Individual Service Funds allow individuals to have flexibility in how they use their support hours and budget to choose what services they receive, where they receive support both in their home and community, who their support workers are by choosing workers they know and who know them, when they get support on days and times that work for them, how they want to be supported with support workers understanding this is important, and by being fully involved in decisions about their own support and the service's development through co-production.
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1. Individual Service Funds
What I can use my hours/budget flexibly
and can choose what I am supported
WhERE I am supported where it makes
sense for me, at home and out and
WhO I choose who I want to support
me, my support worker knows me and I
know them.
WhEN I get support on the days and at
the times that are right for me.
HOW I choose how I am supported and
my support workers know this is important
to me.
CO-PRODUCTiON I am fully involved in
decisions about my own support and how
the wider service develops.