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Introduction to Machine
with Apache Spark!
Spark Meetup, 12.03.2015, Marko Veli? PhD
? 2014 - PhD in machine Learning, Faculty of
Organisation and Informatics, Varazdin, UNIZG
? Dozen of papers, projects and two patents pending in
machine learning
? Work experience:
? 2015. Data Lab ¨C consulting, ?Data Science¡± and machine
learning for some of the biggest companies (both Croatian
and global)
? Currently establishing Big Data department at Styria group
? 2013-2015 ¨C University Computing Centre, head of data
analysis department
? 2007-2013 ¨C CEO of one small development company
? Since 2011. Lecturer at Algebra University (C++, ML etc)
? Interests: artificial intelligence, machine learning,
computer vision, deep learning
Survey ¨C Your experience with
? Used/developed in commercial projects
? Used/developed in academia
? Trying out on my own
? Never have used
? Never heard
How do they do it?
? What is AI?
? What is ML?
? Learning types
? Variable types
? Spark MLlib and ML
? Naive Bayes
? Model testing
? Demo
? Where to learn ML? What¡¯s next?
What is AI?
Rules +
What is ML?
Learning types
? Supervised
? Class is known
? Learning from experience
? Unsupervised
? Class is unknown
? Grouping (searching for) similar
Synonyms in Croatian Synonyms in English
Opservacija, podatak Observation, Data instance, Example,
Data Sample, Point
Klasa, zavisna varijabla, ciljna varijabla Class, Dependent variable, Goal,
Varijabla, zna?ajka, atribut, nezavisna
Variable, Feature, Attribute,
Independent var.
Prenau?enost, pretreniranost modela Model Overfitting
Kontinuirane, kvantitativne varijable Continuous, Numeric, Quantitative
Diskretne, kvalitativne varijable Discrete, Qualitative
Klasifikacija, raspoznavanje,
Grupiranje, klasteriranje Clustering
Anotirani, ozna?eni podaci Annotated, Labelled Dataset (Points)
Data/Variable Types
Nominal Ordinal
Interval Ratio
= , <> > , < , >= , <= + , - * , /Possible operations:
Why is this important?
? Descriptive statistics
? Preprocessing techniques
? Choosing the ML method/algorithm
? Testing methodologies
? Results interpretation
More on this:
David Mease, Google Tech
Talks 2007
? MLlib
? Longer development
? Lots of developers and methods
? Tested well
? ML
? New
? Shoud make ML in Spark easier
? Support for the entire ML ?pipeline¡±
? Alpha
? Bugs?
Spark ¨C ML methods (MLlib)
? Data types
? Basic statistics
? summary statistics
? correlations
? stratified sampling
? hypothesis testing
? random data generation
? Classification and regression
? linear models (SVMs, logistic regression, linear regression)
? naive Bayes
? decision trees
? ensembles of trees (Random Forests and Gradient-Boosted Trees)
? Collaborative filtering
? alternating least squares (ALS)
? Clustering
? k-means
? Dimensionality reduction
? singular value decomposition (SVD)
? principal component analysis (PCA)
? Feature extraction and transformation
? Optimization (developer)
? stochastic gradient descent
? limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS)
Naive Bayes
Chills Runny Nose Headache Fever Flu?
Yes No Moderate Yes No
Yes Yes No No Yes
Yes No Strong Yes Yes
No Yes Moderate Yes Yes
No No No No No
No Yes Strong Yes Yes
No Yes Strong No No
Yes Yes Moderate Yes Yes
Yes No Moderate No ?
? What about the next patient? Symptoms:
Calculation 1/2
Condition Probability Condition Probability
P(Flu=Yes) 0,625 P(Flu=No) 0,375
P(Chills=Yes|Flu=Yes) 0,6 P(Chills=Yes|Flu=No) 0,333
P(Chills=No|Flu=Yes) 0,4 P(Chills=No|Flu=No) 0,666
P(Runny Nose=Yes|Flu=Yes) 0,8 P(Runny Nose=Yes|Flu=No) 0,333
P(Runny Nose=No|Flu=Yes) 0,2 P(Runny Nose=No|Flu=No) 0,666
P(Headache=Moderate|Flu=Yes) 0,4 P(Headache=Moderate|Flu=No) 0,333
P(Headache=No|Flu=Yes) 0,2 P(Headache=No|Flu=No) 0,333
P(Headache=Strong|Flu=Yes) 0,4 P(Headache=Strong|Flu=No) 0,333
P(Temperature=Yes|Flu=Yes) 0,8 P(Temperature=Yes|Flu=No) 0,333
P(Temperature=No|Flu=Yes) 0,2 P(Temperature=No|Flu=No) 0,666
Calculation 2/2
? Za pacijenta:
? Just multiply:
? P(Flu=Yes)P(Chills=Yes|Flu=Yes)P(Runny
=No|Flu=Yes) = ?
? P(Flu=No)P(Chills=Yes|Flu=No)P(Runny
No|Flu=No) = ?
Example source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAfarappAO0
Chills Runny Nose Headache Fever Flu?
Yes No Moderate No ?
Model testing ¨C confusion matrix
and error types
Predicted Value
Positive (P¡¯) Negative (N¡¯)
Actual Value
Positive (P) True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN)
Negative (N) False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)
Model testing ¨C success/accuracy
? Classification Accuracy
? Sensitivity
? TP/P = TP/(TP+FN)
? Specificity
? Positive Predictive Value PPV
TP/P¡¯ = TP/(TP+FP)
? Negative Predictive Value NPV
TN/N¡¯ = TN/(TN + FN)
Why ML in Spark?
? MLlib (and ML) based on Spark
? Speed comes from Spark (distributed learning, in
memory, fault tolerance etc...)
? Lots of Algorothms
? API is simple to use
? Various languages (Scala, Java, Python)
? Open source community (very active)
? Simple integration with other Spark components
eg. Spark Streaming and ?online¡± learning
? Spark ecosystem for the entire ?pipeline¡±
Source: "MLlib: Spark's Machine Learning Library" by Ameet Talwalkar at
AMPCamp 5 - http://www.slideshare.net/jeykottalam/mllib
? Always starting with ?table¡±
? Rows are data points
? Columns are variables/features
? Dense ¨C All fields are filled
? Sparse ¨C Only ?non-zero¡± data
? Feature hashing
?John likes to watch movies.
?Mary likes movies too.
?John also likes football.
?John likes to watch movies. Mary likes too.
John also likes to watch football games.¡±
Dictionary: {"John": 1, "likes": 2, "to": 3, "watch": 4, "movies": 5, "also": 6, "football": 7,
"games": 8, "Mary": 9, "too": 10}
Matrix: [[1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1] [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0]]
Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_hashing and
Spark Demo ¨C Sentiment Analysis
? Annotated dataset of
business news in
Croatian language
? Source: icapital.hr
? Small dataset (500)
? We do not expect
spectacular results ?
? Three classes
? Positive
? Negative
? Neutral?
Natural Language Processing /
Text Mining
? Preprocessing
? Stemming
? Lemamatization
? Features
? Bag of Words, n-grams
? TF(t) (Term Frequency) = Occurances of term t in
document / Total number of terms in document
? IDF(t) (Inverse Document Frequency) = log(Total number
of documents / Documents containing t)
? Linguistic variables...
NLP in Croatia
? Free components
? http://nlp.ffzg.hr
? Text Mining Add-On for Orange
? https://bitbucket.org/biolab/orange-text/src
? FOI ¨C www.foi.hr
? Someone else?
Typical ML/NLP workflow (Orange)
Most of this we can do in Spark, soon all of it (ML ?Pipelines¡±)...
Where to learn ML?
? Coratian universities
? FER, FOI, PMF, Algebra, FFZG for NLP etc.
? By yourself ¨C Internet ?
? Papers, books, blogs
? MOOCs (Coursera, edX etc.)
? Famous https://www.coursera.org/course/ml
? Prerequisites (beside programming):
? https://www.khanacademy.org/math/differential-calculus
? https://www.khanacademy.org/math/linear-algebra
? https://www.khanacademy.org/math/probability
? https://www.coursera.org/course/matrix
? https://www.coursera.org/learn/calculus1
? Great resource for Spark: http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/
Next lectures?
? Entropy and variable importance?
? Methods
? Linear regression and optimization (Gradient descent)
? Logistic regression
? Decision trees (Random Forests)
? Unsupervised learning
? Collaborative filtering
? Neural networks (not in Spark ? - for now ?)
? ...
? Model testing (sampling, measures, ROC curve...)
? ML tips&tricks (regularization, overfitting etc.)
? ...
? What is AI?
? What is ML?
? Learning types
? Variable types
? Spark MLlib and ML
? Naive Bayes
? Model testing
? Demo
? Where to learn ML? What¡¯s next?

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  • 1. Introduction to Machine Learning with Apache Spark! Spark Meetup, 12.03.2015, Marko Veli? PhD
  • 2. Lecturer ? 2014 - PhD in machine Learning, Faculty of Organisation and Informatics, Varazdin, UNIZG ? Dozen of papers, projects and two patents pending in machine learning ? Work experience: ? 2015. Data Lab ¨C consulting, ?Data Science¡± and machine learning for some of the biggest companies (both Croatian and global) ? Currently establishing Big Data department at Styria group ? 2013-2015 ¨C University Computing Centre, head of data analysis department ? 2007-2013 ¨C CEO of one small development company ? Since 2011. Lecturer at Algebra University (C++, ML etc) ? Interests: artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer vision, deep learning
  • 3. Survey ¨C Your experience with ML? ? Used/developed in commercial projects ? Used/developed in academia ? Trying out on my own ? Never have used ? Never heard
  • 4. How do they do it?
  • 5. Content ? What is AI? ? What is ML? ? Learning types ? Variable types ? Spark MLlib and ML ? Naive Bayes ? Model testing ? Demo ? Where to learn ML? What¡¯s next?
  • 6. What is AI? AI Heuristics Rules + Logic Fuzzy Logic Machine Learning
  • 8. Learning types ? Supervised ? Class is known ? Learning from experience ? Unsupervised ? Class is unknown ? Grouping (searching for) similar points
  • 9. Trminology Synonyms in Croatian Synonyms in English Opservacija, podatak Observation, Data instance, Example, Data Sample, Point Klasa, zavisna varijabla, ciljna varijabla Class, Dependent variable, Goal, Outcome Varijabla, zna?ajka, atribut, nezavisna var. Variable, Feature, Attribute, Independent var. Prenau?enost, pretreniranost modela Model Overfitting Kontinuirane, kvantitativne varijable Continuous, Numeric, Quantitative Diskretne, kvalitativne varijable Discrete, Qualitative Klasifikacija, raspoznavanje, razvrstavanje Classification Grupiranje, klasteriranje Clustering Anotirani, ozna?eni podaci Annotated, Labelled Dataset (Points)
  • 10. Data/Variable Types Discrete Nominal Ordinal Continuous Interval Ratio = , <> > , < , >= , <= + , - * , /Possible operations: Why is this important? ? Descriptive statistics ? Preprocessing techniques ? Choosing the ML method/algorithm ? Testing methodologies ? Results interpretation More on this: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=YFC2KUmEebc David Mease, Google Tech Talks 2007
  • 11. Spark ? MLlib ? Longer development ? Lots of developers and methods ? Tested well ? ML ? New ? Shoud make ML in Spark easier ? Support for the entire ML ?pipeline¡± ? Alpha ? Bugs?
  • 12. Spark ¨C ML methods (MLlib) ? Data types ? Basic statistics ? summary statistics ? correlations ? stratified sampling ? hypothesis testing ? random data generation ? Classification and regression ? linear models (SVMs, logistic regression, linear regression) ? naive Bayes ? decision trees ? ensembles of trees (Random Forests and Gradient-Boosted Trees) ? Collaborative filtering ? alternating least squares (ALS) ? Clustering ? k-means ? Dimensionality reduction ? singular value decomposition (SVD) ? principal component analysis (PCA) ? Feature extraction and transformation ? Optimization (developer) ? stochastic gradient descent ? limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS)
  • 13. Naive Bayes Chills Runny Nose Headache Fever Flu? Yes No Moderate Yes No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No Strong Yes Yes No Yes Moderate Yes Yes No No No No No No Yes Strong Yes Yes No Yes Strong No No Yes Yes Moderate Yes Yes Yes No Moderate No ? ? What about the next patient? Symptoms:
  • 14. Calculation 1/2 Condition Probability Condition Probability P(Flu=Yes) 0,625 P(Flu=No) 0,375 P(Chills=Yes|Flu=Yes) 0,6 P(Chills=Yes|Flu=No) 0,333 P(Chills=No|Flu=Yes) 0,4 P(Chills=No|Flu=No) 0,666 P(Runny Nose=Yes|Flu=Yes) 0,8 P(Runny Nose=Yes|Flu=No) 0,333 P(Runny Nose=No|Flu=Yes) 0,2 P(Runny Nose=No|Flu=No) 0,666 P(Headache=Moderate|Flu=Yes) 0,4 P(Headache=Moderate|Flu=No) 0,333 P(Headache=No|Flu=Yes) 0,2 P(Headache=No|Flu=No) 0,333 P(Headache=Strong|Flu=Yes) 0,4 P(Headache=Strong|Flu=No) 0,333 P(Temperature=Yes|Flu=Yes) 0,8 P(Temperature=Yes|Flu=No) 0,333 P(Temperature=No|Flu=Yes) 0,2 P(Temperature=No|Flu=No) 0,666 )( )()|( )|( EP HPHEP EHP ? ?
  • 15. Calculation 2/2 ? Za pacijenta: ? Just multiply: ? P(Flu=Yes)P(Chills=Yes|Flu=Yes)P(Runny Nose=No|Flu=Yes)P(Headache=Moderate|Flu=Yes)P(Temperature =No|Flu=Yes) = ? ? P(Flu=No)P(Chills=Yes|Flu=No)P(Runny Nose=No|Flu=No)P(Headache=Moderate|Flu=No)P(Temperature= No|Flu=No) = ? Example source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZAfarappAO0 Chills Runny Nose Headache Fever Flu? Yes No Moderate No ?
  • 16. Model testing ¨C confusion matrix and error types Predicted Value Positive (P¡¯) Negative (N¡¯) Actual Value Positive (P) True Positive (TP) False Negative (FN) Negative (N) False Positive (FP) True Negative (TN)
  • 17. Model testing ¨C success/accuracy measures ? Classification Accuracy ? (TP+TN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN) ? Sensitivity ? TP/P = TP/(TP+FN) ? Specificity TN/N = TN/(TN+FP) ? Positive Predictive Value PPV TP/P¡¯ = TP/(TP+FP) ? Negative Predictive Value NPV TN/N¡¯ = TN/(TN + FN)
  • 18. Why ML in Spark? ? MLlib (and ML) based on Spark ? Speed comes from Spark (distributed learning, in memory, fault tolerance etc...) ? Lots of Algorothms ? API is simple to use ? Various languages (Scala, Java, Python) ? Open source community (very active) ? Simple integration with other Spark components eg. Spark Streaming and ?online¡± learning ? Spark ecosystem for the entire ?pipeline¡±
  • 19. Source: "MLlib: Spark's Machine Learning Library" by Ameet Talwalkar at AMPCamp 5 - http://www.slideshare.net/jeykottalam/mllib
  • 20. Features ? Always starting with ?table¡± ? Rows are data points ? Columns are variables/features ? Dense ¨C All fields are filled ? Sparse ¨C Only ?non-zero¡± data ? Feature hashing ?John likes to watch movies. ?Mary likes movies too. ?John also likes football. ?John likes to watch movies. Mary likes too. John also likes to watch football games.¡± Dictionary: {"John": 1, "likes": 2, "to": 3, "watch": 4, "movies": 5, "also": 6, "football": 7, "games": 8, "Mary": 9, "too": 10} Matrix: [[1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1] [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0]] Sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feature_hashing and http://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/73325/understanding-feature-hashing
  • 21. Spark Demo ¨C Sentiment Analysis ? Annotated dataset of business news in Croatian language ? Source: icapital.hr ? Small dataset (500) ? We do not expect spectacular results ? ? Three classes ? Positive ? Negative ? Neutral?
  • 22. Natural Language Processing / Text Mining ? Preprocessing ? Stemming ? Lemamatization ? Features ? Bag of Words, n-grams ? TF(t) (Term Frequency) = Occurances of term t in document / Total number of terms in document ? IDF(t) (Inverse Document Frequency) = log(Total number of documents / Documents containing t) ? Linguistic variables...
  • 23. NLP in Croatia ? FFZG ? Free components ? http://nlp.ffzg.hr ? FER ? Text Mining Add-On for Orange ? https://bitbucket.org/biolab/orange-text/src ? FOI ¨C www.foi.hr ? Someone else?
  • 24. Typical ML/NLP workflow (Orange) Most of this we can do in Spark, soon all of it (ML ?Pipelines¡±)...
  • 25. Where to learn ML? ? Coratian universities ? FER, FOI, PMF, Algebra, FFZG for NLP etc. ? By yourself ¨C Internet ? ? Papers, books, blogs ? MOOCs (Coursera, edX etc.) ? Famous https://www.coursera.org/course/ml ? Prerequisites (beside programming): ? https://www.khanacademy.org/math/differential-calculus ? https://www.khanacademy.org/math/linear-algebra ? https://www.khanacademy.org/math/probability ? https://www.coursera.org/course/matrix ? https://www.coursera.org/learn/calculus1 ? Great resource for Spark: http://ampcamp.berkeley.edu/
  • 26. Next lectures? ? Entropy and variable importance? ? Methods ? Linear regression and optimization (Gradient descent) ? Logistic regression ? Decision trees (Random Forests) ? Unsupervised learning ? Collaborative filtering ? Neural networks (not in Spark ? - for now ?) ? ... ? Model testing (sampling, measures, ROC curve...) ? ML tips&tricks (regularization, overfitting etc.) ? ...
  • 27. Content ? What is AI? ? What is ML? ? Learning types ? Variable types ? Spark MLlib and ML ? Naive Bayes ? Model testing ? Demo ? Where to learn ML? What¡¯s next?