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Info-graphic Research:
Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on
paper, then scan those notes and add them here.
You will need to copy and paste this slide several times.
Director-Being the driving creative force in a film's production- visualizing and defining the style and structure of the
film, then bringing It to life.
 You'll need experience of working in TV or film, and an in-depth understanding of the production process.
 Film directors salary's vary as it depends on the size and scale of the project and the level of experience the director
has. In the United Kingdom, the median salary of a director is 贈58k.
 During pre-production, Directors make crucial decisions, such as selecting the right cast, crew and locations for the
film. They then direct rehearsals and the performances of the actors once the film is in production. In some cases,
Directors will even edit and work on the script.
 You can expect to start your career by getting work experience as a Runner on a film set or in a production office
before working your way up through entry-level positions over many years. A director needs to understand all the
different aspects of how a film is made, so working in a generalist assistant position is a great way to immerse
yourself in the industry and pick up different ideas and skills. Some directors even start off as actors
 Income from directing work is often erratic so it may be necessary for you to work other full or part-time jobs. If this
is the case, you may be able to find work which is related to your directing, such as teaching and lecturing or other
industry roles such as editing, assistant directing or production management.
Info-graphic Research:
Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on
paper, then scan those notes and add them here.
You will need to copy and paste this slide several times.
 Directing often involves working unsocial hours in the evenings and at weekends. During the production phase, a
typical filming day is between 10-12 hours. However as a director you should expect to supplement this work with
extra time spent in meetings discussing other aspects of the production.
 It can take a long time to develop and plan a project. The development phase is often unpaid.
 A lot of work is in London and in the large cities but location filming can take place anywhere in the country and
even abroad. For this reason, mobility is important and you should be prepared to be flexible and willing to travel for
interviews, meetings and filming.
 Generally, the sole superiors of the director are the producer and the studio that is financing the film(evidenced in
Spiderman 3 and amazing spider man 2)
 When the filming is done, the director sends it off to the film editor who then creates what is known as the editors
cut. In post-production, the director works with the editor to edit the material into the directors cut. The director
has the last say on which version is sent off to be released a the film. This is known as the final cut privilege.
 Some directors also take on additional roles, such as producing, writing or editing.
Info-graphic Bibliography:
Put your info-graphic bibliography here.
anon. (2009). Reports& surveys. Available: http://www.televisual.com/read-reports-
surveys/39/Salary-Survey-2015.html. Last accessed 13th septmber 2018.
http://creativeskillset.org/job_roles/758_director. Last accessed 13th september 2018.
Steve Bowden. (unknown ). Film Director Job profile . Available: https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job-
profiles/film-director. Last accessed 13th september 2018.
Unknown . (2001). Film Director . Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_director. Last
accessed 13th september 2018.
Put your info-graphic design work here.
Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information:
Client research:
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
Client research:
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
Client research:
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
Client research:
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
Client research:
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
Client research:
Put your client research here.
Things to consider:
Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products?
Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion.
Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
Market research:
Put your market research here.
Things to consider:
What market is your client part of, who is their competition?
Market research:
Put your market research here.
Things to consider:
What market is your client part of, who is their competition?
Audience research:
Put your audience research here.
Things to consider:
The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand.
Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
Audience research:
Put your audience research here.
Things to consider:
The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand.
Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
Audience research:
Put your audience research here.
Things to consider:
The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand.
Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are
making three different but linked products.
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are
making three different but linked products.
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are
making three different but linked products.
Idea Generation:
Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are
making three different but linked products.
Individual Idea:
Write down and overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group?
You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea.
Group Idea:
Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on.
Planning Docs (TV Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Planning Docs (Advergame):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Planning Docs (Print Advert):
Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning.
You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
Finished Stuff:
Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.

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Irn bru pro forma

  • 2. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. You will need to copy and paste this slide several times. Director-Being the driving creative force in a film's production- visualizing and defining the style and structure of the film, then bringing It to life. You'll need experience of working in TV or film, and an in-depth understanding of the production process. Film directors salary's vary as it depends on the size and scale of the project and the level of experience the director has. In the United Kingdom, the median salary of a director is 贈58k. During pre-production, Directors make crucial decisions, such as selecting the right cast, crew and locations for the film. They then direct rehearsals and the performances of the actors once the film is in production. In some cases, Directors will even edit and work on the script. You can expect to start your career by getting work experience as a Runner on a film set or in a production office before working your way up through entry-level positions over many years. A director needs to understand all the different aspects of how a film is made, so working in a generalist assistant position is a great way to immerse yourself in the industry and pick up different ideas and skills. Some directors even start off as actors Income from directing work is often erratic so it may be necessary for you to work other full or part-time jobs. If this is the case, you may be able to find work which is related to your directing, such as teaching and lecturing or other industry roles such as editing, assistant directing or production management.
  • 3. Info-graphic Research: Put your info-graphic research here. Use this space to collate information and write notes. If you prefer to write notes on paper, then scan those notes and add them here. You will need to copy and paste this slide several times. Director- Directing often involves working unsocial hours in the evenings and at weekends. During the production phase, a typical filming day is between 10-12 hours. However as a director you should expect to supplement this work with extra time spent in meetings discussing other aspects of the production. It can take a long time to develop and plan a project. The development phase is often unpaid. A lot of work is in London and in the large cities but location filming can take place anywhere in the country and even abroad. For this reason, mobility is important and you should be prepared to be flexible and willing to travel for interviews, meetings and filming. Generally, the sole superiors of the director are the producer and the studio that is financing the film(evidenced in Spiderman 3 and amazing spider man 2) When the filming is done, the director sends it off to the film editor who then creates what is known as the editors cut. In post-production, the director works with the editor to edit the material into the directors cut. The director has the last say on which version is sent off to be released a the film. This is known as the final cut privilege. Some directors also take on additional roles, such as producing, writing or editing.
  • 4. Info-graphic Bibliography: Put your info-graphic bibliography here. anon. (2009). Reports& surveys. Available: http://www.televisual.com/read-reports- surveys/39/Salary-Survey-2015.html. Last accessed 13th septmber 2018. http://creativeskillset.org/job_roles/758_director. Last accessed 13th september 2018. Steve Bowden. (unknown ). Film Director Job profile . Available: https://www.prospects.ac.uk/job- profiles/film-director. Last accessed 13th september 2018. Unknown . (2001). Film Director . Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Film_director. Last accessed 13th september 2018.
  • 6. Research: Describe how you located, retrieved and stored information:
  • 7. Client research: Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  • 8. Client research: Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  • 9. Client research: Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  • 10. Client research: Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  • 11. Client research: Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  • 12. Client research: Put your client research here. Things to consider: Who is your client, what do they make, how do they advertise their products? Remember the key things we looked at earlier in the project such as narrative, lines of appeal and persuasion. Use screen shots, images and links to help show your research.
  • 13. Market research: Put your market research here. Things to consider: What market is your client part of, who is their competition?
  • 14. Market research: Put your market research here. Things to consider: What market is your client part of, who is their competition?
  • 15. Audience research: Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  • 16. Audience research: Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  • 17. Audience research: Put your audience research here. Things to consider: The results of any primary research you conducted about this brand. Information you found on this audience from secondary sources.
  • 18. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products.
  • 19. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products.
  • 20. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products.
  • 21. Idea Generation: Use this space to record your idea generation. Whatever method(s) you use, get it all together here. Remember you are making three different but linked products.
  • 22. Individual Idea: Write down and overview of your idea here. What is your is that you want to take to the rest of the group? You can also add some visual elements to help explain your idea.
  • 23. Group Idea: Put your groups idea here. Agree on what you are doing. You need to work to this concept from here on.
  • 24. Planning Docs (TV Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 25. Planning Docs (Advergame): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 26. Planning Docs (Print Advert): Use the Irn Bru Project UAL 2017 presentation to see the planning requirements. Include all the required planning. You may need to copy this slide several times, so you can fit all the work on here.
  • 27. Finished Stuff: Finished pieces to be displayed on your blog.