The presentation covers the development of a personal development planning resource using Google Apps for Education
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iPDP using Google Apps for Education
1. Managing Personal
Development Planning using
Google Apps for Education
Robin Trangmar
Dr. Claire Lloyd
Head of Education & Training, Coleg
Lecturer in Education & Training,
Coleg Llandrillo
2. Overview
iPDP (Individual Personal Development Plan) being
developed on the Teacher Education courses at Coleg
The iPDP uses Google Sites, Drive and Groups to
support trainee teachers and track and manage
assessment artefacts during their course
3. Portfolio Issues
Just so much paper
Compiled at the end of the year
Didnt really contribute to any development
Retained by the student, so if they didnt have it no-one
could see what they were doing
Lost hand-outs, resources, course forms, marked
assessment work
Staff found it hard to track student progress
Students found it easy to hide
Ive left it at home
Not attending tutorials and thus not producing work
4. Previous efforts
Ran a trial in 2007
Cost implications
Mahara + Moodle
Too steep a learning curve
Portability issues
Institutional hosting issues
5. Moodle
GLLM still running Moodle 1.9
No linkage with Mahara
Moodle unpopular with students
Moodle not really a Web 2.0 platform
Anything created in Moodle would be
Not portable
6. What we wanted (1)
To have a resource that was at the heart of the trainee
teachers progress
Something that was transparent and available to
the trainee teacher,
the workplace mentor, and
any of the teacher educators
Something that was updatable by all parties and in one
common space
7. What we wanted (2)
Storage: somewhere for
staff to store course documents, research papers etc for
student access
students to store assessed work
students to have a personal storage space that staff can
One single place for
Course resources and teaching materials
Student work
Students to have greater engagement with cloud-based
resources so they were aware of possibilities for their
own students
8. Here is Edward Bear, coming
downstairs now, bump, bump,
bump, on the back of his head,
behind Christopher Robin.
It is, as far as he knows, the
only way of coming downstairs,
but sometimes he feels there
really is another way, if only
he could stop bumping for a
moment and think of it.
(A.A. Milne 1926; 15)
Source: Milne, A.A., 1926 The World of Pooh. London; Methuen.
Image: Pete Rollins
9. The inspiration
Cheryl Reynolds Senior Lecturer at
Huddersfield University on the PGCE
Developed and tested an iPDP using a Google
Site from which her students created a replica
She shared this with us
We took the model, mapped it to our own
course requirements, and added a few tweaks
10. Google Apps for Education (GAfE)
Following the 2012 merger, GLLM moved the email
system to Google Apps for Education (GAfE)
This presented within the GLLM domain
and recently Google Plus and Google Hangouts
11. Creating the iPDP
We created one Google Site and set it up as a
Template, which was then shared with students
They created a copy
We managed the Site permissions so that tutors have
editing rights
We provided a half-days training and helped the
students to create and customise their iPDP
12. The iPDP isnt
An ePortfolio
a purposeful collection of information and digital
artefacts that demonstrates development or evidences
learning outcomes, skills or competencies. The process
of producing an ePortfolio (writing, typing, recording etc.)
usually requires the synthesis of ideas, reflection on
achievements, self-awareness and forward planning; with
the potential for educational, developmental or other
(Cotterill 2007)
but it could be
13. Main Points
Each part of the course has its own area, description of
assessment tasks, access to relevant forms, a place for
uploading personal completed work
Simple, one / two-click access
Observations, evaluations
Research document support
Links to Google Site for each module of study
Discussion area - Google Group (weak point)
Assignment upload - Google Group (weak point)
16. Personal storage space
Students can add own research, notes, drafts etc
Tutors can add additional reading to support learning
17. Use of Drive
No template documents are stored in the iPDP Site
All templates are located in folders in the Google Drive
shared folder
The shared folder is inserted (linked) into the iPDP
Site page, and any updates to files in the Google Drive
shared folder occur automagically
21. Progress
Quick uptake - intuitive
User friendly
The ability to reverse disasters is very useful
Students prefer it to Moodle (!)
Several students have developed Sites for their own
Some students are doing their
tutorials via Google Hangouts
reducing the need to travel
22. Limitations
Gmail filters to redirect student emails
Submitting assessment work via a Group
Cant track activity / engagement with resources on the
module Sites
A few students find the page editing process
Initial inability for students to export the iPDP after the
course ends (GAfE domain limitations)
Found a work-around through using a standard Gmail
23. Short and Long Term Evaluation
Initial anecdotal feedback from students
Developing the original template as tutors experience
Investigating why the current cohort of students are
using the iPDP effectively
Use of TPACK (Technological, Pedagogical and Content
Knowledge) survey to benchmark skills
End of year review
Sharing findings with Cheryl Reynolds
25. References
Cotterill, SJ (2007). What is an ePortfolio? ePortfolios
2007, Maastricht
accessed 12 December 2013
Koehler, M. J., & Mishra, P. (2005). What happens
when teachers design educational technology? The
development of technological pedagogical content
knowledge. Journal of Educational Computing
Research, 32(2), 131-152
Milne, A. A., 1926. The World of Pooh. London;