The document describes various forms and processes involved in agricultural product marketing committees (APMCs) in India. Farmers must obtain an entry gate pass and their products are recorded in a register upon entering the APMC market. Products are then verified for quantity. An auction process follows where merchants bid on products. This determines the sale price. A delivery contract/bill is made with copies for the farmer, agent, and purchaser. Merchants must submit all bills to APMC monthly and pay commission fees according to APMC rules. An exit gate pass stamped by APMC is also required when leaving.
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Inward outward documentation
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Kalathiya Vinod V
2. Inward Outward Documentation
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- This form is fill up by APMC employee when any of the farmers comes into
the APMC for selling their product.
- First of all APMC gatekeeper which having a system and enter data into that
form that must be necessary
- Here farmer name , product name , village, and general commission agent
name is must be required
- Then after farmer have a permission to go into APMC platform
- After getting entry gate pass when farmer reach inside APMC platform
where there is one APMC employee who will note down above information
into register.
3. - Those all information is just for data purpose which is having APMC for a
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data only
- This form is necessary for APMC as well as Merchant because here actual
verification is done by through any writer of the merchant.
- Here all the product quantity counts at the time of unloading.
- And this process is very use full for getting a full conformation which
product and how much product is entered.
- It’s just for verification requirement.
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- Auction process is the very necessary for done all APMC procedure
- In that process auction time is fix and also check all product one by one and
bid on that product one by one
- During bidding process APMC , farmer and corporation people are there and
bid on particular product it could be grain , vegetables, spices, and other
product .
- Bid procedure is also fulfill with APMC rules and regulations.
- During auction process the highest biding price of any product is fixed by
APMC and farmer both and performs the above process.
- Based on that any merchant prepare bill.
Delivery Contract
- Base on auction process one delivery contract will be generating.
- That is also known as a bill.
- Here farmer name , corporation name , merchant name and broker name id
specify in this bill , also type of grain , total weight and price per 20 K.G is
also there and after all total bill amount is also specify in this bill
5. - This book would be given by AMPC to any merchant their rules and
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regulation is decided by APMC.
- Than after there are three copies will be generated of the form in which one
copy with framer, one copy with commission agent and one copy with
purchasing party.
- Based on that final bill is generate.
- In that billing process farmer name , corporation name , merchant name and
broker name id specify in this bill , also type of grain , total weight and price
per 20 K.G is also there and after all total bill amount is also specify in this
bill that is already in delivery contract .
- Based on that detail there are three copies generate.
o 1. One copy having a Farmer
o 2.second copy having a commission agent
o 3.third copy having a n APMC
- That is a very necessary for merchant as well as APMC , because the end of
month that all bill is required to APMC and the end of month APMC collect
that all during monthly transaction would be done between APMC and
- Base on monthly transaction merchant required paying some commission to
APMC base on rules and regulation.
6. - This process is very important, because if any will merchant not submits that
all bill time to time then merchant have a some penalty charge is required to
pay with base on APMC rules.
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- After all the end of the all procedure Exit gate pass is necessary with APMC
- If stamp is not on a gate pass then merchant have to pay some penalty to
- In exit gate pass merchant name, product name, kilogram, price and Net total
are there.
- It must be required to submit exit gate pass to APMC gate keeper
 First of all any farmer will come into APMC with their product for selling, a
farmer need to take entry gate pass at the time of entering into APMC.
 After there is one APMC employee at platform and he will note detailed
inside the Register Master such as Product Name, Farmer Name, Village,
Vehicle No, and Number Sample …. Etc
 After farmer goes inside APMC platform where there is one writer that
belongs to any of the broker and that broker is belongs any of the APMC
merchant and he will verify farmer product such as which product, how
many quantity…Etc
 After auction process is begging and numbers of merchant perform bidding
process and the highest price of the product is selected from the farmer side
and finally farmer will sell their product to that merchant.
 A merchant who will finally perches product of farmer make one bill
(Kabala) with Product Name (detail of all product), Farmer Name, Merchant
Name, Weight of product, Price, date, village, broker name, …. Etc.
 There are three copy of the bill (kabala), one copy is with APMC, one copy
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with Merchant, and one copy with Farmer.
 After finishing payment process a merchant able to bring it outside from
APMC with stamp of APMC if merchant forget to take stamp of APMC
than they will charge as per APMC decided.
 At the end of each month a merchant need to submit all bill (kabala) to
APMC and APMC take charge from merchant as their policy decided. For
example 50 paisa per Rs.100.
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A farmer need at list one broker reference of APMC.
Any of the merchant (either APMC merchant or outside APMC merchant)
purchase product from APMC but he need license approved by APMC.