El documento describe las distribuciones Linux Mint y Ubuntu, indicando que Linux Mint se basa en Ubuntu y Debian, mantiene software actualizado y es fácil de usar, especialmente para usuarios nuevos en Linux. También explica que Ubuntu es un sistema operativo basado en Linux que incluye el entorno de escritorio Unity y que su nombre proviene de la ética ubuntu de cooperación con los demás.
Este documento describe los lenguajes de scripting y su uso para la automatización de tareas. Explica que los lenguajes de scripting permiten ejecutar comandos de forma secuencial sin necesidad de compilación. Menciona algunos lenguajes de scripting populares como Batch, VBScript y PowerShell que son compatibles con Windows. También brinda detalles sobre cómo Batch es el lenguaje original de scripting para DOS y Windows y cómo se pueden usar comandos específicos como ECHO y PAUSE en archivos Batch.
Andrés Felipe Mejía Corredor nació en 1991 en Villavicencio, Colombia. Se graduó como técnico en electricidad y electrónica en 2009. Le gusta pasar tiempo en ambientes naturales con su familia y amigos. Ha trabajado con fibra óptica y para una empresa petrolera, donde aprendió sobre telecomunicaciones e hidrocarburos. Actualmente estudia automatización industrial en el SENA con la esperanza de mejorar su calidad de vida a través del aprovechamiento de oportunidades.
Enhancing Data Staging as a Mechanism for Fast Data AccessEditor IJCATR
Most organizations rely on data in their daily transactions and operations. This data is retrieved from different source
systems in a distributed network hence it comes in varying data types and formats. The source data is prepared and cleaned by
subjecting it to algorithms and functions before transferring it to the target systems which takes more time. Moreover, there is pressure
from data users within the data warehouse for data to be availed quickly for them to make appropriate decisions and forecasts. This has
not been the case due to immense data explosion in millions of transactions resulting from business processes of the organizations. The
current legacy systems cannot handle large data levels due to processing capabilities and customizations. This approach has failed
because there lacks clear procedures to decide which data to collect or exempt. It is with this concern that performance degradation
should be addressed because organizations invest a lot of resources to establish a functioning data warehouse. Data staging is a
technological innovation within data warehouses where data manipulations are carried out before transfer to target systems. It carries
out data integration by harmonizing the staging functions, cleansing, verification, and archiving source data. Deterministic
Prioritization Approach will be employed to enhance data staging, and to clearly prove this change Experiment design is needed to test
scenarios in the study. Previous studies in this field have mainly focused in the data warehouses processes as a whole but less to the
specifics of data staging area.
An Improved Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Through Clustering In C...Editor IJCATR
One of the major reason for performance degradation in Wireless sensor network is the overhead due to control packet and
packet delivery degradation. Clustering in cross layer network operation is an efficient way manage control packet overhead and which
ultimately improve the lifetime of a network. All these overheads are crucial in a scalable networks. But the clustering always suffer
from the cluster head failure which need to be solved effectively in a large network. As the focus is to improve the average lifetime of
sensor network the cluster head is selected based on the battery life of nodes. The cross-layer operation model optimize the overheads
in multiple layer and ultimately the use of clustering will reduce the major overheads identified and their by the energy consumption
and throughput of wireless sensor network is improved. The proposed model operates on two layers of network ie., Network Layer
and Transport Layer and Clustering is applied in the network layer . The simulation result shows that the integration of two layers
reduces the energy consumption and increases the throughput of the wireless sensor networks.
This document outlines a proposal to restructure the first year experience peer mentoring program at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The goal is to install a program that will help provisional first year students improve their mental and physical wellbeing as well as their academic performance during their time at the university. The program would assign each provisional student a peer mentor of junior status or higher to meet with weekly and attend workshops on topics like time management, stress relief, and using academic resources. It is estimated that this program would cost around $350 for the semester.
Budal cafe merupakan tempat nongkrong paling asik di Magelang yang menawarkan berbagai pilihan makanan dan minuman serta menjadi tempat untuk berkumpul dan menghabiskan waktu.
Este documento resume los diferentes modelos de atención a personas con discapacidad intelectual descritos en el texto, incluyendo programas de padres a padres para brindar apoyo emocional, documentos para guiar a las familias, modelos de autogestión para promover la autonomía de las personas, y cuadernos de buenas prácticas y colecciones de documentos útiles para las organizaciones.
Indeba is a team of mobile engineers with over 20 years of combined experience creating software for major mobile platforms. They have contact points in North and South America and have worked with clients ranging from start-ups to multimillion dollar franchises like Disney. Indeba helps define requirements, builds high quality projects, and ensures customer satisfaction. Previous clients praised Indeba's blend of architecture, design, and implementation skills as well as their dedication to the customer experience.
Este documento describe los lenguajes de scripting y su uso para la automatización de tareas. Explica que los lenguajes de scripting permiten ejecutar comandos de forma secuencial sin necesidad de compilación. Menciona algunos lenguajes de scripting populares como Batch, VBScript y PowerShell que son compatibles con Windows. También brinda detalles sobre cómo Batch es el lenguaje original de scripting para DOS y Windows y cómo se pueden usar comandos específicos como ECHO y PAUSE en archivos Batch.
Andrés Felipe Mejía Corredor nació en 1991 en Villavicencio, Colombia. Se graduó como técnico en electricidad y electrónica en 2009. Le gusta pasar tiempo en ambientes naturales con su familia y amigos. Ha trabajado con fibra óptica y para una empresa petrolera, donde aprendió sobre telecomunicaciones e hidrocarburos. Actualmente estudia automatización industrial en el SENA con la esperanza de mejorar su calidad de vida a través del aprovechamiento de oportunidades.
Enhancing Data Staging as a Mechanism for Fast Data AccessEditor IJCATR
Most organizations rely on data in their daily transactions and operations. This data is retrieved from different source
systems in a distributed network hence it comes in varying data types and formats. The source data is prepared and cleaned by
subjecting it to algorithms and functions before transferring it to the target systems which takes more time. Moreover, there is pressure
from data users within the data warehouse for data to be availed quickly for them to make appropriate decisions and forecasts. This has
not been the case due to immense data explosion in millions of transactions resulting from business processes of the organizations. The
current legacy systems cannot handle large data levels due to processing capabilities and customizations. This approach has failed
because there lacks clear procedures to decide which data to collect or exempt. It is with this concern that performance degradation
should be addressed because organizations invest a lot of resources to establish a functioning data warehouse. Data staging is a
technological innovation within data warehouses where data manipulations are carried out before transfer to target systems. It carries
out data integration by harmonizing the staging functions, cleansing, verification, and archiving source data. Deterministic
Prioritization Approach will be employed to enhance data staging, and to clearly prove this change Experiment design is needed to test
scenarios in the study. Previous studies in this field have mainly focused in the data warehouses processes as a whole but less to the
specifics of data staging area.
An Improved Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks Through Clustering In C...Editor IJCATR
One of the major reason for performance degradation in Wireless sensor network is the overhead due to control packet and
packet delivery degradation. Clustering in cross layer network operation is an efficient way manage control packet overhead and which
ultimately improve the lifetime of a network. All these overheads are crucial in a scalable networks. But the clustering always suffer
from the cluster head failure which need to be solved effectively in a large network. As the focus is to improve the average lifetime of
sensor network the cluster head is selected based on the battery life of nodes. The cross-layer operation model optimize the overheads
in multiple layer and ultimately the use of clustering will reduce the major overheads identified and their by the energy consumption
and throughput of wireless sensor network is improved. The proposed model operates on two layers of network ie., Network Layer
and Transport Layer and Clustering is applied in the network layer . The simulation result shows that the integration of two layers
reduces the energy consumption and increases the throughput of the wireless sensor networks.
This document outlines a proposal to restructure the first year experience peer mentoring program at the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown. The goal is to install a program that will help provisional first year students improve their mental and physical wellbeing as well as their academic performance during their time at the university. The program would assign each provisional student a peer mentor of junior status or higher to meet with weekly and attend workshops on topics like time management, stress relief, and using academic resources. It is estimated that this program would cost around $350 for the semester.
Budal cafe merupakan tempat nongkrong paling asik di Magelang yang menawarkan berbagai pilihan makanan dan minuman serta menjadi tempat untuk berkumpul dan menghabiskan waktu.
Este documento resume los diferentes modelos de atención a personas con discapacidad intelectual descritos en el texto, incluyendo programas de padres a padres para brindar apoyo emocional, documentos para guiar a las familias, modelos de autogestión para promover la autonomía de las personas, y cuadernos de buenas prácticas y colecciones de documentos útiles para las organizaciones.
Indeba is a team of mobile engineers with over 20 years of combined experience creating software for major mobile platforms. They have contact points in North and South America and have worked with clients ranging from start-ups to multimillion dollar franchises like Disney. Indeba helps define requirements, builds high quality projects, and ensures customer satisfaction. Previous clients praised Indeba's blend of architecture, design, and implementation skills as well as their dedication to the customer experience.