This document discusses tips and tricks for iOS development. It begins with an introduction to the presenters and why iOS development is challenging and interesting. It then discusses specific iOS development topics like table views, scroll views, custom views, and security considerations for local storage, server communication, and preventing runtime manipulation. Security recommendations include using Keychain for storage, SSL for network communication, checking for debuggers, and realizing 100% security is not possible. The document provides code examples and encourages further learning through referenced videos.
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iOS development - tips & tricks
1. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Software Development Lead - iOS
Galin Kardzhilov
Software Development Manager - iOS
Stefan Tsvyatkov
2. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
錚 Why iOS
錚 Some challenges
錚 iOS Security
5. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Why iOS?
-(NSString *)generateReasonsWhyiOS {
NSMutableString *reasons = [[NSMutableString alloc] init];
[reasons appendString:@"It's new"];
[reasons appendString:@"It's challenging"];
[reasons appendString:@"It compiles to native"];
[reasons appendString:@"You have to deal with hardware limitations"];
[reasons appendString:@"You have to provide responsiveness"];
[reasons appendString:@"You have to provide usability"];
[reasons appendString:@"You have to provide security"];
[reasons appendString:@"0ften craftsmanship
[reasons appendString:@"Your code runs into people's pockets"];
return reasons;
10. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Security in iOS
錚 Local Storage
錚 Communication with the server
錚 Binary analysis and manipulation
11. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Local Storage Security
錚 NSUserDefaults
錚 Convenient
錚 Not encrypted by
錚 Keeps the data in a
plist 鍖le
錚 CoreData
錚 Not encrypted by
錚 Keeps the data in
sqlite db
Not secure
12. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Local Storage Security
錚 Keychain Access
錚 Encrypted by default
錚 A bit more complex for use
錚 Insecure on jailbroken devices
錚 Data encryption
錚 Crypto API
錚 Obfuscate the encryption key
錚 Use unique device information
String constant
Secure encryption
13. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Server Communication Security
錚 Use SSL
錚 Dont accept self-signed certi鍖cates
錚 Client and server side data validation
14. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Runtime Manipulation
#import "AppDelegate.h"
#import "ptrace.h"
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
#ifndef DEBUG
ptrace(PT_DENY_ATTACH, 0, 0, 0);
@autoreleasepool {
return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));
錚 ptrace
錚 Deny a debugger to attach
錚 Can be patched from binary
錚 Put it in multiple places
15. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
錚 Check if a debugger is attached
錚 Hard to be patched from binary
錚 Make the check regularly and in critical
錚 Doesnt work against Cycript
Runtime Manipulation
#ifndef DEBUG
16. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
錚 Keychain Access for storing
錚 SSL for transporting
錚 Check for debuggers
錚 100% security does not exist
17. iOS Development - Tips & Tricks
Thank you!
Galin Kardzhilov @gravera
Stefan Tsvyatkov @stsvyatkov