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This is me.
My work.   My play.

7 years.   4 days.        20%+
NFP   OR   Non Commercial   OR   Fun.
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
We take one of these.
Put a few instructions on it..
And then leave it somewhere
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
We’ve done it 170 times
In almost 45 countries
People find the cameras
“I found the camera in
London at the King's Cross
railway station on the
Harry-Potter-platform 9
“One of the other artists in the
show, Mike Gibson, had seen
one of the bags saying "Please
pick me up" and had brought
the camera to the gallery.”
Take a few photos...
...Then pass the camera on again
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
Until the film is finished...
Then we develop and share.
Digital Photography is HUGE

There were 6,174 uploads in the last minute. See more?
Instant Gratification is.. instant
Slowing things down
Inspiration comes in many forms.
Start Locally
Spread thru Personal Network
“I think I would like to do
   one for Boston, and also
one for New York. Can you
     sort me out with some
    info? I have disposable
       camera, and ziplock
             bags already.”
First non-UK drop.
And first to be found
First USA drop. First Stranger!
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
175 Cameras
43 Countries
Six Languages
500 Codes
174,000 miles
400 Images
Camera 29
              15 days
1060 miles, 4 people
  California; Arizona
Camera 22
146 days
12 miles, 4 people
Amsterdam; Haarlem;
Camera 47
96 days
13,000 miles, 3 people
Cornwall; Thailand; Cambodia
Camera 38
               93 days
12,600 miles, 2 people
   England; Cambodia
Camera 73
             9 days
  0 miles, 2 people
Frankfurt, Germany
Camera 76
22 days
0 miles, ? people
Glasgow, Scotland
Camera 99
                  1 days
      0 miles, 4 people
Developer Day Scotland
Camera 97
               19 days
  265 miles, 4 people
South Coast; Yorkshire
Camera 85
             29 days
   ? miles, 2 people
Morro Bay, California
Camera 59
90 days
4 miles, 4 people
San Luis Obispo, California
Camera 134
44 days
7890 miles, 4 people
London; Cape Town; Jo’berg; Durban
Camera 84
                   82 days
     5300 miles, 3 people
London; San Fran; Oakland
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
  London -
  Hong Kong -
  Vancouver -
  Montreal -
  Toronto -
  Hong Kong -
“Wherever it is, just promise me that if
you get a camera full of pictures of my
ex-girlfriend in union with a Spanish
coastguard you won’t tell me.”
“One of the children decided to start
shining the light into my eyes from
across the yard. So I played a along
by dodging in and out of the pillars
to hide and snapped the last couple
of shots on the roll as I did so.

The little girl’s parents had died in a
housefire two weeks before but she
was so full of life you couldn’t help
liking her.”
“that cam was like a sign to say ‘you’re
not alone, that will be the present for
your birthday’..”
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
Sometimes it doesn’t work
Why do people get involved?
A sense of community
Mystery; The Unknown
Find & Drop.
Success of a camera
Curation, Not Creation
Local Representatives
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
How much does it cost?
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
The more, the merrier
If you love it,
  set it free.
IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation
Where next?
Le projet des souvenirs jetables

     Si ha tomado todas las fotos las revelaremos.

                                   Здравствуйте и спасибо, что
                                          нашли меня!

                       Το πρόγραμμα αναλώσιμης μνήμης

     Wo habt ihr die Kameras gefunden?
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IPA 'Game Changers' event, 14th July 2009 – Dispoable Memory Project presentation