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1. 翥婬奸姙婉侫姆 World Bank, Oct 21, 2014, 2. Computers and human behaviour,
May 2013
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 束Privacy損-妍 妁奸娉奸佞妍婢婉侫妍 妲 妝奸娉嫂婉妍娶姨婬娶婉姆,
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侫婉 奸婉娜婉奸娟奸婉, 嫂侫娉侫娟奸嫂嫋奸娟奸婉, 娑奸奸妁侫奸娟奸婉,
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Hogarth, Breakfast scene, 1745
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娑奸婀奸奸婉娶婀, 婪奸娑婪奸婉嫋娶婀 妲
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Computers and human behaviour, May 2013
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 奸娶婀 妲 娑妍嫋奸婉佞娶姨婬奸婉 娑奸嫋奸婉奸娟娶姨婬娶婉姆
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 垈奸奸娑奸婬嫂娶婀 妲 奸娟嫂娶奸姙  婪娶嫂侫婉妍奸姙
 埀婪奸娑娶嫋奸妝娶姨婬奸婉 姆婉娟侫娶姨婬娶婉婉侫妍婉
 埀娟嫂娶奸姙/婪娶嫂侫婉妍奸姙 妝娶娥奸嫂娶婉侫妍婉
 埒娶婉姙妍娟嫂婉侫妍 姜奸婀奸婉奸娟 娑奸娟奸媼奸娟 娟娶娉婀妍婉
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媾娶妍奸姙奸娟奸婉 媾娶嫋侫姙妍侫婉媾
 娶媼奸嫋侫姙娶 妍奸嫋娶婉
 奸媾奸奸娟娶姨婬娶婉, 娶嫂侫娉
嫂侫娉侫娟奸嫂嫋娶姨婬娶婉姆 奸婬姙媾
娟奸媼奸嫋奸婀奸婉 妝娶娥妍 婢妲
奸媾婉奸嫋娶 娟婬奸婉妍 妍婉媾嫂妍嫂娶嫂妍 嫂奸婉媾娶婀奸妍奸,
娑奸嫋奸婉奸娟奸婉 媾侫婉奸婉侫
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1. A global Sense of Place, Doreen Massey, 1994
2. We Media, How audiences are shaping the future of news and information, Shayne Bowman, Chris Willis and The Media Center at The American Press
Institute, 2003
3. Tim Berners-Lee (World Wide Web inventor) about Web 2.0, Wikipedia, 2012 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0
4. Facebook Statistics due to October 4, 2012, Official Facebook Newsroom http://newsroom.fb.com/Timeline
5. The Revolution Will be Networked. The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Political Attitudes and Behavior, Weiwu Zhang, Thomas J. Johnson,
Trent Seltzer,Shannon L. Bichard , Texas Tech University, 2009
6. Do social networks improve e-commerce?: a study on social marketplaces, Gayatri Swamynathan, Christo Wilson, Bryce Boe, Kevin Almeroth, Ben Y.
Zhao 2008, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
7. Social media changes the role of the journalist, Sonja Balci, 2012 http://sciencenordic.com/social-media-changes-role-journalist
8. Living online: The end of privacy? Alison George, 2006, New Scientist magazine
9. Examining priming and gender as a means to reduce risk in a social networking context: Can stories change disclosure and privacy setting use when
personal profiles are constructed? Amanda Nosko, Eileen Wood, Miranda Kenney, Karin Archer, Domenica De Pasquale, Seija Molema, Lucia
Zivcakova, "Computers in Human Behavior" Journal, 2012
10. The History of Family, Sex and Marriage in x-1900 England, Lawrence Stone, 1979
11. Privacy refers to the moral right of individuals to avoid intrusion into their personal affairs by third parties(Chaffey 2009, p. 139).
12. Facebook & your privacy. Who sees your data on the biggest social network? Consumer Reports magazine: June 2012
13. Social Networking and Online Privacy: Facebook Users Perceptions DEIRDRE OBRIEN* AND ANN M. TORRES, Irish Journal of Management, 2012
14. How Much Data is Created Every Minute? Neil Spencer, 2012, Visual News http://www.visualnews.com/2012/06/19/how-much-data-created-every-
15. Effects of self-disclosure on relational intimacy in Facebook, Namkee Park, Borae Jin, Seung-A Annie Jin; 2011, Computers in Human Behavior
16. Exploring Privacy Management on Facebook: Motivations and Perceived Consequences of Voluntary Disclosure, Susan Waters - Department of
Communication and Journalism, Auburn University; James Ackerman - Department of Communication, Ozarks Technical Community College, 2011,
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
17. Facebook Sells More Access to Members, By Geofrey A. Fowler, 2012
18. Facebook Help Center, Ads & Sponsored Stories, 2012 http://www.facebook.com/help/131834970288134/
19. Your Facebook Deactivated Friend or a Cloaked Spy, Shah Mahmood and Yvo Desmedt, 2012, University College London
20. What Your Facebook Photo Says About You... and Facebook, Margaret Rock, 2012, Mobiledia http://www.mobiledia.com/news/163978.html
21. Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations, Gwendolyn Seidman, Psychology
Department, Albright College, 2012, Personality and Individual Differences Journal
Copyright 息 2014, IPSC LLC. All rights
Email: shushan.harutyunyan@ipsc.am
Web: www.ipsc.am

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  • 4. 垰婉婢婪侫媾 妲 媾奸娑婀奸婉嫋娶婀 奸婉娜婉奸娟奸婉 娟婬奸婉妍 妝奸娉嫂婉娶姨婬娶婉姆 (privacy) 束Privacy損-婉 媾侫奸娟奸婉 奸婉娜妍 娟奸婀 奸婉娑奸嫂奸娟奸婉娶姨婬奸婉 嫋侫奸娑奸媾嫂奸嫂娶婀婉 妲 娶婪侫媾 婀奸佞 奸奸奸娥 束媾侫奸娟奸婉 侫媾損-妍 婀奸媾妍婉 嫂侫娉侫娟奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 嫂奸奸娥婀奸婉 媾奸娑婀奸婉奸婢奸妍 娶娶娵婀奸婉 婀妍媚娶娶嫋: 束Privacy損-婉 妁奸奸娜奸娟 婢妲 婀侫娥奸婪侫媾 娟奸婪嫋奸娥 妲 嫂嫋婬奸姙 娑奸媾奸奸娟娶姨婬奸婉 媾娶妍奸姙奸娟奸婉 婀娵奸娟娶姨奸婬妍婉 婉娶婀侫娶嫋 娑奸婉奸婬妍婉妍 婀奸媾婉奸嫋娶妍 娑奸婀奸嫂侫媾嫂娶婀: 束Privacy損-妍 妁奸娉奸佞妍婢婉侫妍 妲 妝奸娉嫂婉妍娶姨婬娶婉姆, 奸婉奸婉娶姨婬娶婉姆 婀妍奸婬婉娶姨婬娶婉姆: 束Privacy損-妍 奸婀侫奸娑奸娚奸姚 娑奸婉佞妍婪娶娉 嫂侫媾奸娟婉侫婉 侫婉 奸婉娜婉奸娟奸婉, 嫂侫娉侫娟奸嫂嫋奸娟奸婉, 娑奸奸妁侫奸娟奸婉, 妝姜娵娟奸娟奸婉 (妝侫婉侫嫂妍娟): 奸婀奸奸婉娶婀 束奸婉娑奸嫂奸娟奸婉娶姨婬娶婉姆損 嫋妍娚侫姙妍 娟奸嫂侫妝娶妍奸 妲: 奸婀奸奸婉娶婀 婀娵奸娟娶婬姨姆 束妝姙娶妁奸姙損 妲: 奸婀奸奸婉娶婀 奸媼奸婉 娑侫嫂侫 姨娶娉婉侫姙娶 嫂侫娉奸娵奸姜嫋侫姙姆 妝侫姨侫 奸婉娑婉奸 妲: 奸婀奸奸婉娶婀 娶 妲姙侫娟嫂娶婉奸婬妍婉 妁奸妣奸婉侫娶婀 妁娶姙娶婉 奸媼娟奸 侫婉: 4 Copyright 息 2014, IPSC LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 5. 垰婉婢娶 妲 婪侫嫂 束privacy損-婉 妍婉婢婪侫媾 娑奸婉妝侫妍婉 奸婬佞 妝奸娉奸奸妍婉 (17-19 佞奸) Hogarth, Breakfast scene, 1745 奸嫂奸奸婪侫嫂娶姨婬娶婉 (嫂奸奸娥娶姨婬奸婉 姆婉娟奸姙娶婀) 埀婉嫋奸婉 娑奸婀奸娟奸妝 (妍婉婉娶姨婬奸婉 嫋侫奸娑奸媾嫂奸嫂娶婀) 娶嫂侫嫂 (娑奸娉娶佞奸娟娶姨婬娶婉, 妍婉婉奸婉侫奸娟婬奸娶婀)
  • 6. 垰婉婢娶 婪侫嫂 婢妲 奸婬姙媾 privacy-婉 束埀娵姚奸娑妍 娟侫婉嫂娶婉損 姙妍婉侫姙娶 侫婉娶婀侫婉 侫奸娟奸婉 奸婉娜妍 婉侫娟奸婬奸娶婀姆 娟奸媼奸嫋奸侫姙娶 妍姙娶妣妍奸 奸娟奸婬婉もも 埀婬婉 妍婉婢 娑奸婬嫂婉嫋娶婀 妲 娑奸婀奸奸婉娶婀, 婪奸娑婪奸婉嫋娶婀 妲 奸婬婉嫂侫娉 姆婉佞婀妍娵嫂; 奸婀奸奸婉姆 娑妍娵娶娉娶姨婬奸婉/嫋奸娉侫婀娶姨婬奸婉 姚婉佞妍 娶婉妍;
  • 7. 7 羀娉侫娟奸嫂嫋奸娟奸婉 Privacy. 垰婉婢 妝妍嫂妍 娑奸婀奸奸婉姆 妝嫂奸嫂侫侫妍 婀奸媾妍婉 Copyright 息 2014, IPSC LLC. All rights reserved. 垳婉嫂奸婉妍妍 奸婉佞奸婀妍 妍佞侫婉嫂妍妍娟奸娶婀 埔婉婉佞婬奸婉 嫂奸妍侫姨妍嫋 奸婀媾妍 妍奸婬妍婉 娟婬奸婉妍 佞侫嫂奸姙婉侫 埒娶婉奸娟奸婉/奸娉奸 奸娟奸婉 妲媚侫 埀媼娶娉媚奸娟奸婉 妲媚侫 姙婉 39.3 20.4 4.6 7.7 4.7 39.3 20.4 4.6 7.7 4.7 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 垰婉婉奸娟奸婀 娑奸婉娜婉娶婀 媾侫奸娟奸婉 束privacy損-婉 姙婉 Linear (姙婉) Computers and human behaviour, May 2013
  • 8. 8 奸奸妁侫奸娟奸婉 / 妝侫婉侫嫂妍娟 Privacy 垰婉婢 娟奸侫姙妍 妲 妍婀奸婉奸姙 婀奸佞娟奸婉 婀奸媾妍婉 Copyright 息 2014, IPSC LLC. All rights reserved. 埀娉妁婬娶姆 Genetic Data and the Law: A Critical Perspective on ユブ奸妁侫嫋娶婀 妲 娶婢 婀妍奸婬婉 奸婉娑奸嫂妍婉, 奸婬姙 姆婉嫂奸婉妍妍婉 奸娶婀 妲 娑妍嫋奸婉佞娶姨婬奸婉 娑奸嫋奸婉奸娟娶姨婬娶婉姆 奸婉娑奸嫂妍 束姚婀妁妍損 婀娶嫂 垈奸奸娑奸婬嫂娶婀 妲 奸娟嫂娶奸姙 婪娶嫂侫婉妍奸姙 娑妍嫋奸婉佞娶姨婬娶婉婉侫姆 埀婉娑奸嫂妍婉 埀妣妝奸娟奸婉婉侫妍婉 埀婪奸娑娶嫋奸妝娶姨婬奸婉 姆婉娟侫娶姨婬娶婉婉侫妍婉 埀娟嫂娶奸姙/婪娶嫂侫婉妍奸姙 妝娶娥奸嫂娶婉侫妍婉 侫嫂娶姨婬奸婉姆 埒娶婉姙妍娟嫂婉侫妍 姜奸婀奸婉奸娟 娑奸娟奸媼奸娟 娟娶娉婀妍婉
  • 9. 9 奸婉娶婪嫂妍娟娶婉 娟奸婀 媾娶妍奸姙奸娟奸婉 媾娶嫋侫姙妍侫婉媾 娶媼奸嫋侫姙娶 妍奸嫋娶婉 奸媾奸奸娟娶姨婬娶婉, 娶嫂侫娉 嫂侫娉侫娟奸嫂嫋娶姨婬娶婉姆 奸婬姙媾 娟奸媼奸嫋奸婀奸婉 妝娶娥妍 婢妲 奸媾婉奸嫋娶 娟婬奸婉妍 妍婉媾嫂妍嫂娶嫂妍 嫂奸婉媾娶婀奸妍奸, 娑奸嫋奸婉奸娟奸婉 媾侫婉奸婉侫 Copyright 息 2014, IPSC LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 10. 埀娉妁婬娶婉侫 1. A global Sense of Place, Doreen Massey, 1994 2. We Media, How audiences are shaping the future of news and information, Shayne Bowman, Chris Willis and The Media Center at The American Press Institute, 2003 3. Tim Berners-Lee (World Wide Web inventor) about Web 2.0, Wikipedia, 2012 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_2.0 4. Facebook Statistics due to October 4, 2012, Official Facebook Newsroom http://newsroom.fb.com/Timeline 5. The Revolution Will be Networked. The Influence of Social Networking Sites on Political Attitudes and Behavior, Weiwu Zhang, Thomas J. Johnson, Trent Seltzer,Shannon L. Bichard , Texas Tech University, 2009 6. Do social networks improve e-commerce?: a study on social marketplaces, Gayatri Swamynathan, Christo Wilson, Bryce Boe, Kevin Almeroth, Ben Y. Zhao 2008, University of California at Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA 7. Social media changes the role of the journalist, Sonja Balci, 2012 http://sciencenordic.com/social-media-changes-role-journalist 8. Living online: The end of privacy? Alison George, 2006, New Scientist magazine 9. Examining priming and gender as a means to reduce risk in a social networking context: Can stories change disclosure and privacy setting use when personal profiles are constructed? Amanda Nosko, Eileen Wood, Miranda Kenney, Karin Archer, Domenica De Pasquale, Seija Molema, Lucia Zivcakova, "Computers in Human Behavior" Journal, 2012 10. The History of Family, Sex and Marriage in x-1900 England, Lawrence Stone, 1979 11. Privacy refers to the moral right of individuals to avoid intrusion into their personal affairs by third parties(Chaffey 2009, p. 139). 12. Facebook & your privacy. Who sees your data on the biggest social network? Consumer Reports magazine: June 2012 http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/magazine/2012/06/facebook-your-privacy/index.htm 13. Social Networking and Online Privacy: Facebook Users Perceptions DEIRDRE OBRIEN* AND ANN M. TORRES, Irish Journal of Management, 2012 14. How Much Data is Created Every Minute? Neil Spencer, 2012, Visual News http://www.visualnews.com/2012/06/19/how-much-data-created-every- minute/ 15. Effects of self-disclosure on relational intimacy in Facebook, Namkee Park, Borae Jin, Seung-A Annie Jin; 2011, Computers in Human Behavior 16. Exploring Privacy Management on Facebook: Motivations and Perceived Consequences of Voluntary Disclosure, Susan Waters - Department of Communication and Journalism, Auburn University; James Ackerman - Department of Communication, Ozarks Technical Community College, 2011, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 17. Facebook Sells More Access to Members, By Geofrey A. Fowler, 2012 http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443862604578029450918199258.html 18. Facebook Help Center, Ads & Sponsored Stories, 2012 http://www.facebook.com/help/131834970288134/ 19. Your Facebook Deactivated Friend or a Cloaked Spy, Shah Mahmood and Yvo Desmedt, 2012, University College London 20. What Your Facebook Photo Says About You... and Facebook, Margaret Rock, 2012, Mobiledia http://www.mobiledia.com/news/163978.html 21. Self-presentation and belonging on Facebook: How personality influences social media use and motivations, Gwendolyn Seidman, Psychology Department, Albright College, 2012, Personality and Individual Differences Journal
  • 11. 11 婉娶娑奸娟奸姙娶姨婬娶婉 Copyright 息 2014, IPSC LLC. All rights reserved. Email: shushan.harutyunyan@ipsc.am Web: www.ipsc.am

Editor's Notes

  • #3: 埆娶媾侫妍婉 娶娶姚嫋娶娉 娶 婉娶 娥奸妝娶娉 妝奸娉奸奸婉侫妍, 娟娶婉侫婪婉侫妍 娶 婀娶嫂侫娶婀婉侫妍 娑奸婀奸奸婉娶婀, 姚娶媾侫婉 婉奸 婀侫媼婉娶娉 娟娶婉侫婪嫂婉侫妍 奸婉娜婉奸娟奸婉 娟婬奸婉妍 妝奸娉嫂婉妍娶姨婬娶婉姆 侫媼婉娶娉 娟奸婀 嫂奸婉媾娶婀奸妍奸婬妍 侫婉姨奸娟嫋娶娉 奸婉奸婬妍婉 娟婬奸婉妍 妍婉媾嫂妍嫂娶嫂-婀奸媾婉奸嫋娶 娟婬奸婉妍 妍婉媾嫂妍嫂娶嫂, 娶婢 姨侫 姚娶媾侫, 奸婬姙 侫婉娶嫋 媾奸娑婀奸婉嫋奸娥 侫妣娶婬婉侫 娟奸婪嫋奸娥 垉埒-妍 佞侫娟姙奸奸妍奸婬妍 娑侫嫂 婀奸佞娶 奸姜奸婉奸婪奸嫂嫋娶姨婬娶婉, 妍嫋媾妍妍 姚奸姚嫂娶婀姆 婀奸佞娶 奸姜奸婉奸婪奸嫂嫋娶姨婬奸婉 娶嫂婉奸娑奸娶婀 妲
  • #4: 侫娉婀 婪奸嫂奸佞奸婉妍 妝娶娥娶婉, 姆婉佞娶婉嫋奸娥 姙妍婉侫姙, 婪奸嫂娟奸婉侫姙娶姨婬奸婉 嫋侫奸娑奸媾嫂奸嫂娶婀
  • #5: Jeffrey H. Reiman, "Privacy, Intimacy and Personhood", Philosophy and Public Affairs 6 (1):26-44, 1976 Privacy is an expression of ones personality or individuals right to define his or her essence as human being; individuals ability to regulate information about themselves in order to control their relationship with other individuals; essential components of individuals life such as secrecy, anonymity and solitude. privacy is not an absolute, but rather contextual and subjective, and the right to privacy is based on wide array of socially and culturally salient understandings of private spheres (Jeffrey H. Reiman, "Privacy, Intimacy and Personhood", Philosophy and Public Affairs 6 (1):26-44, 1976 )
  • #6: The houses of sixteenth century were constructed as interlocking suites of rooms without corridors, so that the only way of moving about was by passing through other peoples rooms. And only in the late seventeenth century house plans did allocate space to corridors, which now allowed access without intruding upon privacy. (Stone 1979, p 169). The History of Family, Sex and Marriage in x-1900 England Living space had begun to grow less crowded and private. Single beds were adopted in monasteries and hospitals as a sanitary precaution; (cholera epidemic in Londin,1832) Working class couples little by little secured their privacy by surrounding their bed with curtains.
  • #8: 奸姚娟妍婉娶婀 佞娶媾婬侫 娑奸嫋奸侫姙姆
  • #9: 奸姚娟妍婉娶婀 佞娶媾婬侫 娑奸嫋奸侫姙姆 (UK DNA database) Question: Where the control of information should be located and how it should be exercised? Answer: To whom the information belongs, or to whom it relates that is, the sources of information should exercise that control. But Genetic information relates not only to the person, from whom it is derived, but also to the blood relatives of that person