Wi-Fi, W-USB, Bluetooth, WiMax: how much are wireless technology secure? Some hints to make your wireless connection more secure.
Crea i tuoi ponti radio wifi con i Freelink NG Townet!
Serie Freelink NG full outdoor, per reti di backhaul in banda libera. Disponibile a 17GHz e 24GHz con possibilit di upgrade da 175Mbps a 350Mbps.
Tecnologie RFID e Bluetooth Low Energy a monte della filiera del dato 4.0: pi...RFID Global by Softwork
Webinar 18 nov. 2020
Al Global Summit Logistics & Supply Chain, webinar tenuto da Paola Visentin lungo queste le distintive dei sistemi RFID (tag, controller, antenne e periferiche) e Bluetooth LE (Beacon, EchoBeacon e Gateway), evidenziando, tra le ultime novit, il sistema Beacon Wake-up & Activator per la rilevazione precisa della presenza di item/persona, capace di acquisire il dato con accuratezza e di trasmetterlo a lunga distanza, e il sistema BluEye per la sicurezza in funzione anti-Covid19 (allarme di prossimit, allarme assembramento e contact tracing).
This document discusses various Internet of Things (IoT) protocols. It defines IoT as interconnected devices that can transmit and receive data over a network. It then covers common network topologies and constraints of IoT devices. Several wireless protocols are described in detail, including their typical range, power usage, data rates, and costs. Popular protocols for messaging (MQTT) and REST-like interfaces (CoAP) are also summarized. The document aims to provide an overview of the IoT protocol landscape to help people get started with IoT development.
The Role of the Communication Protocols in the IoT: Pitfalls and AdvantagesFabio Gatti
IoT solutions should rely on solid basis in order to provide a step for the future. One of the foundation of building IoT solutions is identifying the appropriate communication protocol to use. Choosing among the different communication protocols may be a challenging task due to the fact that some protocols may be the right fit for one scenario but not necessarily for all.
In this session, we will examine the communication protocols including their pitfalls an advantages and how to choose the right one for your solution.
This document provides a high-level overview of protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses some of the key challenges for IoT including scalability, configurability, interoperability, discovery, and security. It then reviews several common IoT protocols, including HTTP, WebSockets, MQTT, CoAP, and mentions others like AMQP and XMPP. For each protocol, it summarizes their purpose, model (e.g. publish-subscribe vs client-server), efficiency considerations, and role in the protocol stack. It emphasizes that existing protocols like MQTT and CoAP are preferable to reinventing the wheel for IoT.
Standards are driving the growth of the Internet of Things by enabling new business models, rapid development, and global markets. Key standardization activities include work by the IETF on networking protocols like IPv6, CoAP, and security, as well as work by OMA, IPSO Alliance, and OneM2M on lightweight M2M, web objects, and a common M2M system standard. Building a Web of Things involves using standards like CoAP, 6LoWPAN, and IPSO web objects to connect M2M devices to backend systems over various network types.
Zach Shelby, Chief Nerd and co-founder of Sensinode, gives a high-level tutorial of the new OMA Lightweight M2M standard for Device Management, Network Mangement and Application Data for the Internet of Things. This new CoAP and DTLS based standard provides a complete system interface solution for M2M devices and services.
This document summarizes several wireless networking standards and protocols used in IoT applications. It discusses protocols for different layers including transport, discovery, data, and device management. Specific standards covered include 6LoWPAN, EPC, WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and different versions of WiFi (802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n). Key differences between the standards are highlighted such as operating frequency bands, maximum data rates, and effective transmission ranges. The document provides an overview of the organizational layers in which various IoT protocols operate and the rapid development of new protocols to meet diverse IoT requirements.
Tecnologie RFID e Bluetooth Low Energy a monte della filiera del dato 4.0: pi...RFID Global by Softwork
Webinar 18 nov. 2020
Al Global Summit Logistics & Supply Chain, webinar tenuto da Paola Visentin lungo queste le distintive dei sistemi RFID (tag, controller, antenne e periferiche) e Bluetooth LE (Beacon, EchoBeacon e Gateway), evidenziando, tra le ultime novit, il sistema Beacon Wake-up & Activator per la rilevazione precisa della presenza di item/persona, capace di acquisire il dato con accuratezza e di trasmetterlo a lunga distanza, e il sistema BluEye per la sicurezza in funzione anti-Covid19 (allarme di prossimit, allarme assembramento e contact tracing).
This document discusses various Internet of Things (IoT) protocols. It defines IoT as interconnected devices that can transmit and receive data over a network. It then covers common network topologies and constraints of IoT devices. Several wireless protocols are described in detail, including their typical range, power usage, data rates, and costs. Popular protocols for messaging (MQTT) and REST-like interfaces (CoAP) are also summarized. The document aims to provide an overview of the IoT protocol landscape to help people get started with IoT development.
The Role of the Communication Protocols in the IoT: Pitfalls and AdvantagesFabio Gatti
IoT solutions should rely on solid basis in order to provide a step for the future. One of the foundation of building IoT solutions is identifying the appropriate communication protocol to use. Choosing among the different communication protocols may be a challenging task due to the fact that some protocols may be the right fit for one scenario but not necessarily for all.
In this session, we will examine the communication protocols including their pitfalls an advantages and how to choose the right one for your solution.
This document provides a high-level overview of protocols for the Internet of Things (IoT). It discusses some of the key challenges for IoT including scalability, configurability, interoperability, discovery, and security. It then reviews several common IoT protocols, including HTTP, WebSockets, MQTT, CoAP, and mentions others like AMQP and XMPP. For each protocol, it summarizes their purpose, model (e.g. publish-subscribe vs client-server), efficiency considerations, and role in the protocol stack. It emphasizes that existing protocols like MQTT and CoAP are preferable to reinventing the wheel for IoT.
Standards are driving the growth of the Internet of Things by enabling new business models, rapid development, and global markets. Key standardization activities include work by the IETF on networking protocols like IPv6, CoAP, and security, as well as work by OMA, IPSO Alliance, and OneM2M on lightweight M2M, web objects, and a common M2M system standard. Building a Web of Things involves using standards like CoAP, 6LoWPAN, and IPSO web objects to connect M2M devices to backend systems over various network types.
Zach Shelby, Chief Nerd and co-founder of Sensinode, gives a high-level tutorial of the new OMA Lightweight M2M standard for Device Management, Network Mangement and Application Data for the Internet of Things. This new CoAP and DTLS based standard provides a complete system interface solution for M2M devices and services.
This document summarizes several wireless networking standards and protocols used in IoT applications. It discusses protocols for different layers including transport, discovery, data, and device management. Specific standards covered include 6LoWPAN, EPC, WiFi, Bluetooth, ZigBee, and different versions of WiFi (802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11a, 802.11n). Key differences between the standards are highlighted such as operating frequency bands, maximum data rates, and effective transmission ranges. The document provides an overview of the organizational layers in which various IoT protocols operate and the rapid development of new protocols to meet diverse IoT requirements.
The document discusses various protocols used in Internet of Things (IoT). It begins with defining IoT and how it works. It then discusses the current status and future of IoT. The major sections of the document are on IoT data link protocols like IEEE 802.15.4, WirelessHART, Z-Wave, and Bluetooth Low Energy. It also covers network layer routing protocols such as RPL and CORPL, and network layer encapsulation protocols.
Meego Italian Day 2011 - Prof. Carlo Caini - Delay-/Disruption- Tolerant Networking: dallinternet interplanetario agli smartphone.
Una testimonianza direttamente dal mondo della ricerca scientifica: ci verr mostrato come pu嘆 essere importante avere un sistema operativo completo linux-based anche su dispositivi mobili; codice sorgente C/C++ che rappresenta limplementazione dei protocolli DTN, gi scritto per normali architetture x86, ricompilato velocemente per processori ARM ed eseguito su uno smartphone.
Prof. Carlo Caini 竪 professore associato di telecomunicazioni presso la facolt di Ingegneria dellUniversit di Bologna e dal 2001 fa parte del DEIS (Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informatica e Sistemistica). Il suo campo scientifico di interesse sono le reti satellitari e wireless con una particolare enfasi sullo studio, la progettazione e limplementazione dei protocolli di trasporto. Si occupa inoltre di challenged networks, includendo il miglioramento delle versioni di TCP, Performance Enhancing Proxies (PEPs) e Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking (DTN).
NFC (Near Field Communication - Comunicazione di prossimit)Luca Santoro
Breve presentazione sulla tecnologia NFC e il suo utilizzo e confronto con tecnologie similari facendo sottolineando i diversi campi di applicazione. Utile per molteplici attivit quali pagamento, identificazione, domotica, marketing di prossimit, servizi avanzati per i clienti.
1NCE - Smart Meter: l'evoluzione della specieServizi a rete
Luigi Capobianco, Vice President Sales Southern and Western Europe - 1NCE
Connettivit IoT: servizio fondamentale per molti settori. Qual 竪 lo stato attuale? LoraWAN e NB-IoT si delineano come le due principali opzioni. Queste tecnologie sono testate e collaudate o sono ancora in stato di sviluppo?
Workshop 25.05.2016 a SPS Italia - SENECA LET'S - VPN Connectivity SolutionsSENECA
Workshop sull'innovativa piattaforma VPN - IoT di SENECA. LET'S ti garantisce un servizio di connettivit verso macchine ed impianti in totale sicurezza e con la massima affidabilit.
A real use case of Provenance tracking using BlockchainFabio Gatti
Here is the slides presented during IOT Intel Dev Fest III about the project aiming to track the Provenance of a good of marble or stone manifactured in the north Tuscany, Carrara area. The video is available at the following link:
Apuana Corporate: Oltre le criptovalute - Business perspectiveFabio Gatti
A short description about the business perspective of Apuana Corporate and how they plan to use the BlockChain technology to add value to the local craftsmanship
Moving from Internet 1.0 to Iot: le tecnologie IoTFabio Gatti
Iot current solution banchmark
1. Situazione tecnologie IOT
Lapplicazione delle tecnologie IOT consente il monitoraggio remoto dei
parametri di un dispositivo / processo per decisioni event-driven
Le soluzioni tecniche sono disponibili oggi (TRL 9)
La conoscenza delle soluzioni tecniche consente una corretta decisione di
2. Soluzioni IOT range locale
Bluetooth 4.2 Wifi 802.15.4
maturita TRL 9 TRL 9 TRL 9
range 1-10 m 1-100 m 1- 100 m
throughput medio elevato basso
vincoli Richiesto un gateway locale per il relay delle informazioni
sul cloud
data and monitoring
3. Soluzioni IOT long range
Sigfox Lorawan NB-IOT 4G/LTE
maturita TRL 9 TRL 9 TRL 7 TRL 9
range 1-15 km 1-15 km 1-15 km 1-15 km
throughput basso basso Medio elevato
vincoli Verificare la disponibilita della rete ed eventuali limitazioni al
numero massimo di messaggi/day
data and monitoring
4. Soluzioni IOT a confronto: throughput vs. range
TRL=9 TRL < 9
6. Soluzioni IOT: pros & cons
Affidabilita della
Soluzioni range locale
BLE WI-FI 802.15.04
Affidabilita della
Soluzioni long range
Sigfox Lorawan NB-IOT 4G/LTE
In conclusione:
Per limplementazione di un sistema IOT esistono diverse
soluzioni tecniche
I constrain di progetto determinano la scelta della miglior
soluzione per lo specifico business case