6. Store & sync data with our NoSQL cloud database.
Data is stored as JSON, synced to all connected clients
in realtime, and available when your app goes offline.
Realtime Database
8. Realtime Database
• 특징 : 모든 데이터를 key/value의 json방식으로 저장
• Array도 key/value 방식으로 저장
• why? -> https://www.firebase.com/blog/2014-04-28-best-practices-arrays-in-
• 제약 Data Limits
A child node's key cannot be longer than 768 bytes, nor deeper than 32 levels. It can includ
e any unicode characters except for . $ # [ ] / and ASCII control characters 0-31 and 127.
9. Firebase Android
1. 회원가입
2. gradle추가(https://www.firebase.com/docs/android/
3. AndroidManifest.xml 수정 (인터넷 퍼미션)
4. 액티비티 onCreate에서 코드 한줄 추가!