The Embassy of Finland is inviting participants to attend an information day on "Strategy Execution towards Business Transformation" hosted in collaboration with QPR Software and OMAS Cyprus. The event will be held on May 17th from 9am to 12pm at the Ambassador of Finland's residence and will include presentations on business operating systems, strategy execution, performance monitoring, and process optimization using QPR software. Attendees are asked to RSVP their confirmation of attendance by May 13th for planning purposes.
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Invitation qpr event in cyprus 17052018.docx
1. Strategy Execution towards
Business Transformation
The Embassy of Finland, in collaboration with QPR Software plc and OMAS Cyprus Ltd
would like to cordially invite you to participate in the QPRs Information Day on the
束Strategy Execution towards
Business Transformation損
which will take place on May 17th, 2018, between
09:00 and 12:00, at the residence of the Ambassador
of Finland, located at 5 Indira Gandhi Montparnasse,
Engomi, Cyprus.
In order to facilitate the organization of the event, we
would appreciate the confirmation of your presence
until the 13th of May 2018.
Tel: 22458020
Space is limited. please register early for planning
For further information please contact us:
Tel: 22011149
99.00 9:30 Arrival of Participants &
9.30 9:35 His Excellency the
Ambassador of Finland, Timo Heino
9.35 9:55 Business Operating System
- Raul Partida, QPR Software Plc.
9.55 10:20 Strategy Execution &
Performance Monitoring towards
Business Transformation Yiannis
Charalambous, OMAS Cyprus Ltd.
10.20 10:40 Coffee-break
10.40 -11:00 Performance Monitoring
Card Business KPIs Monitoring Case
Study at Piraeus Bank Greece.
11.00 11:30 Process Optimization
using QPR Process Analysis Software -
Olli Komulainen, QPR Software Plc.
11.30-12.00 Q & A Closing Remarks
Strategy Execution towar
ess Transformation