformation requires developing internal structures and behaviors like consistency, teamwork, and ensuring everyone understands their role in strategy deployment and how it impacts organizational performance.
2. Strategy Deployment and Lean TransformationThis module outlines and explains the organizational structures necessary to ensure effective Lean project identification, implementation and managementotherwise known as Strategy DeploymentAdditionally this module will look creating a Lean organizational culture, which is a necessary precursor to deploying strategy effectively.
3. What is Strategy Deployment?Strategy Deployment is a process that ties senior leadership strategic planning into enterprise-wide business-improvement practices.Strategy Deployment is what links all the improvement project in the organization with the organization strategic objectives.
5. StrategicVisionThe place where the organisation sees itself in the future.It is a statement of what the organization stands for, believes in and why it existsThe vision articulates a credible, realisticand attractive future for the organisation
7. Strategy DeploymentIf followed systematically, strategy deployment can the key that enables the organization to deal with uncertainties in a dynamic and changing environment while still achieving its vision.
10. Defining StrategyStrategy is the long term game plan of the organization which helps them achieve:Successful performanceSustainability and competitivenessA unique and valuable position in the marketThis is achieved through..Configuration of resources and skillsMeeting the needs of all stakeholdersGiving a unique mix of value add to the customerAnd all this within an ever changing environment!!
11. 1. Establish Organizational Vision2. Develop 3-5 Year Strategic PlanOptional in some modelsThe 7-Step Hoshin Planning CyclePHASE 1: Well-done Strategic Planning3. Develop Annual ObjectivesPHASE 2: Heart of Hoshin Planning Process4. Deploy to Depts. to Develop Plans Including Targets and Means5. Implementation6. Regular Progress Reviews Monthly + Quarterly7. Annual Review The seven steps of the Hoshin planning process (Jolayemi, 2008)
12. Lean CultureToyota learned over many years that the key to a successful Lean transformation is the development of internal structures and behaviours to cope with the influence of external forces and changing environments on organisational performance..
19. Teams are better at identifying blocks to achieving important objectives
20. All members of the team should have their individual skills recognised and employed
Editor's Notes
#2: Welcome to the first module of the Leading Edge Lean Black Belt Course
#3: TIn this module we will outline and explain the organizational structures.Additionally..We will examine strategy deployment in general but also specifically Hoshin Kanri Planning.
#4: So is what is Strategy Deployment, it is a processAll the improvement activity should be able to be mapped right back to the organizations strategic objectives and if it cant be.. the question needs to be asked why are you devoting organizational resources to a quality improvement project that does not move the organization closer to its vision.
#5: Done correctly, you should be able link or map all the improvement activities and their objectives
#6: Strategy deployment starts with the organization vision.The vision is a statement of what the organization stands forThe vision articulates a Note that originally, the vision was a compelling description of the state and function of the organization once it had implemented the strategic planRecently, the vision has become more of a motivational tool, too often including highly idealistic phrasing with activities which the organization cannot realistically aspire. This is often the first challenge of deploying strategy since many organizational vision statements are not actionable or measurable making developing long term and short term objectives difficult
#7: This pyramid is a visual representation that illustrates how your mission linked through strategy deploymentit cascades down through the organization. and is ultimately linked to improvement efforts. That help the organization reach its vision. The vision is reached of course by deploying your organization strategy or its game plan and cascading that game plan through the whole organization so the all the effort, all the improvement work, all the Lean work is in support of the achieving the organizations vision.
#9: Ulitmately as represented in the Toyota House of Quality the purpose of strategy deployment is to help the organization provide the best quality product or service to its customerPrimary focus of Toyotas strategy was to eliminate waste within all process in order to compete effectively
#10: In this Strategy/Lean Relationship model.see that the purpose of Lean is to help concentrate the quality effort of the organization in achieving organizational strategy. Lean think is used to influence our strategy and in turn helps us redefine service concepts, increase our focus on the customer and exploit opportunities to expand services.
#11: Therefore Strategy Deployment obviously starts with defining your organizations strategy which is the long term.
#12: This is model represents the planning cycle and we will revisited this again later in the module As we have discussed, planning starts with vision and followed by the development of the 3-5 year strategic plan. That strategic plan is used to develop the annual objectives and as we will see later on in this module both the strategic plan and the annual objectives must be actionable and measurable. From the annual objectives, improvement plans are developed and implemented, they are regularly reviewed and the annual review of those annual objectives are fed back into the vision, strategic plan and the objective setting for the next year.The focus of the first unit in this module is to develop understanding of the process of strategy deployment so that the organization can measure the effectiveness of the strategy
#13: The second unit in the module focuses on the need to create a Lean culture so the all the organizations effort is in pursuit of achieving vision.Creating a Lean Culture is essential to achieving strategy
#14: Everyone has a role in strategy deploymentAnd leader must ensure
#15: In a Lean organization there are two key elements Consistency and TeamworkTeam work Is essential.Therefore it is necessary to create anAnd we will time and again as we move this first module of the black belt as well as all the subsequent modules that these two elements are foundational to Lean Thinking!