This document discusses MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and some of the challenges they present. It notes that while MOOCs allow for widespread accessibility, they limit the types of assessment that can be used due to their large sizes and open nature. Specifically, grading all student work and providing quality feedback is difficult, as is authenticating students and addressing language and cultural barriers. The document also outlines some examples of MOOCs, including courses on CS101 from Stanford that do not provide credit, as well as Adobe certification courses that include webinars, online lessons, and certification exams taken at test centers.
7. Please note: this online offering of CS101 draws
on material from our classes at Stanford
University but does not reflect the entire
curriculum offered to students enrolled in our
courses at Stanford. This statement does not
confer Stanford credit, grades, a degree or
certification or affirm you were enrolled as a
Stanford student, nor does it verify the identity of
the individual who took the course.