This document provides an introduction to machine learning with Apache Spark. It discusses what machine learning and artificial intelligence are, different types of learning including supervised and unsupervised, variable types, Spark's MLlib library and algorithms like Naive Bayes, model testing, and where to learn more about machine learning. It also advertises an upcoming Spark demo and suggestions for future lecture topics.
If there is one crucial thing in building ML models, this would be the data preparation. That is the process of transforming raw data to a state where machine learning algorithms could be run to disclose insights and make predictions. Data preparation involves analysis, depends on the nature of the problem and the particular algorithms. As far as there are knowledge and experience involved, there is no such thing as automation, which makes the role of the data scientist the key to success.
ML is trendy and Microsoft already have more than 10 services to support ML. So we will focus on tools like Azure ML Workbench and Python for data preparation, review some common tricks to approach data and experiment in Azure ML Studio.
Apply chinese radicals into neural machine translation: deeper than character...Lifeng (Aaron) Han
The document proposes incorporating Chinese radicals into neural machine translation models. It discusses related work incorporating word and character level information into neural MT. The proposed model combines radical-level MT with an attention-based neural model, representing input text with word, character, and radical combinations. Experiments show the character+radical and word+radical models outperform baselines on standard MT evaluation metrics using a Chinese-English dataset. Future work includes improving model optimization and testing on additional data.
[] improving user experience with text mining and deep learning in UberPaul Lo
Talk on in December - How to improve user experience in Uber via text mining and AI 12ÔÂÔ•þÑÝÖvÖ÷î}: ÈçºÎʹÓÃAI¼°Text mining¸ÄÉÆUberµÄʹÓÃÕßówòž
[PythonPH] Transforming the call center with Text mining and Deep learning (C...Paul Lo
Transforming the call center with Text mining and Deep learning:
1. Text ming tool to unlock user insights
2. Artificial Intelligence revolution in call centers: deep learning-based bot
This document discusses aspect based sentiment analysis using recurrent neural networks. It describes annotating review data and developing a GUI for annotation. An API was created to extract aspect terms. A recurrent neural network model was implemented using Deeplearning4j with backpropagation through time to classify inputs. The system was trained on 1/3 of the data and achieved accuracy on the test data. Challenges included not reaching 100% accuracy and most terms being unrelated to aspects. Future work proposed using additional features and different neural network architectures.
A tremendous backlog of predictive modeling problems in the industry and short supply of trained data scientists have spiked interest in automation over the last few years. A new academic field, AutoML, has emerged. However, there is a significant gap between the topics that are academically interesting and automation capabilities that are necessary to solve real-world industrial problems end-to-end. An even greater challenge is enabling a non-expert to build a robust and trustworthy AI solution for their company. In this talk, we¡¯ll discuss what an industry-grade AutoML system consists of and the scientific and engineering challenges of building it.
This document discusses entity linking, which is the task of finding topics in text by linking surface forms to topics represented by Wikipedia URIs. It describes a statistical method inspired by DBpedia Spotlight that builds an annotation model from Wikipedia data by extracting statistics on surface forms, topics, and their associations. These statistics are then used to annotate new text by deciding whether to annotate surface forms, which topic they refer to, and addressing challenges like ambiguity through rules and probability adjustments.
Driving Sales, Engagement, and Loyalty Through Mobile MarketingVivastream
The document discusses how mobile marketing is no longer optional for driving sales, engagement, and loyalty. It provides an overview of key findings from interviews with over three dozen marketers, including that mobile bridges distances and generations, and meat-and-potatoes tactics often prove most effective. The document also examines changes in consumer behavior driven by the rise of mobile technologies and ubiquitous connectivity, such as the evolution of media consumption and shopping patterns to be more interactive and integrated across devices.
Follett School Solutions is responding to Houston Independent School District's (HISD) request for proposals for a new student information system (SIS). Follett is proposing its Aspen SIS product which provides a flexible, scalable solution. Follett has experience implementing SIS solutions in large, metropolitan districts. If selected, Follett would leverage its existing relationship with HISD through the Destiny Library solution to ensure a smooth implementation.
Dossier de prensa del Seminario de la Fundaci¨®n Mu?ecos por el DesarrolloNuriaCastejon
Dossier de prensa del Seminario de la Fundaci¨®n Mu?ecos por el Desarrollo. Segovia (del 9 al 11 de marzo)
Presentation by Bruno Tran, Grain Postharvest Scientist, National Resources Institute, University of Greenwich
Session: TechTalk for Ag.
on 7 Nov 2013
ICT4Ag, Kigali, Rwanda
Este documento presenta la memoria de una investigaci¨®n sobre la caracterizaci¨®n de derivados de pi?a como zumos y n¨¦ctares. Incluye una introducci¨®n sobre la importancia del tema y los objetivos del estudio. Adem¨¢s, contiene una revisi¨®n general sobre la pi?a, su composici¨®n, productos derivados y legislaci¨®n aplicable. Finalmente, detalla el plan experimental realizado para analizar muestras de zumos y n¨¦ctares de pi?a.
Este documento presenta breves biograf¨ªas de 20 expertos en temas relacionados con la transici¨®n energ¨¦tica, el medio ambiente y la justicia clim¨¢tica. Entre ellos se encuentran activistas, periodistas, ingenieros, soci¨®logos, economistas y acad¨¦micos de Espa?a, B¨¦lgica, Francia, Bolivia y Alemania que trabajan en organizaciones no gubernamentales, universidades y movimientos sociales para promover alternativas energ¨¦ticas sostenibles y combatir el cambio clim¨¢tico.
Este documento describe los efectos da?inos de los plaguicidas en la salud humana y el medio ambiente. En particular, se?ala que los plaguicidas pueden causar una variedad de problemas de salud agudos y cr¨®nicos, y son especialmente peligrosos para los ni?os. Tambi¨¦n detalla c¨®mo los habitantes de una aldea en la India lucharon para detener el uso del plaguicida endosulf¨¢n despu¨¦s de que este causara una serie de defectos de nacimiento y enfermedades graves en la poblaci¨®n local.
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pertalian persusuan dari perspektif hak anak. Pertalian persusuan diakui sebagai hak anak atas hidup dan tumbuh kembang, serta memiliki implikasi hukum dalam hukum keluarga.
2. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas argumen untuk mengakui dan melindungi relasi hukum pertalian persusuan sebagai bentuk perlindungan hak hidup, kelangsungan hidup, dan pertumbuhan an
The Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce (NL Chamber) was established in 2012 by 50 Macedonian companies, one third of which are partly or fully Dutch owned. NL Chamber promotes business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies. The document provides information on NL Chamber events, members, board, and networking activities to connect Dutch and Macedonian businesses.
1) As of December 2004, Portugal had an estimated total installed wind power capacity of 541 MW across various wind farm projects.
2) The estimated sustainable wind potential in continental Portugal was 4800 MW, and there were approximately 2000 MW of wind projects under construction and 2000 MW in the project phase with licensed grid capacity.
3) The document provides detailed information on 48 individual wind farm projects in Portugal as of December 2004, including project name, location, owner, capacity, number of turbines, turbine power, manufacturer, and model.
Vital Technologies is a Pakistani manufacturer and exporter of high quality surgical instruments that has operated for over two decades. Their vision is to be a globally recognized quality leader through highly skilled employees that provide precision quality instruments and services of exceptional value to support customers. They produce a wide range of over 50 types of surgical instruments across several medical specialties, with a focus on quality, integrity, passion for their brands and teamwork.
Nuevos #Cursos de #SocialMedia:
- Distintos #Niveles (B¨¢sico-Experto) Ya sea para empezar desde cero o para seguir form¨¢ndose en el sector.
- #Bonificados o #Privados.
- Modalidad #Presencial (F¨ªsico o #Videoconferencia)
Los cursos son #adaptables a las necesidades de tu #empresa
El documento describe las ventajas de un sistema de gesti¨®n de relaciones con clientes basado en redes sociales (Social CRM) sobre los modelos tradicionales de CRM. Explica que un Social CRM permite acceder y gestionar toda la informaci¨®n de contacto de clientes en un solo lugar de forma sencilla y econ¨®mica a trav¨¦s de cualquier navegador, a diferencia de los sistemas CRM tradicionales que son m¨¢s r¨ªgidos y caros. Tambi¨¦n se?ala que las redes sociales han cambiado la forma en que las personas se comunican y
Internet es una red global que conecta dispositivos y redes para compartir informaci¨®n. Ha ganado popularidad por su capacidad de almacenar datos de todo tipo accesibles para el p¨²blico. Esto permite a las personas informarse, aprender, comunicarse y divertirse a trav¨¦s de texto, audio, video e im¨¢genes. Las redes sociales en Internet permiten a las personas conectarse con amigos y hacer nuevas amistades compartiendo intereses comunes.
El documento habla sobre el espiritismo y la astrolog¨ªa. Brevemente resume que el espiritismo se refiere a la creencia en la comunicaci¨®n con esp¨ªritus y ha existido en diversas formas en todos los continentes. La astrolog¨ªa se refiere a la creencia de que los astros y planetas determinan los eventos y personalidad de una persona. Ambas pr¨¢cticas son criticadas por algunas religiones.
PFC - Migraci¨®n de un entorno web a Cloud Computing Amazon EC2 6David Fernandez
Este documento presenta la migraci¨®n de un entorno web a la nube de Amazon EC2. Comienza describiendo la motivaci¨®n y objetivos del proyecto, que son migrar un aplicativo web desde m¨¢quinas f¨ªsicas a Xen, luego a Eucalyptus y finalmente a Amazon EC2. Explica brevemente la planificaci¨®n inicial del proyecto y divide el contenido en introducci¨®n, antecedentes t¨¦cnicos, configuraciones, migraciones y conclusiones.
Informe de resultados del proyecto "Xarxa Val¨¨ncia Turisme" para la promoci¨®n de los destinos tur¨ªsticos mediante las redes sociales
Centro Cultural la Benefici¨¦ncia
17 octubre 2016
Social Business - From Stickmen and Cubicles to Whipping and a Princess CakeIBM Danmark
By Christian Carlsson, IBM Denmark,
In lack of a better title, "From Stickmen and Cubicles to Whipping and a Princess Cake" is Christian's take on what Social Business is and what is required to become one. Originally presented at the event in Copenhagen May 24th 2012, and other events after that.
This document discusses the history and brand management of Apple from its founding by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976 to the present day. It describes key events like the development of the Apple I and II computers, the launch of the Macintosh in 1984, the introduction of the iPod and iTunes in 2001, and the iPhone in 2007. It also profiles important figures like Jobs and discusses Apple's emphasis on design, innovation, and keeping its products closely aligned with its brand strategy and values over several decades of success.
Leveraging NLP and Deep Learning for Document Recommendations in the CloudDatabricks
Efficient recommender systems are critical for the success of many industries, such as job recommendation, news recommendation, ecommerce, etc. This talk will illustrate how to build an efficient document recommender system by leveraging Natural Language Processing(NLP) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). The end-to-end flow of the document recommender system is build on AWS at scale, using Analytics Zoo for Spark and BigDL. The system first processes text rich documents into embeddings by incorporating Global Vectors (GloVe), then trains a K-means model using native Spark APIs to cluster users into several groups. The system further trains a recommender model for each group, and gives an ensemble prediction for each test record. By adopting the end-to-end pipeline of Analytics Zoo solution, we saw about 10% improvement of mean reciprocal ranking and 6% of precision respectively compared to the search recommendations for a job recommendation study.
Speaker: Guoqiong Song
This document provides an overview of machine learning for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) developers. It begins with introductions to the speaker and topics to be covered. It then discusses the growth of data and opportunities for machine learning applications. Key machine learning concepts are defined, including observations, features, models, supervised vs. unsupervised learning, and common algorithms like classification, regression, and clustering. Popular JVM machine learning tools are listed, with Spark/MLlib highlighted for its community support and implementation of standard algorithms. Example machine learning demos on price prediction and spam classification are described. The document concludes with recommendations for further learning resources.
Driving Sales, Engagement, and Loyalty Through Mobile MarketingVivastream
The document discusses how mobile marketing is no longer optional for driving sales, engagement, and loyalty. It provides an overview of key findings from interviews with over three dozen marketers, including that mobile bridges distances and generations, and meat-and-potatoes tactics often prove most effective. The document also examines changes in consumer behavior driven by the rise of mobile technologies and ubiquitous connectivity, such as the evolution of media consumption and shopping patterns to be more interactive and integrated across devices.
Follett School Solutions is responding to Houston Independent School District's (HISD) request for proposals for a new student information system (SIS). Follett is proposing its Aspen SIS product which provides a flexible, scalable solution. Follett has experience implementing SIS solutions in large, metropolitan districts. If selected, Follett would leverage its existing relationship with HISD through the Destiny Library solution to ensure a smooth implementation.
Dossier de prensa del Seminario de la Fundaci¨®n Mu?ecos por el DesarrolloNuriaCastejon
Dossier de prensa del Seminario de la Fundaci¨®n Mu?ecos por el Desarrollo. Segovia (del 9 al 11 de marzo)
Presentation by Bruno Tran, Grain Postharvest Scientist, National Resources Institute, University of Greenwich
Session: TechTalk for Ag.
on 7 Nov 2013
ICT4Ag, Kigali, Rwanda
Este documento presenta la memoria de una investigaci¨®n sobre la caracterizaci¨®n de derivados de pi?a como zumos y n¨¦ctares. Incluye una introducci¨®n sobre la importancia del tema y los objetivos del estudio. Adem¨¢s, contiene una revisi¨®n general sobre la pi?a, su composici¨®n, productos derivados y legislaci¨®n aplicable. Finalmente, detalla el plan experimental realizado para analizar muestras de zumos y n¨¦ctares de pi?a.
Este documento presenta breves biograf¨ªas de 20 expertos en temas relacionados con la transici¨®n energ¨¦tica, el medio ambiente y la justicia clim¨¢tica. Entre ellos se encuentran activistas, periodistas, ingenieros, soci¨®logos, economistas y acad¨¦micos de Espa?a, B¨¦lgica, Francia, Bolivia y Alemania que trabajan en organizaciones no gubernamentales, universidades y movimientos sociales para promover alternativas energ¨¦ticas sostenibles y combatir el cambio clim¨¢tico.
Este documento describe los efectos da?inos de los plaguicidas en la salud humana y el medio ambiente. En particular, se?ala que los plaguicidas pueden causar una variedad de problemas de salud agudos y cr¨®nicos, y son especialmente peligrosos para los ni?os. Tambi¨¦n detalla c¨®mo los habitantes de una aldea en la India lucharon para detener el uso del plaguicida endosulf¨¢n despu¨¦s de que este causara una serie de defectos de nacimiento y enfermedades graves en la poblaci¨®n local.
1. Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang pertalian persusuan dari perspektif hak anak. Pertalian persusuan diakui sebagai hak anak atas hidup dan tumbuh kembang, serta memiliki implikasi hukum dalam hukum keluarga.
2. Dokumen tersebut juga membahas argumen untuk mengakui dan melindungi relasi hukum pertalian persusuan sebagai bentuk perlindungan hak hidup, kelangsungan hidup, dan pertumbuhan an
The Dutch-Macedonian Chamber of Commerce (NL Chamber) was established in 2012 by 50 Macedonian companies, one third of which are partly or fully Dutch owned. NL Chamber promotes business relations between Dutch and Macedonian companies. The document provides information on NL Chamber events, members, board, and networking activities to connect Dutch and Macedonian businesses.
1) As of December 2004, Portugal had an estimated total installed wind power capacity of 541 MW across various wind farm projects.
2) The estimated sustainable wind potential in continental Portugal was 4800 MW, and there were approximately 2000 MW of wind projects under construction and 2000 MW in the project phase with licensed grid capacity.
3) The document provides detailed information on 48 individual wind farm projects in Portugal as of December 2004, including project name, location, owner, capacity, number of turbines, turbine power, manufacturer, and model.
Vital Technologies is a Pakistani manufacturer and exporter of high quality surgical instruments that has operated for over two decades. Their vision is to be a globally recognized quality leader through highly skilled employees that provide precision quality instruments and services of exceptional value to support customers. They produce a wide range of over 50 types of surgical instruments across several medical specialties, with a focus on quality, integrity, passion for their brands and teamwork.
Nuevos #Cursos de #SocialMedia:
- Distintos #Niveles (B¨¢sico-Experto) Ya sea para empezar desde cero o para seguir form¨¢ndose en el sector.
- #Bonificados o #Privados.
- Modalidad #Presencial (F¨ªsico o #Videoconferencia)
Los cursos son #adaptables a las necesidades de tu #empresa
El documento describe las ventajas de un sistema de gesti¨®n de relaciones con clientes basado en redes sociales (Social CRM) sobre los modelos tradicionales de CRM. Explica que un Social CRM permite acceder y gestionar toda la informaci¨®n de contacto de clientes en un solo lugar de forma sencilla y econ¨®mica a trav¨¦s de cualquier navegador, a diferencia de los sistemas CRM tradicionales que son m¨¢s r¨ªgidos y caros. Tambi¨¦n se?ala que las redes sociales han cambiado la forma en que las personas se comunican y
Internet es una red global que conecta dispositivos y redes para compartir informaci¨®n. Ha ganado popularidad por su capacidad de almacenar datos de todo tipo accesibles para el p¨²blico. Esto permite a las personas informarse, aprender, comunicarse y divertirse a trav¨¦s de texto, audio, video e im¨¢genes. Las redes sociales en Internet permiten a las personas conectarse con amigos y hacer nuevas amistades compartiendo intereses comunes.
El documento habla sobre el espiritismo y la astrolog¨ªa. Brevemente resume que el espiritismo se refiere a la creencia en la comunicaci¨®n con esp¨ªritus y ha existido en diversas formas en todos los continentes. La astrolog¨ªa se refiere a la creencia de que los astros y planetas determinan los eventos y personalidad de una persona. Ambas pr¨¢cticas son criticadas por algunas religiones.
PFC - Migraci¨®n de un entorno web a Cloud Computing Amazon EC2 6David Fernandez
Este documento presenta la migraci¨®n de un entorno web a la nube de Amazon EC2. Comienza describiendo la motivaci¨®n y objetivos del proyecto, que son migrar un aplicativo web desde m¨¢quinas f¨ªsicas a Xen, luego a Eucalyptus y finalmente a Amazon EC2. Explica brevemente la planificaci¨®n inicial del proyecto y divide el contenido en introducci¨®n, antecedentes t¨¦cnicos, configuraciones, migraciones y conclusiones.
Informe de resultados del proyecto "Xarxa Val¨¨ncia Turisme" para la promoci¨®n de los destinos tur¨ªsticos mediante las redes sociales
Centro Cultural la Benefici¨¦ncia
17 octubre 2016
Social Business - From Stickmen and Cubicles to Whipping and a Princess CakeIBM Danmark
By Christian Carlsson, IBM Denmark,
In lack of a better title, "From Stickmen and Cubicles to Whipping and a Princess Cake" is Christian's take on what Social Business is and what is required to become one. Originally presented at the event in Copenhagen May 24th 2012, and other events after that.
This document discusses the history and brand management of Apple from its founding by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak in 1976 to the present day. It describes key events like the development of the Apple I and II computers, the launch of the Macintosh in 1984, the introduction of the iPod and iTunes in 2001, and the iPhone in 2007. It also profiles important figures like Jobs and discusses Apple's emphasis on design, innovation, and keeping its products closely aligned with its brand strategy and values over several decades of success.
Leveraging NLP and Deep Learning for Document Recommendations in the CloudDatabricks
Efficient recommender systems are critical for the success of many industries, such as job recommendation, news recommendation, ecommerce, etc. This talk will illustrate how to build an efficient document recommender system by leveraging Natural Language Processing(NLP) and Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). The end-to-end flow of the document recommender system is build on AWS at scale, using Analytics Zoo for Spark and BigDL. The system first processes text rich documents into embeddings by incorporating Global Vectors (GloVe), then trains a K-means model using native Spark APIs to cluster users into several groups. The system further trains a recommender model for each group, and gives an ensemble prediction for each test record. By adopting the end-to-end pipeline of Analytics Zoo solution, we saw about 10% improvement of mean reciprocal ranking and 6% of precision respectively compared to the search recommendations for a job recommendation study.
Speaker: Guoqiong Song
This document provides an overview of machine learning for Java Virtual Machine (JVM) developers. It begins with introductions to the speaker and topics to be covered. It then discusses the growth of data and opportunities for machine learning applications. Key machine learning concepts are defined, including observations, features, models, supervised vs. unsupervised learning, and common algorithms like classification, regression, and clustering. Popular JVM machine learning tools are listed, with Spark/MLlib highlighted for its community support and implementation of standard algorithms. Example machine learning demos on price prediction and spam classification are described. The document concludes with recommendations for further learning resources.
This document summarizes a presentation about babysitting your ORM with a custom TFS build. The presentation discusses integrating ORM performance analysis into your ALM process using TFS and a profiling tool. It reviews ORMs and CI/TFS, demonstrates why measuring an ORM's behavior is important using examples, and shows a demo of writing tests, committing code through a gated check-in, and viewing profiling results on individual tests to detect issues like N+1 queries. The goal is to apply simple ideas and best practices to gain real, measurable ROI from monitoring ORM performance in your builds and tests.
Ensemble machine learning methods are often used when the true prediction function is not easily approximated by a single algorithm. Practitioners may prefer ensemble algorithms when model performance is valued above other factors such as model complexity and training time. The Super Learner algorithm, also called "stacking", learns the optimal combination of the base learner fits. The latest version of H2O now contains a "Stacked Ensemble" method, which allows the user to stack H2O models into a Super Learner. The Stacked Ensemble method is the the native H2O version of stacking, previously only available in the h2oEnsemble R package, and now enables stacking from all the H2O APIs: Python, R, Scala, etc.
Erin is a Statistician and Machine Learning Scientist at Before joining H2O, she was the Principal Data Scientist at (acquired by GE Digital) and Marvin Mobile Security (acquired by Veracode) and the founder of DataScientific, Inc. Erin received her Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on ensemble machine learning, learning from imbalanced binary-outcome data, influence curve based variance estimation and statistical computing.
Data analysis is the process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming, and modeling data to discover useful information, draw conclusions, and support decision-making. It involves applying various techniques and methods to extract insights from data sets, often with the goal of uncovering patterns, trends, relationships, or making predictions.
Here's an overview of the key steps and techniques involved in data analysis:
Data Collection: The first step in data analysis is gathering relevant data from various sources. This can include structured data from databases, spreadsheets, or surveys, as well as unstructured data such as text documents, social media posts, or sensor readings.
Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Once the data is collected, it often needs to be cleaned and preprocessed to ensure its quality and suitability for analysis. This involves handling missing values, removing duplicates, addressing inconsistencies, and transforming data into a suitable format for analysis.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): EDA involves examining and understanding the data through summary statistics, visualizations, and statistical techniques. It helps identify patterns, distributions, outliers, and potential relationships between variables. EDA also helps in formulating hypotheses and guiding further analysis.
Data Modeling and Statistical Analysis: In this step, various statistical techniques and models are applied to the data to gain deeper insights. This can include descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, hypothesis testing, regression analysis, time series analysis, clustering, classification, and more. The choice of techniques depends on the nature of the data and the research questions being addressed.
Data Visualization: Data visualization plays a crucial role in data analysis. It involves creating meaningful and visually appealing representations of data through charts, graphs, plots, and interactive dashboards. Visualizations help in communicating insights effectively and spotting trends or patterns that may be difficult to identify in raw data.
Interpretation and Conclusion: Once the analysis is performed, the findings need to be interpreted in the context of the problem or research objectives. Conclusions are drawn based on the results, and recommendations or insights are provided to stakeholders or decision-makers.
Reporting and Communication: The final step is to present the results and findings of the data analysis in a clear and concise manner. This can be in the form of reports, presentations, or interactive visualizations. Effective communication of the analysis results is crucial for stakeholders to understand and make informed decisions based on the insights gained.
Data analysis is widely used in various fields, including business, finance, marketing, healthcare, social sciences, and more. It plays a crucial role in extracting value from data, supporting evidence-based decision-making, and driving actionable insig
Graph databases are used to represent graph structures with nodes, edges and properties. Neo4j, an open-source graph database is reliable and fast for managing and querying highly connected data. Will explore how to install and configure, create nodes and relationships, query with the Cypher Query Language, importing data and using Neo4j in concert with SQL Server... Providing answers and insight with visual diagrams about connected data that you have in your SQL Server Databases!
This document introduces machine learning. It defines machine learning as giving computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. It discusses supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms like classification, regression, clustering, and recommendation systems. Popular algorithms discussed include naive bayes, decision trees, k-means, and support vector machines. The document encourages learning machine learning through online courses and libraries like Mahout, MLbase and Weka. Commercial machine learning platforms are also mentioned.
This presentation talks about Natural Language Processing using Java. At Museaic, a music intelligence platform, we spent time figuring out how to extract central themes from song lyrics. In this talk, I will cover some of the tasks involved in natural language processing such as named entity recognition, word sense disambiguation and concept/theme extraction. I will also cover libraries available in java such as stanford-nlp, dbpedia-spotlight and graph approaches using WordNet and semantic databases. This talk would help people understand text processing beyond simple keyword approaches and provide them with some of the best techniques/libraries for it in the Java world.
Tuning ML Models: Scaling, Workflows, and ArchitectureDatabricks
This document discusses best practices for tuning machine learning models. It covers architectural patterns like single-machine versus distributed training and training one model per group. It also discusses workflows for hyperparameter tuning including setting up full pipelines before tuning, evaluating metrics on validation data, and tracking results for reproducibility. Finally it provides tips for handling code, data, and cluster configurations for distributed hyperparameter tuning and recommends tools to use.
In this presentation, Microsoft data scientists Ben Keen and Shahzia Holtom cover an introduction to data science with respect to:
- What is a data scientist?
- What data does a data scientist need?
- AI ethics and responsibility
- What is MLOps and how does it drive value?
This document provides information on planning for data processing and statistical analysis. It discusses the importance of collecting only necessary standardized data and ensuring all needed information is gathered. It then describes the process of data processing, including data entry, coding, cleaning, and transferring data for analysis. Finally, it outlines different statistical analysis techniques that can be used, including descriptive statistics, comparisons, correlations, regressions, and more. Examples of software packages for these tasks like EpiInfo, Excel, SPSS and R are also mentioned.
Data Workflows for Machine Learning - Seattle DAMLPaco Nathan
First public meetup at Twitter Seattle, for Seattle DAML:
We compare/contrast several open source frameworks which have emerged for Machine Learning workflows, including KNIME, IPython Notebook and related Py libraries, Cascading, Cascalog, Scalding, Summingbird, Spark/MLbase, MBrace on .NET, etc. The analysis develops several points for "best of breed" and what features would be great to see across the board for many frameworks... leading up to a "scorecard" to help evaluate different alternatives. We also review the PMML standard for migrating predictive models, e.g., from SAS to Hadoop.
Artificial Intelligence for Automated Software TestingLionel Briand
This document provides an overview of applying artificial intelligence techniques such as metaheuristic search, machine learning, and natural language processing to problems in automated software testing. It begins with introductions to software testing, relevant AI techniques including genetic algorithms, machine learning, and natural language processing. It then discusses search-based software testing (SBST) as an application of metaheuristic search to problems in test case generation and optimization. Examples are provided of representing test cases as chromosomes for genetic algorithms and defining fitness functions to guide the search for test cases that maximize code coverage.
Best Practices for Hyperparameter Tuning with MLflowDatabricks
Hyperparameter tuning and optimization is a powerful tool in the area of AutoML, for both traditional statistical learning models as well as for deep learning. There are many existing tools to help drive this process, including both blackbox and whitebox tuning. In this talk, we'll start with a brief survey of the most popular techniques for hyperparameter tuning (e.g., grid search, random search, Bayesian optimization, and parzen estimators) and then discuss the open source tools which implement each of these techniques. Finally, we will discuss how we can leverage MLflow with these tools and techniques to analyze how our search is performing and to productionize the best models.
Speaker: Joseph Bradley
The document describes an ontology called Expos¨¦ that was created for machine learning experimentation. The ontology aims to formally represent key aspects of machine learning experiments such as algorithm specifications, implementations, applications, experimental contexts, evaluation functions, and structured data. Expos¨¦ builds on and extends existing ontologies for data mining and machine learning experimentation by incorporating classes and relationships to represent additional important concepts.
This document provides an overview of key concepts in data analytics, including:
1. It distinguishes between analytics, which uses analysis to make recommendations, and analysis.
2. Common purposes of data analysis are to confirm hypotheses or explore data through confirmatory or exploratory analysis.
3. The typical data analytics workflow involves 8 steps: identifying the issue, data collection/preparation, cleansing, transformation, analysis, validation, presentation, and making recommendations.
4. Important data preparation concepts covered include storage options, access and privacy considerations, representation formats, and data scales. Cleansing, transformation, and feature engineering techniques are also summarized.
5. Common analysis methods, validation approaches, and
2. Lecturer
? 2014 - PhD in machine Learning, Faculty of
Organisation and Informatics, Varazdin, UNIZG
? Dozen of papers, projects and two patents pending in
machine learning
? Work experience:
? 2015. Data Lab ¨C consulting, ?Data Science¡± and machine
learning for some of the biggest companies (both Croatian
and global)
? Currently establishing Big Data department at Styria group
? 2013-2015 ¨C University Computing Centre, head of data
analysis department
? 2007-2013 ¨C CEO of one small development company
? Since 2011. Lecturer at Algebra University (C++, ML etc)
? Interests: artificial intelligence, machine learning,
computer vision, deep learning
3. Survey ¨C Your experience with
? Used/developed in commercial projects
? Used/developed in academia
? Trying out on my own
? Never have used
? Never heard
5. Content
? What is AI?
? What is ML?
? Learning types
? Variable types
? Spark MLlib and ML
? Naive Bayes
? Model testing
? Demo
? Where to learn ML? What¡¯s next?
8. Learning types
? Supervised
? Class is known
? Learning from experience
? Unsupervised
? Class is unknown
? Grouping (searching for) similar
9. Trminology
Synonyms in Croatian Synonyms in English
Opservacija, podatak Observation, Data instance, Example,
Data Sample, Point
Klasa, zavisna varijabla, ciljna varijabla Class, Dependent variable, Goal,
Varijabla, zna?ajka, atribut, nezavisna
Variable, Feature, Attribute,
Independent var.
Prenau?enost, pretreniranost modela Model Overfitting
Kontinuirane, kvantitativne varijable Continuous, Numeric, Quantitative
Diskretne, kvalitativne varijable Discrete, Qualitative
Klasifikacija, raspoznavanje,
Grupiranje, klasteriranje Clustering
Anotirani, ozna?eni podaci Annotated, Labelled Dataset (Points)
10. Data/Variable Types
Nominal Ordinal
Interval Ratio
= , <> > , < , >= , <= + , - * , /Possible operations:
Why is this important?
? Descriptive statistics
? Preprocessing techniques
? Choosing the ML method/algorithm
? Testing methodologies
? Results interpretation
More on this:
David Mease, Google Tech
Talks 2007
11. Spark
? MLlib
? Longer development
? Lots of developers and methods
? Tested well
? ML
? New
? Shoud make ML in Spark easier
? Support for the entire ML ?pipeline¡±
? Alpha
? Bugs?
12. Spark ¨C ML methods (MLlib)
? Data types
? Basic statistics
? summary statistics
? correlations
? stratified sampling
? hypothesis testing
? random data generation
? Classification and regression
? linear models (SVMs, logistic regression, linear regression)
? naive Bayes
? decision trees
? ensembles of trees (Random Forests and Gradient-Boosted Trees)
? Collaborative filtering
? alternating least squares (ALS)
? Clustering
? k-means
? Dimensionality reduction
? singular value decomposition (SVD)
? principal component analysis (PCA)
? Feature extraction and transformation
? Optimization (developer)
? stochastic gradient descent
? limited-memory BFGS (L-BFGS)
13. Naive Bayes
Chills Runny Nose Headache Fever Flu?
Yes No Moderate Yes No
Yes Yes No No Yes
Yes No Strong Yes Yes
No Yes Moderate Yes Yes
No No No No No
No Yes Strong Yes Yes
No Yes Strong No No
Yes Yes Moderate Yes Yes
Yes No Moderate No ?
? What about the next patient? Symptoms:
18. Why ML in Spark?
? MLlib (and ML) based on Spark
? Speed comes from Spark (distributed learning, in
memory, fault tolerance etc...)
? Lots of Algorothms
? API is simple to use
? Various languages (Scala, Java, Python)
? Open source community (very active)
? Simple integration with other Spark components
eg. Spark Streaming and ?online¡± learning
? Spark ecosystem for the entire ?pipeline¡±
19. Source: "MLlib: Spark's Machine Learning Library" by Ameet Talwalkar at
AMPCamp 5 -
20. Features
? Always starting with ?table¡±
? Rows are data points
? Columns are variables/features
? Dense ¨C All fields are filled
? Sparse ¨C Only ?non-zero¡± data
? Feature hashing
?John likes to watch movies.
?Mary likes movies too.
?John also likes football.
?John likes to watch movies. Mary likes too.
John also likes to watch football games.¡±
Dictionary: {"John": 1, "likes": 2, "to": 3, "watch": 4, "movies": 5, "also": 6, "football": 7,
"games": 8, "Mary": 9, "too": 10}
Matrix: [[1 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1] [1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0]]
Sources: and
21. Spark Demo ¨C Sentiment Analysis
? Annotated dataset of
business news in
Croatian language
? Source:
? Small dataset (500)
? We do not expect
spectacular results ?
? Three classes
? Positive
? Negative
? Neutral?
22. Natural Language Processing /
Text Mining
? Preprocessing
? Stemming
? Lemamatization
? Features
? Bag of Words, n-grams
? TF(t) (Term Frequency) = Occurances of term t in
document / Total number of terms in document
? IDF(t) (Inverse Document Frequency) = log(Total number
of documents / Documents containing t)
? Linguistic variables...
23. NLP in Croatia
? Free components
? Text Mining Add-On for Orange
? FOI ¨C
? Someone else?
24. Typical ML/NLP workflow (Orange)
Most of this we can do in Spark, soon all of it (ML ?Pipelines¡±)...
25. Where to learn ML?
? Coratian universities
? FER, FOI, PMF, Algebra, FFZG for NLP etc.
? By yourself ¨C Internet ?
? Papers, books, blogs
? MOOCs (Coursera, edX etc.)
? Famous
? Prerequisites (beside programming):
? Great resource for Spark:
26. Next lectures?
? Entropy and variable importance?
? Methods
? Linear regression and optimization (Gradient descent)
? Logistic regression
? Decision trees (Random Forests)
? Unsupervised learning
? Collaborative filtering
? Neural networks (not in Spark ? - for now ?)
? ...
? Model testing (sampling, measures, ROC curve...)
? ML tips&tricks (regularization, overfitting etc.)
? ...
27. Content
? What is AI?
? What is ML?
? Learning types
? Variable types
? Spark MLlib and ML
? Naive Bayes
? Model testing
? Demo
? Where to learn ML? What¡¯s next?