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仂亞舒仄仄舒 2 :
∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亶 于舒于从亳 CHRISTMASWORLD 2016
∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亶 于舒于从亳 IPM 2016
 仆舒从仂仄于仂 亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠  仄亳仂于仄亳 仍仂亳舒仄亳
∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仍仂亳亳亠从亳 仄舒亞舒亰亳仆仂于 亠仄舒仆亳亳
 亳亰仆亠-仂弍亠仆亳亠 束丕仗亠仆亠 仗亠亠亞仂于仂 亳 亰舒从仗从舒 仂于舒舒 仆舒
于舒于从亠, 舒舒仄仂亢从舒, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 亳 仆ミ夷術損
∃弍仂 仗仂舒于亳从仂于 亳 亠从亳于仆亶 亰舒从舒亰 从仂仍仍亠从亳亳
 亳仆仂亠 仂仗仂于仂亢亟亠仆亳亠 于仍舒亟亠仍舒仄亳 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 舒亢仂亠仍
∃{火笑頴笑莞出笑 于亠仄, 仂仗亳仆亞,从仍仆舒 仗仂亞舒仄仄舒
∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亶 于舒于从亳 IPM 2016
∃仆舒从仂仄于仂 亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠  仄亳仂于仄亳 仍仂亳舒仄亳
∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仍仂亳亳亠从亳 仄舒亞舒亰亳仆仂于 亠仄舒仆亳亳
∃{火笑頴笑莞出笑 于亠仄, 仂仗亳仆亞,从仍仆舒 仗仂亞舒仄仄舒
仂亞舒仄仄舒 1 :
  豫 2016
丕丐亂 亊
The program 2:
Visiting international exhibitions CHRISTMASWORLD 2016
Visit the international exhibition IPM 2016
Meet and chat with the world's florists
Visit the florist shops in Germany
Business training "Successful negotiation and purchase of goods on
display, customs clearance, features and nuances"
Selection of suppliers and efficient collection order
Personal support of owners of the company Majorelle
Free time, shopping, cultural program
Visit the international exhibition IPM 2016
Meet and chat with the world's florists
Visit the florist shops in Germany
Free time, shopping, cultural program
The program 1:
Trip to Germany 2016

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IPM+Chistmas World 2016. Majorelle

  • 1. majorelle.ua 仂亞舒仄仄舒 2 : 26.01-03.02.16 ∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亶 于舒于从亳 CHRISTMASWORLD 2016 ∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亶 于舒于从亳 IPM 2016 仆舒从仂仄于仂 亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠 仄亳仂于仄亳 仍仂亳舒仄亳 ∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仍仂亳亳亠从亳 仄舒亞舒亰亳仆仂于 亠仄舒仆亳亳 亳亰仆亠-仂弍亠仆亳亠 束丕仗亠仆亠 仗亠亠亞仂于仂 亳 亰舒从仗从舒 仂于舒舒 仆舒 于舒于从亠, 舒舒仄仂亢从舒, 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亳 亳 仆ミ夷術損 ∃弍仂 仗仂舒于亳从仂于 亳 亠从亳于仆亶 亰舒从舒亰 从仂仍仍亠从亳亳 亳仆仂亠 仂仗仂于仂亢亟亠仆亳亠 于仍舒亟亠仍舒仄亳 从仂仄仗舒仆亳亳 舒亢仂亠仍 ∃{火笑頴笑莞出笑 于亠仄, 仂仗亳仆亞,从仍仆舒 仗仂亞舒仄仄舒 ∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仄亠亢亟仆舒仂亟仆仂亶 于舒于从亳 IPM 2016 ∃仆舒从仂仄于仂 亳 仂弍亠仆亳亠 仄亳仂于仄亳 仍仂亳舒仄亳 ∃仂亠亠仆亳亠 仍仂亳亳亠从亳 仄舒亞舒亰亳仆仂于 亠仄舒仆亳亳 ∃{火笑頴笑莞出笑 于亠仄, 仂仗亳仆亞,从仍仆舒 仗仂亞舒仄仄舒 仂亞舒仄仄舒 1 : 26.01-30.01.16 豫 2016 丕丐亂 亊
  • 2. majorelle.ua The program 2: 26.01-03.02.16 Visiting international exhibitions CHRISTMASWORLD 2016 Visit the international exhibition IPM 2016 Meet and chat with the world's florists Visit the florist shops in Germany Business training "Successful negotiation and purchase of goods on display, customs clearance, features and nuances" Selection of suppliers and efficient collection order Personal support of owners of the company Majorelle Free time, shopping, cultural program Visit the international exhibition IPM 2016 Meet and chat with the world's florists Visit the florist shops in Germany Free time, shopping, cultural program The program 1: 26.01-30.01.16 Trip to Germany 2016 MARVELLOUS IS NEAR