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SOUTHWARK, LONDON                                                              MANHATTAN, NEW YORK                                           KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA
Southwark¡¯s residential market stayed buoyant                                  New York continues to make a strong case                      The robust economic growth in 2010, during which the economy grew
throughout the rst half of 2011, with residential values                       for investment and looks considerably                         7.2%, has resulted in higher residential prices this year. Malaysia continues
continuing to increase. This inner-city suburb of London                       more attractive than the rest of the United                   to be the recipient of record levels of foreign direct investment (FDI).
is currently undergoing extensive regeneration around                          States. Government incentives such as the                     According to UNCTAD, Malaysia received a record tally of US$7 billion
London Bridge. Notable projects include the Shard,                             Lower Manhattan Development Corp.¡¯s                           in FDI in 2010 , up from just US$1.4 billion in 2009. The government¡¯s
soon to be the tallest building in Europe. The area is                         US$2.78 billion nancial action plan and                       own stimulus package will encourage further economic growth, which we
known as London¡¯s cultural quarter, with attractions                           residential tax abatements in the nancial                     believe will have a positive impact on the property market. The Mass Rapid
such as the Tate Modern art gallery, the Globe Theatre                         district are encouraging investor demand.                     Transit (MRT) project in particular will be a catalyst for growth in suburbs
and Borough Market. The regeneration of Southwark                              The downtown area saw the strongest                           that lie adjacent to the proposed lines, including Mont Kiara.
will attract more a uent residents to the area, which                          demand in 2010, accounting for 37% of all
will result in an alpha e ect in property prices. Over the                     units sold in Manhattan. Condominium                          The Real Estate and Housing Developers¡¯ Association of Malaysia
last ve years, capital values have already risen                               sales in Manhattan jumped 33.2% from                          predicts prices will increase between 15% and 30% in KL over the
33%, outperforming London¡¯s average                                            the 964 recorded in Q1 2011, with                             course of 2011, with consensus estimates collected from a range of
performance by 73% over the same period. Rent                                  two-bedroom units accounting for 41.8%                        market observers suggesting increases of 7% to 10%, on the back of
levels in London have continued to rise in 2011.                               of all condo sales. Average Manhattan                         strong economic growth and continued high transaction volumes.
Over the last 12 months, prime London rents                                    sales prices were 1.3% higher for Q2                          Overall sentiment in the real estate market therefore remains positive,
have risen by 10% and now stand at an average of                               2011, compared with the same period                           although at a micro level there are some concerns regarding an oversupply
4% higher than their 2007 peak. Flats, now 4.9%                                last year, at an average price of US                          of condominiums in certain locations. One of the longer-term
above the 2007 peak, have outperformed houses,                                 $1,702,079. 3 We expect this market to                        consequences of the high levels of inward investment into Malaysia will be
which are 2.1% above their previous high. The                                  continue to perform well on the back of a                     increasing demand from multinational and Malaysian companies for
underlying factors driving the surge in rents are the lack                     continued supply/demand imbalance                             international-standard o ce space and for high quality, luxury residential
of supply and the growing demand from would-be                                 and sustained demand from overseas                            apartments. Kuala Lumpur continues to be one of IP Global¡¯s primary
buyers unable to access home ownership.2                                       buyers.                                                       markets, and we expect performance to remain robust throughout 2011.
1 Land registry
2 http://www.propertywire.com/news/europe/central-london-rental-market-201107065334.html
3 http://www.millersamuel.com/reports/pdf-reports/DEmanhattansales2Q11.pdf


                                                                                                                                                                                                               NEW YORK

                                                               MANHATTAN,                                                                                                                                      MALAYSIA
                                                               NEW YORK
                                                                                                              SOUTHWARK,                                                                                       SANTIAGO
                                                                                                                                                                                                               HONG KONG
                                                                                                                                                                     HONG KONG
                                          LAS VEGAS,                                                                                                                                                           NEVADA
                                          NEVADA                                                     KUALA LUMPUR,


SANTIAGO, CHILE                                                                   HONG KONG                                                                             LAS VEGAS, NEVADA
Chile¡¯s economy is thriving on the back of high prices for                        The Hong Kong government implemented additional cooling                               In April, Las Vegas house prices fell for the seventh
copper - Chile¡¯s main export - as well as good scal policy                        measures in June 2011. Buyers of homes that cost more than HK$7                       consecutive month, dropping 0.9% and leaving
and a fast recovery from last year¡¯s earthquake. The                              million but less than HK$10 million can now only apply for a maximum                  them down 6.2% compared with the same time
economy is expected to grow 6% - 7% in 2011. Chile¡¯s                              loan-to-value ratio of 60%, subject to a cap of HK$5 million. For                     last year. That is worse than the average year-on-year
economic surge has been re ected in the residential                               properties worth HK$10 million or above, the maximum loan-to-value                    decline for 20 major US cities, which averaged a
market, with property values in Santiago jumping                                  ratio is 50%. Since these measures, sales at ten of Hong Kong¡¯s                       decline of 4%. Nevada has the highest foreclosure
59% over the last two years.4 The rental market in                                biggest residential developments fell 58% over a weekend.                             rate in the United States, with almost one in
Santiago has performed equally well, with rents up 50%                            Property transactions fell for a fth straight month in May, but homes                 every 103 homes receiving some type of
in the same period. Investors are achieving yields of                             prices still increased by 1.3% in early June, according to Centaline.                 foreclosure ling. The high unemployment rate of
6% and above .The recent capital growth supported by                              Home prices have risen 11% so far this this year, according to                        12.4% continues to harm the local market, with many
the most-developed secondary mortgage market in South                             government estimates. With the measures, we expect price growth                       construction jobs still being lost. While this continues,
America makes this market one to monitor.                                         to slow down to a stable and robust level over the rest of 2011.                      a recovery in the residential market is unlikely.

4 Reidin.com                                                                      6 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-13/hong-kong-home-sales-tumble-after-government-raises-down-payments-on-loans.html
5 http://www.businessinsider.com/why-chilean-real-estate-is-a-bargain-2011-5      Please note information has been taken from third party sources. References are available on request.

IP Global is the trading name of IP Real Estate Investments Pte Ltd, which is licensed under the CEA ¨C number L3010023I

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IP Global Property Barometer (Q3 2011)

  • 1. 3rd QUARTER 2011 PROPERTY BAROMETER SOUTHWARK, LONDON MANHATTAN, NEW YORK KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA Southwark¡¯s residential market stayed buoyant New York continues to make a strong case The robust economic growth in 2010, during which the economy grew throughout the rst half of 2011, with residential values for investment and looks considerably 7.2%, has resulted in higher residential prices this year. Malaysia continues continuing to increase. This inner-city suburb of London more attractive than the rest of the United to be the recipient of record levels of foreign direct investment (FDI). is currently undergoing extensive regeneration around States. Government incentives such as the According to UNCTAD, Malaysia received a record tally of US$7 billion London Bridge. Notable projects include the Shard, Lower Manhattan Development Corp.¡¯s in FDI in 2010 , up from just US$1.4 billion in 2009. The government¡¯s soon to be the tallest building in Europe. The area is US$2.78 billion nancial action plan and own stimulus package will encourage further economic growth, which we known as London¡¯s cultural quarter, with attractions residential tax abatements in the nancial believe will have a positive impact on the property market. The Mass Rapid such as the Tate Modern art gallery, the Globe Theatre district are encouraging investor demand. Transit (MRT) project in particular will be a catalyst for growth in suburbs and Borough Market. The regeneration of Southwark The downtown area saw the strongest that lie adjacent to the proposed lines, including Mont Kiara. will attract more a uent residents to the area, which demand in 2010, accounting for 37% of all will result in an alpha e ect in property prices. Over the units sold in Manhattan. Condominium The Real Estate and Housing Developers¡¯ Association of Malaysia last ve years, capital values have already risen sales in Manhattan jumped 33.2% from predicts prices will increase between 15% and 30% in KL over the 33%, outperforming London¡¯s average the 964 recorded in Q1 2011, with course of 2011, with consensus estimates collected from a range of 1 performance by 73% over the same period. Rent two-bedroom units accounting for 41.8% market observers suggesting increases of 7% to 10%, on the back of levels in London have continued to rise in 2011. of all condo sales. Average Manhattan strong economic growth and continued high transaction volumes. Over the last 12 months, prime London rents sales prices were 1.3% higher for Q2 Overall sentiment in the real estate market therefore remains positive, have risen by 10% and now stand at an average of 2011, compared with the same period although at a micro level there are some concerns regarding an oversupply 4% higher than their 2007 peak. Flats, now 4.9% last year, at an average price of US of condominiums in certain locations. One of the longer-term above the 2007 peak, have outperformed houses, $1,702,079. 3 We expect this market to consequences of the high levels of inward investment into Malaysia will be which are 2.1% above their previous high. The continue to perform well on the back of a increasing demand from multinational and Malaysian companies for underlying factors driving the surge in rents are the lack continued supply/demand imbalance international-standard o ce space and for high quality, luxury residential of supply and the growing demand from would-be and sustained demand from overseas apartments. Kuala Lumpur continues to be one of IP Global¡¯s primary buyers unable to access home ownership.2 buyers. markets, and we expect performance to remain robust throughout 2011. 1 Land registry 2 http://www.propertywire.com/news/europe/central-london-rental-market-201107065334.html 3 http://www.millersamuel.com/reports/pdf-reports/DEmanhattansales2Q11.pdf LONDON NEW YORK MANHATTAN, MALAYSIA NEW YORK SOUTHWARK, SANTIAGO LONDON HONG KONG HONG KONG LAS VEGAS, NEVADA NEVADA KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA SANTIAGO, CHILE SANTIAGO, CHILE HONG KONG LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Chile¡¯s economy is thriving on the back of high prices for The Hong Kong government implemented additional cooling In April, Las Vegas house prices fell for the seventh copper - Chile¡¯s main export - as well as good scal policy measures in June 2011. Buyers of homes that cost more than HK$7 consecutive month, dropping 0.9% and leaving and a fast recovery from last year¡¯s earthquake. The million but less than HK$10 million can now only apply for a maximum them down 6.2% compared with the same time economy is expected to grow 6% - 7% in 2011. Chile¡¯s loan-to-value ratio of 60%, subject to a cap of HK$5 million. For last year. That is worse than the average year-on-year economic surge has been re ected in the residential properties worth HK$10 million or above, the maximum loan-to-value decline for 20 major US cities, which averaged a market, with property values in Santiago jumping ratio is 50%. Since these measures, sales at ten of Hong Kong¡¯s decline of 4%. Nevada has the highest foreclosure 59% over the last two years.4 The rental market in biggest residential developments fell 58% over a weekend. rate in the United States, with almost one in Santiago has performed equally well, with rents up 50% Property transactions fell for a fth straight month in May, but homes every 103 homes receiving some type of 6 in the same period. Investors are achieving yields of prices still increased by 1.3% in early June, according to Centaline. foreclosure ling. The high unemployment rate of 5 6% and above .The recent capital growth supported by Home prices have risen 11% so far this this year, according to 12.4% continues to harm the local market, with many the most-developed secondary mortgage market in South government estimates. With the measures, we expect price growth construction jobs still being lost. While this continues, America makes this market one to monitor. to slow down to a stable and robust level over the rest of 2011. a recovery in the residential market is unlikely. 4 Reidin.com 6 http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-06-13/hong-kong-home-sales-tumble-after-government-raises-down-payments-on-loans.html 5 http://www.businessinsider.com/why-chilean-real-estate-is-a-bargain-2011-5 Please note information has been taken from third party sources. References are available on request. IP Global is the trading name of IP Real Estate Investments Pte Ltd, which is licensed under the CEA ¨C number L3010023I