This document provides an investors guide for Koprivnica Kri?evci County in Croatia, summarizing key information about geographical position, traffic connections, business zones, tax policies, and support institutions. It describes the county's location within Croatia and Europe, major transportation infrastructure like airports, railroads, roads, and ports. Details are given on several business zones within the county offering land for sale or development, including incentives like tax reductions and utility fee exemptions available to entrepreneurs. Support for investors is also mentioned, with contact information for various zones and municipalities.
Kru?evac is a city in central Serbia with a population of 131,368. It has a long history as an industrial center with chemical, mechanical, and food processing industries. The city administration supports local businesses and provides incentives for entrepreneurship, investment promotion, and job creation. With an average monthly gross salary of €410 and €1,000 incentives per new job, Kru?evac offers competitive labor costs to investors. The city also owns 62,136 square meters of industrial land ready for new investment projects.
Presentation of Free zones in the world by Dragan Kostic, CEO Free Zone Pirot ASCAME
1st Free and Special Economic Zones Summit
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), trends, goals and ambitions
This forum aims to analyse the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the Mediterranean region and to establish and action program in this specific area.
Summit organized by ASCAME and FEMOZA
The document summarizes investment opportunities in Ukraine's Lviv region. It highlights Lviv's competitive advantages such as a well-educated workforce, lower costs than Western Europe, and cultural attractions. Major infrastructure projects discussed include a new international airport, highway construction, and expanding rail lines to European gauge. Industrial projects focus on cement and coal mining. The tourism sector is seen as promising due to natural and historic attractions. Overall the region aims to become a gateway between the EU and Ukraine and leverage its strengths for sustainable economic development.
This document summarizes the economic development opportunities in Lviv, Ukraine. It outlines Lviv's strategic location as a regional center between Western and Eastern Europe, situated on major transport corridors. It also highlights Lviv's growing foreign direct investment, with the most invested sectors being food, finance, retail, and IT. Potential investment opportunities mentioned include industrial parks, business parks, airport cargo facilities, brownfield redevelopment sites, and a future exhibition center to serve as the international broadcasting center for the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Business opportunities in Croatia, July 13, 2011berislav
The document provides information about business opportunities in Croatia presented by Berislav ?i?mek, CEO of CBBS Management Consulting. It discusses Croatia joining the EU in 2013, key facts about Croatia's economy, workforce, and trade. It promotes Croatia as an attractive location for investment and business due to its skilled labor, proximity to EU markets, and high quality of life. CBBS Consulting offers services to help clients develop new business and partnerships in Croatia.
The document discusses the development of the South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO) Comprehensive Network. SEETO was established in 2004 through a Memorandum of Understanding to promote regional transport cooperation and development. Since 2004, over €13 billion has been invested in 300 infrastructure projects on the SEETO Network, with €9.2 billion implemented. Planned investments focus on 44 priority projects worth over €8.2 billion, including 20 road, 11 rail, 7 inland waterway, and 8 airport/seaport projects. The priority projects will improve transport connectivity in the region.
Municipality of Kanji?a - Public private partnership: Logistic-distribution c...NALED Serbia
The Municipality of Kanji?a in Serbia is proposing a public-private partnership to develop a Logistic-Distribution Center for Agriculture. The center would be located in the municipality's industrial park and include warehouses, cold storage, packaging facilities, and sorting areas. It would purchase, process, package and sell agricultural products from the municipality. The private partner would invest 2.1 million euros and manage the center over 5 to 50 years. The project aims to better organize farmers and improve the distribution of the municipality's abundant agricultural output, particularly its 28,000 hectares of arable land and 2,500 hectares of fruits and vegetables.
The strategy of creating an industrial park in the Dnipro takes into account that the future park is an average city-type complex, so it focuses on the development and implementation of advanced developments in the field of information and communication, biological technologies, instrumentation, electronics, energy conservation and the use of alternative energy sources.
The document provides information about the Sarajevo Macro Region (SMR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. SMR covers an area of 8,700 km2 and has a population of over 720,000 people spread across 32 municipalities in two entities. It includes the highly populated and industrialized city of Sarajevo. The Sarajevo Development Agency (SERDA) was established in 2003 and works to promote regional economic development projects in SMR, focusing on areas like industry, tourism, rural development, education, and the environment.
Crossroads of Europe 2013: EU Funding for Cultural RoutesGustavo Martinie
Best practices in tourism related EU projects (FP7, IEE, ICT-PSP) and a reflection on the potencial of the European cultural routes as interlinked territories where to deploy innovation. Funding strategies for cultural routes.
Prezentacija gradona?elnika Beograda Sini?e Malog na godi?njem JPP Samitu - N...NALED Serbia
Prezentacija gradona?elnika Beograda Sini?e Malog na godi?njem JPP Samitu - NALED, Ekonomsko odeljenje Francuske Ambasade u Srbiji i Privredna Komora Srbije
Presentation given at the Cross-regional exchange and learning week on Interoperability and Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership region that took place 24-28 June 2024 in Brussels.
The document summarizes plans for an industrial park in Dnipro, Ukraine. The industrial park will redevelop 240 hectares of underused industrial land into a mixed-use innovation hub. The first stage will include an innovation and business park with incubators and accelerators. Subsequent stages will add academic partnerships and additional business and industrial parks. The industrial park aims to attract investment, create jobs, and drive economic growth in Dnipro and southeast Ukraine.
The document discusses investment opportunities in Serbia and the Western Balkans region. It provides key country data on Serbia and outlines Serbia's favorable tax regime, skilled workforce, investment incentives including grants and tax breaks, developed transportation infrastructure like roads and railways, energy sector, and unique export potential through its network of trade agreements providing access to over 1 billion people. The region has significant potential for foreign investment in sectors like basic infrastructure, tourism, wood and forest products, mining, and labor intensive manufacturing.
The document summarizes information about the Regional Information Center in Kyustendil, Bulgaria. It was established under an EU-funded project to enhance public awareness of EU Cohesion Policy. The RIC is part of a national network of 27 centers that promote EU objectives. Its goals are to ensure access to information about EU funds and increase transparency of funded projects. The RIC provides information services and support to local authorities, businesses, NGOs, and citizens. It collaborates with libraries to further disseminate information.
European Cultural Routes and funding methods: which sources?Gustavo Martinie
This document discusses European funding sources for cultural route projects, including the Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, and ICT Policy Support Programme. It provides examples of funded cultural route and tourism projects related to transport, energy efficiency, and smart cities. Finally, it introduces Horizon 2020 as the new EU research and innovation programme for 2014-2020, with 12 focus areas including sustainable food, blue growth, smart cities, and mobility.
Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic located in a strategic position in Central Europe. It has a population of over 400,000 with excellent transportation accessibility by road, rail, and an international airport. Brno is a center for industry, trade, science, technology and higher education with over 77,000 university students across 13 universities. It has a strong focus on research and development through various science centers and collaborations between universities and private companies.
Presentation of Free zones in the world by Dragan Kostic, CEO Free Zone Pirot ASCAME
1st Free and Special Economic Zones Summit
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), trends, goals and ambitions
This forum aims to analyse the strengths and weaknesses inherent in the Mediterranean region and to establish and action program in this specific area.
Summit organized by ASCAME and FEMOZA
The document summarizes investment opportunities in Ukraine's Lviv region. It highlights Lviv's competitive advantages such as a well-educated workforce, lower costs than Western Europe, and cultural attractions. Major infrastructure projects discussed include a new international airport, highway construction, and expanding rail lines to European gauge. Industrial projects focus on cement and coal mining. The tourism sector is seen as promising due to natural and historic attractions. Overall the region aims to become a gateway between the EU and Ukraine and leverage its strengths for sustainable economic development.
This document summarizes the economic development opportunities in Lviv, Ukraine. It outlines Lviv's strategic location as a regional center between Western and Eastern Europe, situated on major transport corridors. It also highlights Lviv's growing foreign direct investment, with the most invested sectors being food, finance, retail, and IT. Potential investment opportunities mentioned include industrial parks, business parks, airport cargo facilities, brownfield redevelopment sites, and a future exhibition center to serve as the international broadcasting center for the 2022 Winter Olympics.
Business opportunities in Croatia, July 13, 2011berislav
The document provides information about business opportunities in Croatia presented by Berislav ?i?mek, CEO of CBBS Management Consulting. It discusses Croatia joining the EU in 2013, key facts about Croatia's economy, workforce, and trade. It promotes Croatia as an attractive location for investment and business due to its skilled labor, proximity to EU markets, and high quality of life. CBBS Consulting offers services to help clients develop new business and partnerships in Croatia.
The document discusses the development of the South East Europe Transport Observatory (SEETO) Comprehensive Network. SEETO was established in 2004 through a Memorandum of Understanding to promote regional transport cooperation and development. Since 2004, over €13 billion has been invested in 300 infrastructure projects on the SEETO Network, with €9.2 billion implemented. Planned investments focus on 44 priority projects worth over €8.2 billion, including 20 road, 11 rail, 7 inland waterway, and 8 airport/seaport projects. The priority projects will improve transport connectivity in the region.
Municipality of Kanji?a - Public private partnership: Logistic-distribution c...NALED Serbia
The Municipality of Kanji?a in Serbia is proposing a public-private partnership to develop a Logistic-Distribution Center for Agriculture. The center would be located in the municipality's industrial park and include warehouses, cold storage, packaging facilities, and sorting areas. It would purchase, process, package and sell agricultural products from the municipality. The private partner would invest 2.1 million euros and manage the center over 5 to 50 years. The project aims to better organize farmers and improve the distribution of the municipality's abundant agricultural output, particularly its 28,000 hectares of arable land and 2,500 hectares of fruits and vegetables.
The strategy of creating an industrial park in the Dnipro takes into account that the future park is an average city-type complex, so it focuses on the development and implementation of advanced developments in the field of information and communication, biological technologies, instrumentation, electronics, energy conservation and the use of alternative energy sources.
The document provides information about the Sarajevo Macro Region (SMR) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. SMR covers an area of 8,700 km2 and has a population of over 720,000 people spread across 32 municipalities in two entities. It includes the highly populated and industrialized city of Sarajevo. The Sarajevo Development Agency (SERDA) was established in 2003 and works to promote regional economic development projects in SMR, focusing on areas like industry, tourism, rural development, education, and the environment.
Crossroads of Europe 2013: EU Funding for Cultural RoutesGustavo Martinie
Best practices in tourism related EU projects (FP7, IEE, ICT-PSP) and a reflection on the potencial of the European cultural routes as interlinked territories where to deploy innovation. Funding strategies for cultural routes.
Prezentacija gradona?elnika Beograda Sini?e Malog na godi?njem JPP Samitu - N...NALED Serbia
Prezentacija gradona?elnika Beograda Sini?e Malog na godi?njem JPP Samitu - NALED, Ekonomsko odeljenje Francuske Ambasade u Srbiji i Privredna Komora Srbije
Presentation given at the Cross-regional exchange and learning week on Interoperability and Digital Transformation in the Western Balkans and Eastern Partnership region that took place 24-28 June 2024 in Brussels.
The document summarizes plans for an industrial park in Dnipro, Ukraine. The industrial park will redevelop 240 hectares of underused industrial land into a mixed-use innovation hub. The first stage will include an innovation and business park with incubators and accelerators. Subsequent stages will add academic partnerships and additional business and industrial parks. The industrial park aims to attract investment, create jobs, and drive economic growth in Dnipro and southeast Ukraine.
The document discusses investment opportunities in Serbia and the Western Balkans region. It provides key country data on Serbia and outlines Serbia's favorable tax regime, skilled workforce, investment incentives including grants and tax breaks, developed transportation infrastructure like roads and railways, energy sector, and unique export potential through its network of trade agreements providing access to over 1 billion people. The region has significant potential for foreign investment in sectors like basic infrastructure, tourism, wood and forest products, mining, and labor intensive manufacturing.
The document summarizes information about the Regional Information Center in Kyustendil, Bulgaria. It was established under an EU-funded project to enhance public awareness of EU Cohesion Policy. The RIC is part of a national network of 27 centers that promote EU objectives. Its goals are to ensure access to information about EU funds and increase transparency of funded projects. The RIC provides information services and support to local authorities, businesses, NGOs, and citizens. It collaborates with libraries to further disseminate information.
European Cultural Routes and funding methods: which sources?Gustavo Martinie
This document discusses European funding sources for cultural route projects, including the Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation, Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, and ICT Policy Support Programme. It provides examples of funded cultural route and tourism projects related to transport, energy efficiency, and smart cities. Finally, it introduces Horizon 2020 as the new EU research and innovation programme for 2014-2020, with 12 focus areas including sustainable food, blue growth, smart cities, and mobility.
Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic located in a strategic position in Central Europe. It has a population of over 400,000 with excellent transportation accessibility by road, rail, and an international airport. Brno is a center for industry, trade, science, technology and higher education with over 77,000 university students across 13 universities. It has a strong focus on research and development through various science centers and collaborations between universities and private companies.
3. I. GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA TheRepublicof Croatia (RH) is a europeancountry, geographicallysituated at thecrossingfrom Central to Southeast Europe. Croatia borderswithSloveniaandHungary on north, withSrbia on east, on thesouthand east withBosniaandHerzegovinaandMontenegro. Croatia has a seaborderwith Italy at Adriatiacsea. Area total oftheRepublicof Croatia: 56.538 km2 Numberofinhabitants: 4.437.460GDP(Grossdomesticproduct) RH (2009): 10.246 €Teritorialorganization: 20 counties + The City of ZagrebArea total of Koprivnica Kri?evci County: 1.748 km2Numberofinhabitants: 124.467 GDP KK?: 8.560,00 €
4. INTERNATIONAL INTEGRATIONS OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA3. EU Croatia will become a 28th fullmember of EU(European Union) until the year 2012UNOn May 22nd 1992 Croatia became a full memberof theUN (United Nations)INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS WITH THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA AND THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA1. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the People¡®s Republic of China for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income2. Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of the People¡®s Republic of China Concerning the Encouragement and Reciprocal Protection of Investments4. CEFTA (Central European Free TradAgreement) members are Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia,Macedonia, Moldova,SerbiaandUNMIK / Kosovo2. NATO On April 1st 2009Croatia became a full memberof NATO(North Atlantic TreatyOrganisation)
5. II. TRAFFIC CONNECTIONS ¨C AIR TRAFFIC9 airports(7 international- Zagreb, Osijek, Pula, Rijeka, Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik, 2 local- Bra?, Mali Lo?inj)Air distance:Be? - 360 kmPariz - 1410 kmBruxelles - 1355 kmPrag - 620 kmBudimpe?ta - 350 km Rim - 880 km
6. TRAFFIC CONNECTIONS - RAILWAY Distance from Koprivnica to major cities RAILWAY(KM) Zagreb (airport) 87Koprivnica ¨C Rijeka (seaport) 316Koprivnica ¨C Wiena 387Koprivnica ¨C Budapest 307Inthe plan is constructionofthesecond railway trackline from Rijeka to theHungarianborder, withpossibilityofEuropean R-65 corridorinthedirectionofport Rijeka to theBalticdetermination.
10. railway junction 80 km/hApproximate distance:Botovo ¨C Koprivnica ¨C Zagreb ¨C Rijeka 242 kmApproximateinvestmentcostsUpgrade of the existing tracks and construction of new tracks on the section Botovo¨CZagreb¨CRijeka per sectors I.Botovo¨C DugoSelo 0,47 billion€II. Zagreb Junction 0,49 billion€III. Horvati¨C Krasica 2,47 billion€IV. Rijeka Junction** 0,22 billion€ Total 3,65 billion€
11. TRAFFIC CONNECTIONUPGRADE AND MODERNIZATION OF RAILWAY LINE DIRECTION BOTOVO¨C ZAGREB¨CRIJEKAImportance for the RoC:connects central and maritime part of the country,
13. connects industrial potential of the country with port capacities in the Rijeka basin, SIGNIFICANT DEVELOPMENT OF THE RIJEKA PORT ON THE ADRIATICPort of RijekaRijeka Gateway Project:
16. Porto Baross - Urban port interfaceImportance for the RoC and the EU: the shortest railway connection between Hungary, other Central European countries and Mediterranean,
17. encourages the development of the Rijeka Port and transit railway traffic between Croatia and Central European countries,
18. provides opportunity for subsequent development of transit railway traffic between Western Europe and the Balkan via Croatia,
19. has significant influence on environmental protection due to redirection of large volumes of freight from road to railway.TRAFFIC CONNECTIONS ¨C ROADPAN EUROPEAN CORRIDORSPan-European transport corridors in the Republic of Croatia:Vb ¨C Budapest-Vara?din-Zagreb-RijekaVc ¨C Budapest-Osijek-Sarajevo- Plo?eVII ¨C Danube riverX ¨C Salzburg-Villach-Ljubljana-Zagreb-Beograd-Skopje-ThessalonikiXa ¨C Graz-Maribor-Zagreb
20. TRAFFIC CONNECTIONS ¨C ROADDistance from Koprivnica to major cities ROAD(KM)ZAGREB (airport) 101RIJEKA (seaport) 288WIENA 370BUDAPEST 315PRAGUE 740WARSZAW 1110BERLIN 1120PARIS 1460ISTAMBUL 1450MADRID 2310TRANSPORT CORRIDORS ESTABLISHED IN CHAPTER 21PLANNED HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION 2.720 km railways 29.547 km roads (public)
21. IV. BUSINESS ZONEDIVISION OF THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA BY COUNTIES AND STATISTICAL REGIONSIn Koprivnica Kri?evci County is total of 38.000 inhabitantsemployed, fromwhich 5.000 is employedat theareaofthebusinesszonesin 116 companiesDanica-thebiggestbusiness zone in Koprivnica Kri?evci Countyemployes2.000 people. Belupo, Podravka, CarlsbergMore informationsaboutthezones:
23. PRIORITY BUSINESS ZONEBUSINESS ZONE KOPRIVNI?KI IVANEC, KOPRIVNI?KI IVANEC?Useandpurposeofthe zone Locationoftheareacoverage UPU ?Business zone Koprivni?ki Ivanec related to broaderarea¡°?AREA TOTAL OF THE ZONE: 241 ha 1. phase: 30 ha, fromwhich is approximately 26,6 ha for sale Ownership: Koprivni?ki Ivanec MunicipalityPrice: 12-15 Eur/m2Wayofselling: publictendersContact:
24. INCENTIVES TO ENTREPRENEURSLOCAL INCENTIVES TO ENTREPRENEURS IN THE ZONE KOPRIVNI?KI IVANECUtility fee payment incentivesThe utility fee decision on the area of Koprivni?kiIvanec Municipality (KoprivnicaKri?evcy County Official Gazzete 14/07 i 14/08) The utility fee height is determinated with zone coefficient multiplication (0,2) with purpose coefficient (2,0 for production activities) and the point value (1,80) which amount 0,10€ /m2.Incentives of utility fee payment to the entrepreneurs:100% reduced utility fee in the first year of performing the activities75% in the second year of performing the activities50% in third year of performing the activities25% in fourth year of performing the activitiesPublic contributionThe public contribution decision on the area of Koprivni?kiIvanec Municipality (KoprivnicaKri?evcy County Official Gazzete 14/07 )Unit value of the public contribution in the zone Koprivni?kiIvanec is 30 kn/m3 , and it is multiplied with purpose coefficient (0,60 for producing facilities over10000 m3 , ) and with volume which is 2,43€ /m3.
25. BUSINESS ZONE GORNJI ?RET, KRI?EVCIAREA TOTAL OF THE ZONE: 45 ha OWNERSHIP: the town of Kri?evciDISPOSAL OF BUILDING LAND:1) Sale throughpublictenders: price oftheland for sale is 16,4 EUR/m2 2) Grantingconstructionrights through public tenders: price of theland with construction rights is 0,07 EUR/m2 permonthCONTACT: financije@krizevci.hrDISTANCE: center of Kri?evci ¨C 2 km (22.324 inhabitants)
27. BENEFITS REGARDING PAYMENT OF COMMUNAL COMPENSATION 100% reduction for the first year of business 75% reduction for the second year of business 50% reduction for the third yearofbusiness25% reduction for thefourthyearofbusinessBENEFITS FOR ENTREPRENEURSPARTIAL EXEMPTION FROM THE COMMUNAL CONTRIBUTIONEntrepreneursinbusinesszones are exemptfromthecontriution as it folllows:For the business objects of the volume of 1000 m3 to 5000 m3 the communal contribution is reduced by 35%For the business objects of the volume over 5000 m3 the contribution is reduced by 60%KRI?EVCI CITY IS READY TO OFFER CONSULTING AND TEHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN THE REALIZATION OF INVESTMENTSCOMPANY TAX BENEFITS:The entrepreneurs ¨C beginners (legal and physical entities) will be exempt to the Company tax, as follows :In 1st year of business 100% In 2nd year of business 75% (tax: 70€)In 3rd year of business 50% (tax: 140€)The existing entrepreneurs that employwith notime limit contracts :up to 10 employees - exempt of the Company tax by 25% (tax: 210€)
28. up to 25 employees - exempt of the Company tax by 50% (tax: 140€)
29. more than 25 employees - exempt of the Company tax by 100% BUSINESS ZONE KUTNJAK, LEGRADLOCATION OF THE GEOTHERMAL PROGRAMME ECONOMY ZONE OVERVIEW OF PURCHASED PARCELS AND PREPARED PURCHASE CONTRACTSBENEFITS REGARDING THE DEVELOPMENT OF EXISTING AND OPENING NEW ENTREPRENEURIAL ACTIVITIES AND EMPLOYMENTCOMMUNAL COMPENSATIONphysicaland legal entitiesengagedinbusiness are partially exempted from the communal compensation: - 50% of total yearsdebit ¨C companyheadquartersoutsidetheLegradmunicipalityareaandemployingworkersfromLegradmunicipalityarea - 75% of total yearsdebit ¨C companyheadquartersinsidetheLegradmunicipalityareaandemployingworkersfromLegradmunicipalityareaCOMMUNAL CONTRIBUTIONEntrepreneurs who build or rebuild business facilities for performing manufacturing or other business activities, in order to increase the number of employees, withconditionthat the headquarterof activities is situatedin the Legrad Municipality.Economy zone size is 142,5 ha with 720 plotsLand repurchase is in the progress; until October 2010 85 ha was repurchased. Legrad municipality was the repurchase bearer.Endofrepurchase : year 2011KONTAKT: opcina-legrad@kc.t-com.hrWith land transfer (a donationfromtheLegradmunicipalityandtheFund) Geopodravina Ltd. will become the landowner.
31. ENERGETICPROJECTS Geothermal power plant ¨C heatingplantGeothermal power plant ¨C heating plant first phase visualizationUSER PROJECTSSPA - Externalpools for excursiontourism ¨C exampleHealth resorts
32. Business zone RADNI?KATotal sizeofthe zone:?38,3 ha Sizeofthelandavailable for sale: 24,2 ha Price oftheland: - 350,00 kn/m2 for tradeactivities - 200,00 kn/m2 for productionactivitiesContact: gospodarstvo.financija@koprivnica.hrIncentivesfromthe City ofKoprivnicaThe gas connectionfee- free of charge except for those who build commercial and catering services - depending on the capacity of planned annual spending: for up to 1.200 m3 ofanticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation of 100% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in the previous year; for 1.201 m3 to 6.000 m3of anticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation in the amount of 200% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in the previous year, for each additional 5.000 m3 ofanticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation of 100% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in previous year.The water connectionfee- free of charge except for those who build commercial and catering services - depending on the capacity of planned annual spending: for up to 1.200 m3 ofanticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation of 100% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in the previous year; for 1.201 m3 to 6.000 m3of anticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation in the amount of 200% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in the previous year, for each additional 5.000 m3 ofanticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation of 100% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in the previous year.Thesewerconnectionfee-? free of charge except for those who build commercial and catering services - depending on the capacity of planned annual spending: for up to 1.200 m3 ofanticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation of 100% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in the previous year; for 1.201 m3 to 6.000 m3of anticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation in the amount of 200% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in the previous year, for each additional 5.000 m3 ofanticipated annual consumption should be paid thecompensation of 100% of average gross monthly salary in Croatia in previous year.Communal contribution - the entrepreneurs who built business buildings in thebusiness zone equipedby the City of Koprivnica , are exempt from communalcipal contributions by 50%, except for non-productive activities (commerce and catering) - 80 kn/m3.Communalcompensation- from 1.36 kn/m3 to 3.40 kn/m3 with benefits - 100% deduction in the first year, 75% in the second, 50% in the third and 25% in the fourth. Entrepreneurs who carry out their activities in business zonesequipedbytheCityofKoprivnica utility fee will be reduced by another 50%.
33. BUSINESS INDUSTRIAL ZONE A, ?UR?EVACTotal sizeofthe zone: 103 haSizeofthelandavailable for sale:?15,52 haPrice oftheland: for entrepreneurialactivity ¨C smalltradesandmanufacturingactivities 12,00 kn/m2,?for commerceandcateringactivities 250,00 kn/m2. Incentivesfromthe City of ?ur?evacCommunal contribution: Investors who build theobjects intended for entrepreneurial activity are partially exempted from paying thecommunal contribution for 50%. For greater investments in entrepreneurial activities, and in the case that the investor undertakes to hire new workers, investormay also be partially or completely relieved frompayingcommunal contributions, and each applicationwill be evaluated by the City Council ofthe City of ?ur?evac.Communalcompensation: legal or physical person, in case of opening a new plant to expand production or hiring new employees , shall be exempt from paying communalcpmpensationas it follows: 100% inthe first year, 50%inthesecondyearand25%inthe third year. Tax on companyor title do not pay thecontractors who are opening a new plant or for new employment, and in the amount of 100%inthe first year, 50% inthesecond yearand 25% inthe third year.
34. INCENTIVES TO THE ENTREPRENEURSInvestment Promotion ActSectors:the manufacturing sector activities;technology centers;strategic business support services.Thelawaboutinvestmentencouragement(OfficialGazette 138/06)Theincentivemeasures are:Taxbenefit
39. Incentives for big investment project ¨C investmentprojectofsignificanteconomicinterestTaxincentives*for the period of 10 yearsEmploymentIncentives
40. IV. TAX REGIMEReal estate transfer tax (The Real Estaste Transfer TaxLaw, OfficialGazette 69/97, 26/02, 117/00, 153/02)Tax rate is 5%. Real estate transfer tax is regulatedbyThe Real Estate Transfer TaxLaw.Real estate are : lands (agricultural, constructionalandotherlands)buildings (residential, businessand all otherbuildingsandtheirparts). Corporateincometax (The Profit TaxAct, OfficialGazette NN 177/04, 90/05, 57/06, 146/08, 80/10))Thetaxpayers are all companiesin Croatia which are dealingwitheconomicactivities, performingtheeconomicactivityinorder to achieve a profit. Thetax base is a profit which is determinateaccording to theaccountingrulesand it is determinate for thetax period which is generallythecalendaryear.Corporateincometax rate is 20% on determinatetax baseTaxbenefit: for entrepreneurs are 0% in first 10 years, ifinvestmentamount is over 8 mil € andnumberof new open work places at least 75.. TheValueaddedtax (ValueAddedTaxAct, OfficialGazette 47/95, 106/96, 164/98, 105/99, 54/00, 73/00, 127/00, 86/01, 48/04, 82/04, 90/05, 76/07, 87/09, 94/09)Thevalueaddedtax is payable on thedeliveryof all typesofgoodsandallprovidedservicesinthecountry, tax rate is 23%. Incometax (TheIncomeTaxAct, OfficialGazette 177/04, 73/08, 80/10)Thetaxpayer is a personresidentofnon-resident, who acquiresanincomefromdifferentsources: receiptsgeneratedformpaid work, self-employment, propertyandpropertyrights, capital, insurance andotherreceipts. Amountofbasic personal deduction is1.800,00 kuna.Theincometax is payable at the rate of:12% (over 3600 kn monthly) 25% (from3.600,00 to 10.750,00 kn monthly)40% (over 10.750 kn monthly)
41. TradenametaxTaxpayer is legal entityregistered for perfomanceeconomicactivity. Amountoftax is up to 280€ for eachtradenameperyear, it canbelessaccording to thedecisionofthe city or community.PAYROLL TAXESa) Paid vacation, warm meal, expenditure of travelling to work, Christmas bonus (per business)b) Pension and disability contribution ¨C 1st pillar 15%, 2nd pillar 5%c) Health insurance contribution ¨C 15%d)Paid vacation minimum 18 days, everything else depends on the employment contracte) Employment contribution ¨C 1,7%f) Employment of persons with disabilities ¨C 0,2%g) Work related injuries ¨C 0,5%IntheRepublicof Croatia workingweeklasts 40 hours..Minimum wagein Croatia is 266,09 Eur (net).
42. V. CONSTRUCTIONDirections for facility construction:Development of Project: 1. Technological Project documantation2. Development of Preliminary Project Design (PPD)3. Analysis of the PPDApprovalofLocationpermit:4. Opinionregarding PPD5. Environmentalimpactassessment6. IssuingofLocationpermitI. II. ApprovalofWorkpermit:10. Executingthe project11. TechnicalreviewandissuingofWorkpermitApprovalof Building permit:7. DesigningofMain project8. Issuingof Building permit9. DesigningofFinal projectIV.III.Governmentbodiesinvolved3. Analysisofthe PPD ¨C MinistryofEnvironmentalprotection, PhysicalPlanningandConstruction4. Opinionregarding PPD ¨C MinistryofEnvironmentalprotection, PhysicalPlanningandConstruction6. IssuingofLocationpermit ¨C MinistryofEnvironmentalprotection, PhysicalPlanningandConstruction7. Issuingof Building permit ¨C MinistryofEnvironmentalprotection, PhysicalPlanningandConstruction11. TechnicalreviewandissuingofWorkpermit ¨C MinistryofEnvironmentalprotection, PhysicalPlanningandConstruction, Ministryof Health andSocialWelfare, MinistryofEconomy, LabourandEntrepreneurshipTechnicalassistance: Department for physicalplanning, constructionandenvironmentalprotection Antuna Nemcica 5, 48 000 KOPRIVNICATel: 385 48 220-155E-mail:
43. VI. BUSINESS PERMITSWork permit instructionsThe foreigner can work on the basis of work or business permit.The foreigner can work without work or business permit in the cases determined by Law on Foreigners. (OficialGazzette 79/07, 36/09)Work permit:Request for the work permit issuing should be submitted by legal or physical person who employs a foreigner (employer) to the competent Police Administration, which makes a decision and deliver it to the employer. Work permit shouls be issued for a limited time which is equal to the time on which employment is established, longest up to one year.Business permit:Business permit refers only on work permit in the Republic of Croatia, and foreigner is obligated, before work beginning, to have a temporary stay approval in work purpose, together with issued business permit.Business permit should be issued:To the own company founder in the Republic of Croatia ¨C request should be submitted to the Police Administration according to the company or craft headquarter, with Croatian Chamber of Commerce agreement through the competent County Chamber of Commerce(
46. To the foreigner who provide services on foreign employer behalfMore informations :
47. VII. HUMAN RESOURCESAbout 3.000 unemployedpeopelshassecondary professional qualificationMore informations:
48. VIII. COMPANY ESTABLISHMENTESTABLISHING A COMPANY IN CROATIA IN 4 STEPS IN 15 DAYSTYPES OF COMPANIES: defined by the Companies ActLIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY - the lowest amount for base capital min. 2.800 eurJOINT STOCK COMPANY - the lowest amount for base capital min.28.000 eurSELECTING NAME OF THE COMPANY - check the register; website of theMinistry of Justice: http://sudreg.pravosudje. to find out whether a company by the chosen name already existsSTEP ONE: HITRO.HR SERVICE AT THE FINANCIAL AGENCY (FINA)you can find all the information you need about procedures for establishing a company; forms for foundingcompany, payment slip, list of the banks¡STEP TWO: NOTARY PUBLICApplications for Entry in the Court Register (PO form),Articles of Association-a Social Contract or Declaration of Establishment of a Company with certain enclosed documents must be verified by notary publicSTEP THREE: HITRO.HRSERVICE AT THE FINANCIAL AGENCY (FINA)The Decision on Entry in the Court Register and the Notification of Classification of Activities with business identification number are collected at the HITRO.HR counterYou can arrange the making of an official company stamp and opening of your account at the HITRO.HRRegistrations of the company, owner/s and employees, will be executed electronically with Croatian Pension Insurance (HZMO) and the Croatian Health Insurance (HZZO) at the HITRO.HR counter
49. STEP FOUR: HITRO.HRSERVICE AT THE FINANCIAL AGENCY (FINA)Documentation required must be submitted to the Commercial court, which shall issue a resolution regarding establishing a companyAfter your company has been entered in the Court Register and the Register of the Central Bureau of Statistics you must:Register your company with Tax Authority for the purpose:1.entering the company into the Register of Income Tax and VAT PayersDocuments: the Decision on Entry in the Court Register, the Notification of Classification, and the Signature CardCost of the application process:Cost of public notary: cca700 EURCost of publishing the court register entry in the Official Gazette: cca 130 EURCommercial court fee: 55 EURCentral Bureau of Statistics fee: 8 EURContacts: Freeinfo line: 0800 0800desk counters at the Financial Agency -
50. IX. SUPPORT INSTITUTIONSKOPRIVNICA-KRI?EVCI COUNTYAntuna Nem?i?a 548000 KOPRIVNICATel: +385 48 658 111 (central)Info e-mail: info@kckzz.hrCROATIAN CHAMBER OF ECONOMY COUNTY CHAMBER KOPRIVNICAJosipa Vargovi?a 448000 KOPRIVNICATel: + 385 48 674 560E-mail: hgkkc@hgk.hrPORARegionalDevelopmentAgencyofPodravina and PrigorjeBra?e Radi? 2/148000 KOPRIVNICATel: +385 48 621 978E-mail: for EconmicsandCommunalAffairs48000 KOPRIVNICATel: +385 48 658 231, +385 48 658 235E-mail:marijan.stimac@kckzz.hrMINISTRY OF ECONOMY, LABOUR & ENTREPRENEURSHIPDIRECTORATE FOR ECONOMIC DIPLOMACY,EXPORT & INVESTMENTSUlica grada Vukovara 7810 000 Zagrebtel: +385 1 6106 114fax: +385 1 6109 114CROATIAN EMPLOYMENT SERVICERegional office Kri?evciKralja Tomislava 2048260 KRI?EVCITEL: +385 48 681 904HZZ.Krizevci@hzz.hrRegional office Kri?evci, Local office ?ur?evacTrg Svetog Jurja 148350 ?ur?evacTel: +385 48 812 office Kri?evci, Local office KoprivnicaIvana Me?trovi?a 2548000 KoprivnicaTel: +385 48 622 for physicalplanning, constructionandenvironmentalprotection48000 KOPRIVNICATel: +385 48 220 155E-mail: drazen.kozjak@kckzz.hrTOURIST BOARDof Koprivnica-Kri?evci CountyAntuna Nem?i?a 548000 KOPRIVNICATel: +385 48 624-408E-mail: ured@tz-kckz.comMINISTRY OF FINANCETAX ADMINISTRATIONREGIONAL OFFICE KOPRIVNICAHrvatske dr?avnosti 748000 KoprivnicaTel. 385 48-289-555Fax. 385 48-622-868?INSTITUTE FOR PHYSICAL PLANNING of Koprivnica-Kri?evci CountyTrg bana Josipa Jela?i?a 15/II48000 KOPRIVNICATel: +385 48 624 406E-mail: