3. 5
Independent Study Title Factors Affecting Instant Noodles Consumer Buying
Behaviors and Decisions in Bangkok
Name Miss Sunimol Punwong
Advisor Mr. Nattapong Siboonreung
Major Marketing
Academic Year 2006
The research aimed to study factors affecting instant noodles consumer
buying behaviors and decisions in Bangkok. Four-hundred data were collected from
the sample group. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentage,
mean, and standard deviation. The chi-square inferential statistic was used to test the
hypotheses at the 95% confidence level.
The results found that females preferred instant noodles more than males
because they felt that it was easy to buy and convenient to consume. Most of them liked
packaged yellow noodles a few times a week at night. They could either pour hot water
in the instant noodles or cook noodles on the stove top. Most of them bought instant
noodles by themselves. They liked to buy instant noodles from a convenience store
once per month. They preferred to buy a variety of flavors, about 2-3 packages per
flavor. The most popular instant noodles flavor was the tom-yum-koong flavor. The
first motivation to try noodles was after seeing advertisements. Most of them saw the
advertisements on television. The factors that affected the instant noodles consumers
buying decision-making were found to be 1) product: easy to consume, 2) price:
appropriate, 3) channel of distribution: convenient to buy, and 4) promotion:
advertisement to motivate buyer.
The results from hypothesis testing found that:
- Genders related to buying frequency and buying quantities.
- Ages related to range of consumption time, buying frequency, and buying
- Educational level related to buying frequency and buying quantities.
- Marital status related to consumption frequency, consumption time, buying
frequency, and buying quantities.
- Income related to consumption frequency and buying frequency.
- Level of savings related to consumption frequency and buying frequency.
- Accommodation types related consumption frequency and buying frequency.
- Product factor related to buying frequency and buying quantities.
- Price factor related to consumption frequency.
- Channel of distribution factor related to buying quantities.
- Promotion factor related to consumption frequency, consumption time, any
buying frequency.
Some suggestions and comments from this research were: 1) Develop more
flavors and enhance nutritional value. 2) Concentrate on promotion by having product
sample booth or discount.