Sulfur mustard (SM) is a chemical warfare agent that causes severe blistering of the skin and mucous membranes. It is a vesicant or blistering agent that was used in World War I and has no current medical use. Exposure can occur through inhalation, skin contact, or ingestion and causes both short and long term health effects. Short term effects include skin blistering and burns, eye irritation and blindness, and respiratory issues. Long term effects involve increased risk of cancers like skin and lung cancer as well as psychological disorders. While exposure is dangerous, following decontamination and treatment procedures can help reduce risks.
4. We will talk about : What is S.M Types of exposure Short term effects Long term effects treatment
5. What is sulfur mustard ? Type of chemical warfare agent that is known to alkilate DNA at 06 position of guanine and causes cross-linking of DND. Vesicant or blistering agent. Smell like garlic,onion, mustard and sometimes has no odor. Can be a vapor ,an oily-texture liquid or a solid.
6. What is sulfur mustard ? Can be clear ,yellow , brown in form of liquid or solid. S.M is not found naturally in environment. Until recently it was used for treatment of psoriasis but currently it has no medical use.
7. How can people be exposed to S.M? If S.M is released in to air as a vapor, can be exposed through skin, eye, breathing . If S.M is released in to water , can be exposed by drinking. S.M can lest 1-2 days in the environment or weeks to months under very cold conditions. S.M breaks down slowly in the body,so repeated exposure may have cumulative effect.
8. Short term effects of S.M Depend on severity of exposure symptoms may occur during 2-24 h after exposure.
9. Short term effects of S.M Skin : Erythem and burning Inflammation and blister Secondary infection
10. Short term effects of S.M Eyes : Irritation , redness Pain, photo phobia, Dead white band on the exposed area of conjunctiva . Gray and hazy cornea Contracted pupil
11. Short term effects of S.M Respiratory tract: runny nose,sneezing , hoarseness, sinus pain ,shortness of breath, cough .
12. Short term effects of S.M GI tract : abdominal pain, nausea , vomiting , diarrhea
13. Long term health effects of S.M skin respiratory tract eye Carcinogen Psychological problems.
14. Long term health effects of S.M Chronic and painful sores Chronic ulceration Scar ( sexual dysfunction due to scrotal and penile scar) Pigmentation
15. Long term health effects of S.M Asthma, bronchitis, recurrent pneumonia, aphonia,hoarseness
16. Long term health effects of S.M Recurrent or persistent corneal ulceration Chronic conjunctivitis Severely burning leads to blindness
17. Long term health effects of S.M Skin cancer Lung cancer Leukemia
18. Long term health effects of S.M Severe depression Anxiety PTSD (post traumatic stress disease)
19. Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that he will most certainly give them security in exchange of their fear. Holy Qran