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International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System
50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6
26 February, 2016
Dear Friend,
The doctors at Mulago Hospital in Uganda had a deadly problem on their
At least three times a week, they would deliver a baby, admit the
mother to the recovery ward, but the mother would not survive the night.
Something had to be done to save these mothers lives. And Dr. Sarah
Nakubulwa was the one who did it.
Sarah had come to Hamilton as a medical resident sponsored by the
International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System and
McMaster University. She had learned new skills, developed a sense of what is possible, and
returned home determined to make a difference.
And make a difference is exactly what she did, thanks to people just like you.
I knew these deaths were all virtually preventable, says Sarah. And I knew from my
training in Canada that we just needed to take a fresh approach, establish some new protocols,
and that we could solve this problem. I didnt want another mother to die unnecessarily.
Sarah and her colleagues developed and implemented whats known as a High Dependency
Unit. They identified the women most at risk, removed them from the general ward, and
monitored them every 30 minutes during the 24 hours after delivery.
In the first three months following implementation of Sarahs new protocol, not a single
mother died in childbirth at Mulago Hospital. Not one. Since Sarah started this program, at least
650 mothers lives have been saved.
Thats the power of training a doctor from a developing country. You train a doctor today,
you save 650 lives tomorrow.
And thats why Im writing to you. I want you to provide life-saving medical training in
areas of the world where medical resources are low. Your gift today to the International Outreach
Program of St. Josephs Health System will save lives tomorrow. Dr. Nakubulwa is proof of that.
You see, in the poorest countries, there is only one doctor for every 100,000 people.
Imagine the City of Hamilton, population 500,000, with only five doctors. Thats what the
People like you helped
Dr. Sarah Nakubulwa save
over 650 mothers' lives, and
counting . . .
International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System
50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6
chronic shortage of doctors in developing countries looks like. The shortage of nurses and other
vital health workers is just as chronic.
Im talking about 400 million people worldwide who lack access to a doctor or a nurse. The
majority of these people live in 57 of the poorest countries. Where there are no doctors or nurses,
there are deadly consequences. Each year in developing nations, six million people die from
malaria and tuberculosis. Half a million women die from complications of pregnancy and
childbirth. Two million people die from diphtheria, measles and tetanus.
With few exceptions, these deaths are preventable. By doctors and nurses. Enough doctors
and nurses.
Want to save lives in developing countries? Train a doctor. Train a nurse. Repeat.
The International Outreach Program of St.
Josephs Health System saves lives in developing
countries by training, equipping and mentoring
their doctors and nurses.
We are a non-profit organization that partners
with universities, medical schools and teaching
hospitals in countries that need more doctors,
nurses, hospital pharmacists, biomedical engineers
and other health professionals.
We give medical students and doctors the
academic knowledge and clinical skills they need
to prevent illness, restore health, save livesand
train other doctors to do the same.
Our trainees also acquire leadership, communication, negotiation and teaching skills that
help them generate lasting change in their communities and countries.
The power of multiplication starts in Hamilton, Ontario. We bring over medical students for
residencies (typically six months) and doctors for clinical fellowships (typically twelve months)
at McMaster University and area teaching hospitals.
We also send physicians, nurses and other health professionals to our partner countries to
Your gift teaches doctors from developing countries how to
restore health, save lives and train others.
International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System
50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6
deliver training, mentor our graduates and strengthen our relationships (and friendships) with the
faculty and leadership of their medical schools and hospitals.
Your gift delivers unique, life-saving training.
Most non-governmental organizations that deliver medical training to students from
developing countries only offer observerships. Yes, trainees are allowed into patient wards and
operating roomsbut only to observe.
They are not allowed to examine patients, see patients independently, answer patient
questions, prescribe medications or perform procedures. They are given zero responsibility. All
they are allowed do is watch. Our training model is different.
The International Outreach Program arranges full
licensing and medical insurance for medical students
and physicians from developing countries.
Our trainees talk with their patients, prescribe
medications, perform surgeries, deliver babies, set
broken bones, and plenty more, just as Canadian
residents and clinical fellows do.
This unique approach sets us apart, and, from
what our medical graduates tell us, is the foundation
of our successand theirs.
Your gift saves many lives by training many
types of health professionals.
In countries where medical resources are in short
supply, healthcare cant be delivered by one person,
not even a well-trained doctor. Every doctor is part of
a team. Thats why we train other members of the
team. First among these vital workers are nurses. We
train nurses to deliver safe, effective, evidence-based
patient care.
We tailor our curriculum, whether its in emergency room nursing, infectious diseases, obstetrics,
Thanks to supporters like you, Dr. Peace
Bagasha is learning in Hamilton how to save
the lives of patients with kidney failure back
in Uganda.
International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System
50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6
surgery or another discipline, to the nursing methods most relevant to local needs.
Two other areas where our training is in
great demand are pharmacy and biomedical
engineering. We teach hospital pharmacists
how to work closely with medical and nursing
staff to ensure that patients receive the right
medicine, at the proper dosage, administered
in the most appropriate way.
We teach biomedical engineers how to
maintain, service and repair the medical
equipment (whether modern or outdated) that
their hospitals use to diagnose, monitor and
treat patients. When possible, and only if
requested, we donate this equipment.
As you can see, your gift to the International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System
provides life-saving medical training in areas of the world where medical resources are low.
By the way, remember Dr. Sarah Nakubulwa, the doctor we brought to Canada for training
in obstetrics, whose training has saved over 650 mothers lives to date? Well, Sarah is now a
professor at the medical school of Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda (as many of our
Ugandan trainees are). Sarah is now a doctor who trains doctors. As you can see, an investment
in Sarahs training 10 years ago is still paying dividends today. Lives are still being saved,
doctors are still being trained, because a donor like you saw the awesome potential of investing
in a doctor from a developing country.
You can make a powerful difference as well. Today, and tomorrow. Please donate today
using the enclosed reply form. If you prefer, donate at www.internationaloutreach.ca/donate/
Peter Sweeney, Executive Director
Your gift trains and equips nurses, pharmacists, biomedical
engineers and other health professionals in countries where
trained health workers are desperately needed.

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  • 1. International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System 50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6 www.internationaloutreach.ca 26 February, 2016 Dear Friend, The doctors at Mulago Hospital in Uganda had a deadly problem on their hands. At least three times a week, they would deliver a baby, admit the mother to the recovery ward, but the mother would not survive the night. Something had to be done to save these mothers lives. And Dr. Sarah Nakubulwa was the one who did it. Sarah had come to Hamilton as a medical resident sponsored by the International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System and McMaster University. She had learned new skills, developed a sense of what is possible, and returned home determined to make a difference. And make a difference is exactly what she did, thanks to people just like you. I knew these deaths were all virtually preventable, says Sarah. And I knew from my training in Canada that we just needed to take a fresh approach, establish some new protocols, and that we could solve this problem. I didnt want another mother to die unnecessarily. Sarah and her colleagues developed and implemented whats known as a High Dependency Unit. They identified the women most at risk, removed them from the general ward, and monitored them every 30 minutes during the 24 hours after delivery. In the first three months following implementation of Sarahs new protocol, not a single mother died in childbirth at Mulago Hospital. Not one. Since Sarah started this program, at least 650 mothers lives have been saved. Thats the power of training a doctor from a developing country. You train a doctor today, you save 650 lives tomorrow. And thats why Im writing to you. I want you to provide life-saving medical training in areas of the world where medical resources are low. Your gift today to the International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System will save lives tomorrow. Dr. Nakubulwa is proof of that. You see, in the poorest countries, there is only one doctor for every 100,000 people. Imagine the City of Hamilton, population 500,000, with only five doctors. Thats what the People like you helped Dr. Sarah Nakubulwa save over 650 mothers' lives, and counting . . .
  • 2. International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System 50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6 www.internationaloutreach.ca chronic shortage of doctors in developing countries looks like. The shortage of nurses and other vital health workers is just as chronic. Im talking about 400 million people worldwide who lack access to a doctor or a nurse. The majority of these people live in 57 of the poorest countries. Where there are no doctors or nurses, there are deadly consequences. Each year in developing nations, six million people die from malaria and tuberculosis. Half a million women die from complications of pregnancy and childbirth. Two million people die from diphtheria, measles and tetanus. With few exceptions, these deaths are preventable. By doctors and nurses. Enough doctors and nurses. Want to save lives in developing countries? Train a doctor. Train a nurse. Repeat. The International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System saves lives in developing countries by training, equipping and mentoring their doctors and nurses. We are a non-profit organization that partners with universities, medical schools and teaching hospitals in countries that need more doctors, nurses, hospital pharmacists, biomedical engineers and other health professionals. We give medical students and doctors the academic knowledge and clinical skills they need to prevent illness, restore health, save livesand train other doctors to do the same. Our trainees also acquire leadership, communication, negotiation and teaching skills that help them generate lasting change in their communities and countries. The power of multiplication starts in Hamilton, Ontario. We bring over medical students for residencies (typically six months) and doctors for clinical fellowships (typically twelve months) at McMaster University and area teaching hospitals. We also send physicians, nurses and other health professionals to our partner countries to Your gift teaches doctors from developing countries how to restore health, save lives and train others.
  • 3. International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System 50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6 www.internationaloutreach.ca deliver training, mentor our graduates and strengthen our relationships (and friendships) with the faculty and leadership of their medical schools and hospitals. Your gift delivers unique, life-saving training. Most non-governmental organizations that deliver medical training to students from developing countries only offer observerships. Yes, trainees are allowed into patient wards and operating roomsbut only to observe. They are not allowed to examine patients, see patients independently, answer patient questions, prescribe medications or perform procedures. They are given zero responsibility. All they are allowed do is watch. Our training model is different. The International Outreach Program arranges full licensing and medical insurance for medical students and physicians from developing countries. Our trainees talk with their patients, prescribe medications, perform surgeries, deliver babies, set broken bones, and plenty more, just as Canadian residents and clinical fellows do. This unique approach sets us apart, and, from what our medical graduates tell us, is the foundation of our successand theirs. Your gift saves many lives by training many types of health professionals. In countries where medical resources are in short supply, healthcare cant be delivered by one person, not even a well-trained doctor. Every doctor is part of a team. Thats why we train other members of the team. First among these vital workers are nurses. We train nurses to deliver safe, effective, evidence-based patient care. We tailor our curriculum, whether its in emergency room nursing, infectious diseases, obstetrics, Thanks to supporters like you, Dr. Peace Bagasha is learning in Hamilton how to save the lives of patients with kidney failure back in Uganda.
  • 4. International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System 50 Charlton Avenue East, Hamilton ON L8N 4A6 www.internationaloutreach.ca surgery or another discipline, to the nursing methods most relevant to local needs. Two other areas where our training is in great demand are pharmacy and biomedical engineering. We teach hospital pharmacists how to work closely with medical and nursing staff to ensure that patients receive the right medicine, at the proper dosage, administered in the most appropriate way. We teach biomedical engineers how to maintain, service and repair the medical equipment (whether modern or outdated) that their hospitals use to diagnose, monitor and treat patients. When possible, and only if requested, we donate this equipment. As you can see, your gift to the International Outreach Program of St. Josephs Health System provides life-saving medical training in areas of the world where medical resources are low. By the way, remember Dr. Sarah Nakubulwa, the doctor we brought to Canada for training in obstetrics, whose training has saved over 650 mothers lives to date? Well, Sarah is now a professor at the medical school of Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda (as many of our Ugandan trainees are). Sarah is now a doctor who trains doctors. As you can see, an investment in Sarahs training 10 years ago is still paying dividends today. Lives are still being saved, doctors are still being trained, because a donor like you saw the awesome potential of investing in a doctor from a developing country. You can make a powerful difference as well. Today, and tomorrow. Please donate today using the enclosed reply form. If you prefer, donate at www.internationaloutreach.ca/donate/ Sincerely, Peter Sweeney, Executive Director Your gift trains and equips nurses, pharmacists, biomedical engineers and other health professionals in countries where trained health workers are desperately needed.