While some have predicted the death of email for years, email is more popular than ever, especially among marketers. Most people check their email daily and receive more emails now than in the past. However, people also delete most emails without reading them due to the high volume. Younger people are also still actively using email, though not as much as older generations. Though email may evolve, it is still a very relevant and widely used form of communication.
2. For years, people in the tech industry have
been predicting (or lamenting) the death of
email as a form of communication.
"Kids don't use email anymore."
"There are better, faster and more effective
ways to interact with other people, such as
texting and social media."
"I know people who don't even have an
email address."
These are some of the most common
statements you hear regarding the death of
(Perhaps it's telling that I've been hearing
these same statements for nearly a decade
3. The Death of Email?
So what's the real deal?
Is email actually dead?
To answer this question, let me ask one of
my own:
When was the last time you checked your
email account?
This week?
This morning?
Just now?
The truth is that most people will go to their
email every time their smart phone beeps,
vibrates or otherwise indicates that a new
email message has just landed in their
4. It's just a natural human response, kind of
like when people used to answer their home
telephones whenever it rang.
It takes some time to de-program it.
More Popular than Ever
In reality, email is more popular than ever,
especially among marketers.
According to an April, 2015, study
conducted by Yahoo Labs and the
University of Southern California called
"Evolution of Conversations in the Age of
Email Overload", most people are now
receiving more emails in their inbox than
ever before.
5. Part of that is businesses finally catching
up with available marketing technology.
While many small businesses have been
collecting customers email addresses for
years, it's only been recently that many
have finally figured out what to do with
People are more willing to give up their
email address than they are, say, their
mobile phone numbers.
That's because they know they can easily
ignore or delete emails they don't really
want to see.
Too Many Emails
Today, most people receive more emails
than they can conceivably read and
respond to.
6. Personally, I usually begin each working
day by deleting about 80% to 90% of the
emails in my inbox, mostly from marketers
or others promoting something I'm not
interested in.
Yet like me, most people won't go to the
trouble of unsubscribing from the source of
all those emails out of fear that they might
miss out on the one offer or email that they
genuinely are interested in.
Ease of Email
It's also easier than ever for people to keep
up with their emails.
Spam detectors have done an effective job
of filtering out the truly irrelevant and
unwanted emails.
7. And now people can read their emails or at
least their subjects and who they are from
as a scroll on their smart phones, tablets
and other mobile devices.
And because more emails today are being
sent and received on mobile devices, they
tend to be shorter.
Perhaps this is why the average amount of
time it takes for people to respond to emails
sent from smart phones (28 minutes) is so
much shorter than those sent from tablets
(57 minutes) or from desktop computers or
laptops (62 minutes,), according to the
Yahoo/USC study.
Could that mean that emails and text
messages are beginning to morph into the
same thing?
8. The Myth of Young People and Email
As expected, older people tend to use
emails more than younger people.
But the difference may not be as big as
many people might think.
During the course of the study, 53% of
adults between 35 and 50 years old sent
emails from their phones or tablets at least
once, compared to only 49% of teenagers
between13 and 19 and 48% of young adults
between 20 and 35 years old.
Older people (51+) sent the fewest emails
via mobile devices, at 43%, according to the
So email is definitely not dead. It's not even
9. Eventually, however, it may eventually
morph into something entirely different, in
the way the telephone did.
By the way, to send email for your IM
business you'll need an autoresponder.
My favorite autoresponder company to use
is Aweber, deliverability is awesome
(although your message may end up in the
Promotions folder), the price is right and
the service is second to none!
Check out Aweber now at:
Aweber Email Marketing
Thanks for reading, Have a nice day
Jim & Gloria Moore / http://clubhost.net