This document provides classifications for various animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, and invertebrates. It separates animals into categories such as bony fish, jawless fish, cartilaginous fish, songbirds, flightless birds, and birds of prey. Examples are given for each type of animal classification including lamprey, catfish, sea ray, whale shark, spotted salamander, poison dart frog, coral snake, sea turtle, and mollusks. The document also separates invertebrates into phyla such as mollusks, flatworms, annelids, roundworms, sponges, echinoderms, cnidarians, and ar
21. Invertebrates
There are 4 groups
C r u s t a c e a n s A r a c h n id s I n s e c ts C e n t ip e d e s
M illip e d e s
A r t h o p o d s