In this presentation, we will first review of medical diagnostic devices. Then we introduce iridology and finally algorithms in MATLAB software to detect diseases will be presented.
Iridology is the analysis of the iris of the eye to gain health information. It was discovered in the 19th century and involves examining the color, structure, and markings of the iris to interpret indications of health conditions. The iris is divided into zones associated with different body systems. Colors, lines, dots and other signs within the iris are analyzed for what they may suggest about acute, sub-acute, or chronic conditions in related organs and systems. While still being researched, iridology has been studied and practiced through various institutions and practitioners over its history.
Iridology is a technique for evaluating a person's health based on an examination of the iris of the eye. The iris may reveal signs of systemic toxicity, nutritional deficiencies, chronic conditions, and more. Key signs examined include sodium rings, acidity levels, cataracts, and corneal ulcers. The iris can provide clues about assimilation, bowel health, lymphatic function, and toxicity settlements in other organs that may underlie physical issues. Iridology aims to identify underlying health imbalances and guide more holistic treatment approaches.
Iris diagnosis is uploded in the given ppt ..
Hope it will help you with the concept make you very very much clear about the topic through this slides
In naturopathy iris diagnosis is one of the most important technique used to diagnose and test the disease of a person
It is based on the estimation of the person eyes
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Naturopathy is based on the principle of using natural methods like water, air, light, heat and diet to treat disease without drugs. It views the body as inherently self-healing and aims to support this through lifestyle practices and eliminating toxins. The document outlines several foundational principles of naturopathy including the unity of disease and cure, the foreign matter theory of disease, and the toxemia theory. It also discusses the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - that make up the human body according to naturopathic philosophy. Overall naturopathy focuses on living harmoniously with nature to support physical, mental and spiritual health.
This slide explains the concept of health and disease according to Naturopathy with scientific evidence-based, this includes health according to western medicine. health according to naturopathy, definitions of health according to naturopathy, vitality, determinants of health according to naturopathy difference between naturopathy and allopathy, characteristics of the human body, and Diagnostic criteria according to Naturopathy. Concept of disease according to western principles and disease according to naturopathy. upas tree, violation of natures law, morbid matter theory, source of toxemia and examples, the primary cause of disease and secondary cause of disease, free radicles acute disease and chronic disease, unity of disease and unity of cure, factor affecting the unity of cure, goals of naturopathy,
This document discusses the principles of a new science of healing developed by a German naturopath. Some key points include:
- It focuses on cleanliness, detoxification, and natural living as ways to heal diseases and internal organ degeneration.
- Diagnosis is based on facial expressions and external body appearance to determine internal health conditions and predict future issues.
- Disease is caused by an accumulation of foreign toxins in the body, which can be identified by abnormalities in form, color, and restricted mobility or movements. Maintaining a clean, pure bloodstream and body is important for overall health and normal functions.
Chromotherapy is a technique that uses colored light to treat diseases. It works by restoring imbalances through applying different colored lights to the body. Ancient cultures like Egypt, China, and India used color therapy. Modern chromotherapy was pioneered in the late 1800s. Different colors like red, blue, green, orange, yellow, indigo, and violet are associated with different bodily systems and functions. Each color has properties that make it suitable for certain indications and contraindications when used therapeutically. The document provides details on the properties and potential treatments associated with each color.
This document discusses chromo diagnosis, which is a diagnostic method that examines the color changes in the body and excretions to assess organ health. It outlines the normal colors of eyes, tongue, stool, urine, skin, nails, hair, lips, and hands and describes some common color changes and their potential associated conditions, such as yellow eyes indicating jaundice, white stool indicating liver or kidney issues, and blue nails pointing to respiratory disorders. The goal of chromo diagnosis is to identify color imbalances or deficiencies in the body that may be signs of disease.
An Ayurvedic body massage is a massage which is performed using hot essential oils to increases blood circulation, stimulates and strengthens the lymphatic system.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yin Yang /5elements/Herbalism/Acupuncture/Moxibustion/Cupping/Massage therapy/Qi gong/Tai ji /Meditation/Massage
Acupuncture is a family of procedures involving the stimulation of specific points on the body using a variety of techniques.
The acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metal needles that are manipulated by the hands or by electrical油stimulation.
Acupuncture involves the stimulation of anatomical points on the body with thin needled.
Acupuncture patients usually feel little to no pain.
Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and are manipulated either by hand or electricity.
Cupping therapy is a form of CTM in which cups are placed on the skin to create suction.
The cups can be made of a variety of materials, including:
The suction of the cups mobilizes blood flow to promote the healing of a broad range of medical ailments
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing.
The purpose is to strengthen the blood and improve Qi flow.
Direct and indirect methods.
Traditionally used to treat colds.
But it is not for everyone.
Because it is used specifically for patients suffering from cold or stagnant constitutions, it should not be used on anyone diagnosed with too much heat.
Tui Na
Also known as Chinese massage
Uses wave-like motions to loosen joints and nourish muscles.
Brings awareness back to a persons body, making it a first step in the healing process.
Stimulates the flow of Qi, blood and body fluids
Can be used to treat pain, stress or digestion problems.
Risks and SIde effects
The document summarizes some of the fundamental principles of naturopathy. It discusses 10 principles: (1) the body heals itself, (2) the main cause of disease is enervation or fatigue of the nervous system, (3) the deposit of metabolic waste products in the body is what causes disease, (4) acute disease is a remedial process by which the body heals itself, (5) food is a building material but does not increase vitality, (6) fasting provides an opportunity for the body to heal itself, (7) germs are found in diseased conditions but do not cause disease, (8) exercise maintains balance between nutrition and drainage, (9) external treatments only provide
Skin care in_ayurveda_by_Dr.pragathi Hegde/ShettyPragathi Shetty
The document provides information about Ayurvedic skin care. It begins with an introduction to skin (twak) according to Ayurveda and its functions. It then discusses skin types based on doshas (vata, pitta, kapha), causative factors for skin issues, and Ayurvedic treatments and routines for different skin types. Specific routines include cleansing, exfoliating, steaming, massaging and masking tailored for vata, pitta and kapha skin. Herbs and ingredients like aloe vera, turmeric, sandalwood, honey and multani mitti are recommended.
# Vitality, # prana shakti, # life energy,# life force, #Energy that sustains...Shweta Mishra
# student description on vitality, # vital economy, # notes on vital force, #compilation of notes on body energy system and its conservation
concept of energy, conservation of energy, prana shakti, the life force or life energy.
Mud therapy uses natural mud elements for healing purposes. It has origins in South India where mud from the Deccan Plateau is rich in minerals. There are two main types - mud packs which are applied locally, and mud baths which cover more of the body. Mud therapy benefits the skin by improving circulation and reducing spots, and can help conditions like psoriasis, eye problems, headaches, and indigestion. Different types of mud like black mud and moor mud contain various minerals and acids that can have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. Local centres in India offer mud therapy and training courses in its application.
The uvea is the middle vascular layer of the eyeball and consists of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. The iris is a thin circular structure that forms the diaphragm in front of the lens and contains the pupil. The ciliary body is a ring-shaped structure that projects posteriorly from the scleral spur and contains ciliary processes that extend into the posterior chamber. The choroid is a highly vascular membrane that lines the inner surface of the sclera and extends from the ora serrata posteriorly.
This document presents information about iridology, which is the analysis of the iris to determine health information. It discusses the normal eye structure, suppliers of the eye, density of the iris, comparative structure, condition of the pupil, eye colors, zones of the iris, and conditions of the iris that can be identified. The document is a presentation on iridology given by Megha Kochar from Shri Mahavir Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences.
The document provides an overview of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine and lifestyle practices. It discusses key Ayurvedic concepts like the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), dhatus (bodily tissues), malas (waste products), and therapies including herbal medicine, massage, aromatherapy, color therapy and more. Ayurveda views health as a balanced state and sees illness as an imbalance that can be corrected through natural means without side effects.
This document discusses what iridology can and cannot show. Iridology can show where inflammation is located in the body, inherent organ weaknesses, toxicity levels, and preclinical stages of diseases. However, iridology cannot show specific test results, medications, surgical history, pregnancy status, tumor size, or presence of infectious diseases. The document outlines how iridology can analyze health levels and constitutional strengths and weaknesses to help determine areas of need for repair, detoxification, and building up immunity.
Naturopathy is a natural therapy that treats disease using natural forces like light, water, air, and massage. It originated in ancient Greece and India and was further developed in Germany in the 19th century. In India, naturopathy is recognized under the Ministry of AYUSH and bachelor's degrees are offered. Naturopathy aims to attain good health through lifestyle practices like diet, exercise, and other natural techniques. It believes the body can heal itself and diseases are caused by an imbalance in the five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Treatments include hydrotherapy, mud therapy, fasting, and massage.
Cornea is the clear front surface of the eye. It lies directly in front of the iris and pupil, and it allows light to enter the eye.
Cornea forms the transparent and anterior 1/6th of the external fibrous coat of the globe of the eyeball.
The cornea is the eye's most powerful structure for focusing light that provides approximately 65 to 75 percent of the focusing power of the eye.
The cornea has unmyelinated nerve endings sensitive to touch, temperature and chemicals; a touch of the cornea causes an involuntary reflex to close the eyelid.
Feel free to download and view as a presentation. Presenter's notes are highly filled with information.
Presentation used briefly to explain the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis by palpation. It includes (and mainly focuses on) pulse diagnosis, skin palpation, abdomen palpation, point palpation and limb palpation.
References cited include Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, A Manual of Acupuncture, Pulse Diagnosis.
The document provides an overview of Islamic medicine between the 11th and 15th centuries. It discusses how Islamic ideas influenced the understanding of disease causation and led to advances in hospitals, surgery, anatomy, and chemistry. Key individuals mentioned include Rhazes, who distinguished between smallpox and measles, and Avicenna, whose Canon of Medicine was influential in Europe. Hospitals were established in Baghdad and other cities, and surgeons like Albucasis described various surgical procedures. While dissections were forbidden, observations challenged some of Galen's anatomical theories. Arab scientists also made advances in distillation and developed new drugs.
Metals play an important role in human health and physiology. They are required for many critical processes but can also be toxic in excess or deficiency. The document discusses various metals found in the human body like calcium, iron, copper and zinc and their roles. It also mentions that metal deposits seen in the iris can indicate toxicity from excess intake of metals from sources like diet, medication, environment or work. Characteristics of different metal deposits like iron appearing rust brown or arsenic appearing gray are provided.
Reflexology involves applying pressure to the feet and hands to stimulate zones and reflex areas that correspond to different parts of the body. Its origins can be traced back 5000 years to China or Egypt. The basis of reflexology is zone therapy developed by Dr. Fitzgerald, which involves 10 invisible energy currents that run through the body and correspond to different zones. Applying pressure to reflex points is believed to relax muscles, improve circulation, and stimulate nerve connections to benefit overall health and well-being. Research has found reflexology can reduce pain, increase relaxation, and positively impact conditions like kidney function, PMS, and diabetes.
(1) Naturopathy is a system of healing and way of life based on five basic elements: right conduct, right thinking, right food habits, right daily routine, and right exercise.
(2) The three basic concepts of naturopathy are that disease is caused by the accumulation of toxic waste in the body, abnormal composition of blood and lymph, and lowered vitality.
(3) Naturopathy treats the whole patient based on 12 principles, including that all disease has a single cause, nature is the greatest healer, and chronic ailments can be treated successfully through naturopathy, which may take longer than other methods.
Toxemia is defined as the accumulation of toxins in the blood due to the body being unable to eliminate waste as fast as it is produced. This can occur due to physical causes, mental excitement, or bad habits which enervate the body. The buildup of toxins will continue until vital energy is restored by removing the causes of the accumulation. All diseases are considered crises where the body attempts to eliminate toxins from the blood. According to Dr. J.H. Tilden, toxemia progresses through seven stages - from enervation to fungation - which can lead to chronic disease if not addressed.
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monito...NuAire
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monitoring
Are your cleanroom sampling practices USP <797> compliant? This webinar, hosted by Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P Magazine) and sponsored by NuAire, features microbiology expert Abby Roth discussing best practices for surface & air sampling, data analysis, and compliance.
Key Topics Covered:
鏝 Viable air & surface sampling best practices
鏝 USP <797> requirements & compliance strategies
鏝 How to analyze & trend viable sample data
鏝 Improving environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
・ Watch Now:
Stay informedfollow Abby Roth on LinkedIn for more cleanroom insights!
An Ayurvedic body massage is a massage which is performed using hot essential oils to increases blood circulation, stimulates and strengthens the lymphatic system.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Yin Yang /5elements/Herbalism/Acupuncture/Moxibustion/Cupping/Massage therapy/Qi gong/Tai ji /Meditation/Massage
Acupuncture is a family of procedures involving the stimulation of specific points on the body using a variety of techniques.
The acupuncture technique that has been most often studied scientifically involves penetrating the skin with thin, solid, metal needles that are manipulated by the hands or by electrical油stimulation.
Acupuncture involves the stimulation of anatomical points on the body with thin needled.
Acupuncture patients usually feel little to no pain.
Acupuncture needles are hair-thin and are manipulated either by hand or electricity.
Cupping therapy is a form of CTM in which cups are placed on the skin to create suction.
The cups can be made of a variety of materials, including:
The suction of the cups mobilizes blood flow to promote the healing of a broad range of medical ailments
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing.
The purpose is to strengthen the blood and improve Qi flow.
Direct and indirect methods.
Traditionally used to treat colds.
But it is not for everyone.
Because it is used specifically for patients suffering from cold or stagnant constitutions, it should not be used on anyone diagnosed with too much heat.
Tui Na
Also known as Chinese massage
Uses wave-like motions to loosen joints and nourish muscles.
Brings awareness back to a persons body, making it a first step in the healing process.
Stimulates the flow of Qi, blood and body fluids
Can be used to treat pain, stress or digestion problems.
Risks and SIde effects
The document summarizes some of the fundamental principles of naturopathy. It discusses 10 principles: (1) the body heals itself, (2) the main cause of disease is enervation or fatigue of the nervous system, (3) the deposit of metabolic waste products in the body is what causes disease, (4) acute disease is a remedial process by which the body heals itself, (5) food is a building material but does not increase vitality, (6) fasting provides an opportunity for the body to heal itself, (7) germs are found in diseased conditions but do not cause disease, (8) exercise maintains balance between nutrition and drainage, (9) external treatments only provide
Skin care in_ayurveda_by_Dr.pragathi Hegde/ShettyPragathi Shetty
The document provides information about Ayurvedic skin care. It begins with an introduction to skin (twak) according to Ayurveda and its functions. It then discusses skin types based on doshas (vata, pitta, kapha), causative factors for skin issues, and Ayurvedic treatments and routines for different skin types. Specific routines include cleansing, exfoliating, steaming, massaging and masking tailored for vata, pitta and kapha skin. Herbs and ingredients like aloe vera, turmeric, sandalwood, honey and multani mitti are recommended.
# Vitality, # prana shakti, # life energy,# life force, #Energy that sustains...Shweta Mishra
# student description on vitality, # vital economy, # notes on vital force, #compilation of notes on body energy system and its conservation
concept of energy, conservation of energy, prana shakti, the life force or life energy.
Mud therapy uses natural mud elements for healing purposes. It has origins in South India where mud from the Deccan Plateau is rich in minerals. There are two main types - mud packs which are applied locally, and mud baths which cover more of the body. Mud therapy benefits the skin by improving circulation and reducing spots, and can help conditions like psoriasis, eye problems, headaches, and indigestion. Different types of mud like black mud and moor mud contain various minerals and acids that can have anti-inflammatory and anti-aging effects. Local centres in India offer mud therapy and training courses in its application.
The uvea is the middle vascular layer of the eyeball and consists of the iris, ciliary body, and choroid. The iris is a thin circular structure that forms the diaphragm in front of the lens and contains the pupil. The ciliary body is a ring-shaped structure that projects posteriorly from the scleral spur and contains ciliary processes that extend into the posterior chamber. The choroid is a highly vascular membrane that lines the inner surface of the sclera and extends from the ora serrata posteriorly.
This document presents information about iridology, which is the analysis of the iris to determine health information. It discusses the normal eye structure, suppliers of the eye, density of the iris, comparative structure, condition of the pupil, eye colors, zones of the iris, and conditions of the iris that can be identified. The document is a presentation on iridology given by Megha Kochar from Shri Mahavir Medical College of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences.
The document provides an overview of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine and lifestyle practices. It discusses key Ayurvedic concepts like the doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha), dhatus (bodily tissues), malas (waste products), and therapies including herbal medicine, massage, aromatherapy, color therapy and more. Ayurveda views health as a balanced state and sees illness as an imbalance that can be corrected through natural means without side effects.
This document discusses what iridology can and cannot show. Iridology can show where inflammation is located in the body, inherent organ weaknesses, toxicity levels, and preclinical stages of diseases. However, iridology cannot show specific test results, medications, surgical history, pregnancy status, tumor size, or presence of infectious diseases. The document outlines how iridology can analyze health levels and constitutional strengths and weaknesses to help determine areas of need for repair, detoxification, and building up immunity.
Naturopathy is a natural therapy that treats disease using natural forces like light, water, air, and massage. It originated in ancient Greece and India and was further developed in Germany in the 19th century. In India, naturopathy is recognized under the Ministry of AYUSH and bachelor's degrees are offered. Naturopathy aims to attain good health through lifestyle practices like diet, exercise, and other natural techniques. It believes the body can heal itself and diseases are caused by an imbalance in the five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and ether. Treatments include hydrotherapy, mud therapy, fasting, and massage.
Cornea is the clear front surface of the eye. It lies directly in front of the iris and pupil, and it allows light to enter the eye.
Cornea forms the transparent and anterior 1/6th of the external fibrous coat of the globe of the eyeball.
The cornea is the eye's most powerful structure for focusing light that provides approximately 65 to 75 percent of the focusing power of the eye.
The cornea has unmyelinated nerve endings sensitive to touch, temperature and chemicals; a touch of the cornea causes an involuntary reflex to close the eyelid.
Feel free to download and view as a presentation. Presenter's notes are highly filled with information.
Presentation used briefly to explain the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis by palpation. It includes (and mainly focuses on) pulse diagnosis, skin palpation, abdomen palpation, point palpation and limb palpation.
References cited include Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Foundations of Chinese Medicine, Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine, A Manual of Acupuncture, Pulse Diagnosis.
The document provides an overview of Islamic medicine between the 11th and 15th centuries. It discusses how Islamic ideas influenced the understanding of disease causation and led to advances in hospitals, surgery, anatomy, and chemistry. Key individuals mentioned include Rhazes, who distinguished between smallpox and measles, and Avicenna, whose Canon of Medicine was influential in Europe. Hospitals were established in Baghdad and other cities, and surgeons like Albucasis described various surgical procedures. While dissections were forbidden, observations challenged some of Galen's anatomical theories. Arab scientists also made advances in distillation and developed new drugs.
Metals play an important role in human health and physiology. They are required for many critical processes but can also be toxic in excess or deficiency. The document discusses various metals found in the human body like calcium, iron, copper and zinc and their roles. It also mentions that metal deposits seen in the iris can indicate toxicity from excess intake of metals from sources like diet, medication, environment or work. Characteristics of different metal deposits like iron appearing rust brown or arsenic appearing gray are provided.
Reflexology involves applying pressure to the feet and hands to stimulate zones and reflex areas that correspond to different parts of the body. Its origins can be traced back 5000 years to China or Egypt. The basis of reflexology is zone therapy developed by Dr. Fitzgerald, which involves 10 invisible energy currents that run through the body and correspond to different zones. Applying pressure to reflex points is believed to relax muscles, improve circulation, and stimulate nerve connections to benefit overall health and well-being. Research has found reflexology can reduce pain, increase relaxation, and positively impact conditions like kidney function, PMS, and diabetes.
(1) Naturopathy is a system of healing and way of life based on five basic elements: right conduct, right thinking, right food habits, right daily routine, and right exercise.
(2) The three basic concepts of naturopathy are that disease is caused by the accumulation of toxic waste in the body, abnormal composition of blood and lymph, and lowered vitality.
(3) Naturopathy treats the whole patient based on 12 principles, including that all disease has a single cause, nature is the greatest healer, and chronic ailments can be treated successfully through naturopathy, which may take longer than other methods.
Toxemia is defined as the accumulation of toxins in the blood due to the body being unable to eliminate waste as fast as it is produced. This can occur due to physical causes, mental excitement, or bad habits which enervate the body. The buildup of toxins will continue until vital energy is restored by removing the causes of the accumulation. All diseases are considered crises where the body attempts to eliminate toxins from the blood. According to Dr. J.H. Tilden, toxemia progresses through seven stages - from enervation to fungation - which can lead to chronic disease if not addressed.
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monito...NuAire
Best Sampling Practices Webinar USP <797> Compliance & Environmental Monitoring
Are your cleanroom sampling practices USP <797> compliant? This webinar, hosted by Pharmacy Purchasing & Products (PP&P Magazine) and sponsored by NuAire, features microbiology expert Abby Roth discussing best practices for surface & air sampling, data analysis, and compliance.
Key Topics Covered:
鏝 Viable air & surface sampling best practices
鏝 USP <797> requirements & compliance strategies
鏝 How to analyze & trend viable sample data
鏝 Improving environmental monitoring in cleanrooms
・ Watch Now:
Stay informedfollow Abby Roth on LinkedIn for more cleanroom insights!
Rabies Bali 2008-2020_WRD Webinar_WSAVA 2020_Final.pptxWahid Husein
A decade of rabies control programmes in Bali with support from FAO ECTAD Indonesia with Mass Dog Vaccination, Integrated Bite Case Management, Dog Population Management, and Risk Communication as the backbone of the programmes
Chair and Presenters Sara A. Hurvitz, MD, FACP, Carey K. Anders, MD, FASCO, and Vyshak Venur, MD, discuss metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer in this CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE activity titled Fine-Tuning the Selection and Sequencing of HER2-Targeting Therapies in HER2-Positive MBC With and Without CNS Metastases: Expert Guidance on How to Individualize Therapy Based on Latest Evidence, Disease Features, Treatment Characteristics, and Patient Needs and Preferences. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until March 2, 2026.
1. Explain the physiological control of glomerular filtration and renal blood flow
2. Describe the humoral and autoregulatory feedback mechanisms that mediate the autoregulation of renal plasma flow and glomerular filtration rate
Flag Screening in Physiotherapy Examination.pptxBALAJI SOMA
Flag screening is a crucial part of physiotherapy assessment that helps in identifying medical, psychological, occupational, and social barriers to recovery. Recognizing these flags ensures that physiotherapists make informed decisions, provide holistic care, and refer patients appropriately when necessary. By integrating flag screening into practice, physiotherapists can optimize patient outcomes and prevent chronicity of conditions.
FAO's Support Rabies Control in Bali_Jul22.pptxWahid Husein
What is FAO doing to support rabies control programmes in Bali, Indonesia, using One Health approach with mass dog vaccination and integrated bite case management as main strategies
Presentaci坦 que va acompanyar la demostraci坦 prctica de metge d'Innovaci坦 Jos辿 Ferrer sobre el projecte Benestar de BSA, nom d'IDIAP Pere Gol, el 5 de mar巽 de 2025 a l'estand de XarSMART al Mobible Word Congress.
This presentation provides a detailed exploration of the morphological and microscopic features of pneumonia, covering its histopathology, classification, and clinical significance. Designed for medical students, pathologists, and healthcare professionals, this lecture differentiates bacterial vs. viral pneumonia, explains lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia, and discusses diagnostic imaging patterns.
Key Topics Covered:
Normal lung histology vs. pneumonia-affected lung
Morphological changes in lobar, bronchopneumonia, and interstitial pneumonia
Microscopic features: Fibroblastic plugs, alveolar septal thickening, inflammatory cell infiltration
Stages of lobar pneumonia: Congestion, Red hepatization, Gray hepatization, Resolution
Common causative pathogens (Streptococcus pneumoniae, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Mycoplasma, etc.)
Clinical case study with diagnostic approach and differentials
Who Should Watch?
This is an essential resource for medical students, pathology trainees, and respiratory health professionals looking to enhance their understanding of pneumonias morphological aspects.
4. Outline
History of Iridology
Eye Anatomy
Iris Structure
Charts Types of Iridology
Iris and Diagnostic
Algorithm & MATLAB
Introduction of Iridology
Diagnostic devices
7. Introduction of Iridology is an alternative
medicine technique whose proponents claim that
patterns, colors, and other characteristics of the
iris can be examined to determine information
about a patient's systemic health.
35. References
[1].Sclerology By Dr.Jack Tips.N.D, Ph.D. 1990
[2]. Farida sharan, MDMA,ND,FBRI,1990
[3]. Detecting Cholesterol Presencewith Iris Recognition AlgorithmRidza Azri
Ramlee, Khairul Azha and Ranjit Singh Sarban SinghUniversiti Teknikal Malaysia
Melaka (UTeM),2011
[4]. Study of eyes Iridology,Dr.Bernard jenson,1990
[5].medical physiology Eleventh Edition Guyton & Hall, 2012
[6]. General Anatomy, Ali Valiani,2012
[7].Clinical Anatomy of the eye,Richard S.snell,M.D. Michael A.Lemp,M.D
[8].Medical Physiology Dr.Majid Khazaei MD,PhD
[9].Development of Iridology System Database for Colon Disorders
Identification using Image ProcessingRossi Passarella, Erwin, M. Fachrurroziand
Sutarn, 2013
[10]. Medical Diagnosis system Based on Iris Analysis, Adrian,Lodin, 2009
[11]. Applied Guide on MATLAB 8.2 Nima Jamshidi, Ph.D, 2013
[12].Digital Image using MATLAB Processing Second Edition, Rafael
C.Gonzalez 2009
[13]. MATLAB Advanced Guide on Electrical Engineering , Nima Jamshidi ,