Ireland is a small island country located in northwestern Europe with an area of around 70,000 square miles. It has a central flat area surrounded by rugged coastal hills, with elevations ranging from sea level up to 1,041 meters. While English is the official language, Gaelic languages are still spoken in western coastal regions. Catholicism is the dominant religion, making up 87% of the population, with other faiths and atheism comprising the remainder. Traditional Irish culture incorporates foods like potatoes, meat and dairy, but diets have modernized with influences from the US and Asia. Sports like Gaelic football and rugby are very popular in Ireland.
2. P
Ireland is a little bigger that 70,000 sq. i
miles, which makes it a bit bigger than West a
Virginia l
Ireland is in a bowl shape with a 鍖at central r
area with rugged hills along the coastlines c
The lowest point of Ireland is at sea level r
while the highest point is 1,041 meters high s
3. Culture Characteristics
The of鍖cial language is English but Gaelic languages are spoken along
the western coast
87% of ireshmen are roman catholic, 2.7% are the church of ireland,
and the rest are of other religions or are atheists
honey is common in Ireland which is used to make honey; venison
was popular, as well as cattle, sheep, and pigs; one of the most
popular dishes was porridge
food in Ireland has taken a recent turn towards fast food which has
spread from the U.S., as well as Chinese food, and even west african
4. Customs and
Ireland celebrates St.Patricks day but not in the
same way that America does it, for them its more
of a religious event. The leprechaun is a 鍖gure of
irish folklore and it is believed that if you get his
pot of gold that he will grant you three wishes.
Popular sports in Ireland include Gaelic football as
well as rugby.
5. Interesting Info
Ireland has a total of current environmental
1,448 kilometers of issues in Ireland is the
coastline worry of water
pollution into lakes
the climate of Ireland is from agricultural runoff
a temperate maritime
with mild winters and over 40%of the
cool summers, it is very population reside
humid within 100 kilometers of