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Is the current model of load
testing broken?
  Steve Thair
  Seriti Consulting

        Some background.
          My User Group  Dec 2011 -


(c) Seriti Consulting, 2011
Delivery           Alert                 Deviation

                                         Ready                                                       Fail                    Fail to
                                          for                                         Build                                   meet
                                         Test?                                                                               SLAs?



           Continuous                                              End User
                                                                                                            Perf Trends
              Load                                                 Response
                                                                                                                      For Each Data
                                                                 Service/API                                          Point
                     Usage                                        response
              logs                                                 System
                                                                                                            Perf Details

           CONFIDENTIAL and not for reproduction without prior written consent. 息 of the Sporting Exchange Limited.

        The Killer Comment
   Weve had to look at separating load
        injection from performance
                              - Andrew Harding, Betfair


(c) Seriti Consulting, 2011                                      @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
So why are you paying all                    5
                      that money for that
   What are key     expensive brand-name
 reasons behind     load testing tool then?
  that decision?
                                                Surely there are
                                                open source or
                                                  cheap cloud
                                                 tools if all you
                                                 want is load?

                                                    What other
                                                issues might we
                                                     have with
  What are you
                                                traditional load
using to measure
                                                 testing models
                                                   in a Web 2.0

                                               @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

Defining the current model
Stephen didnt explicitly define
what the current model of
load/performance testing is
                  Alex Podelko


                                                       @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

            Current Model Straw Man
(1) Waterfall Development Cycle
(2) Load Tool compiles the report
(3) Reporting at the end of the test
(4) Request / Response paradigm
(5) Well-defined customer journeys

(c) Seriti Consulting, 2011

Testing in a CI/Agile world
 Performance testing initiated every time code is committed to
  the CM repository (e.g. SVN, GIT etc)
 Betfair issue was that their system was complex with many
  layers of caching etc so it took longer to warm up the
  environment (to achieve a steady performance state) than
  they had between check-ins
 So they needed continuous injection to keep the
  environment constantly warm
 The test tool never stopped to compile the report
 So any tool that reported at the end wasnt as useful

                                                   @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

Test tools in a APM & RUM world
 traditional test tools generally have the ability to deploy
  agents to gather metrics from the target environment
 But the depth of analysis and correlation falls well below that
  of modern Application Performance Management tools e.g.
 APM tools offer a deeper insight and better event correlation
  across tiers
 And they are getting (much) cheaper

                                                     @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
APM Measurement

                  @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
Google Real Time Analytics

                        @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

 HTTP 1.1
   Start Timer
    GET /index.html
    Response 200 OK
   Stop Timer
   Start Timer
    Socket upgrade
    N many frames
   Stop???             Bi-directional socket channel

                                        @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

HTTP 2.0
 HTTP 1.1
 HTTP 2.0 (& SPDY)
    Multiplexed over a
     single connection
     returned out of
    Hard to time!

                                                                                          @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

Website Complexity
    263,000 entry points

                             @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

Visitor Flow
 How many paths thru a
 Classic script-driven
  approaches cant hope to
  address the complexity
 Network and log file
  replay solutions?

                             @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

A PCAP Solution to Replay?
 POC solution based on Cloudmeter
  Pion + custom scripts
   Read a PCAP (network capture)
   Identify the HTTP traffic
   Filter it (based on your requirements)
   Parameterise it (query strings, POST
    parameters etc)
   Randomise inputs from SQL, CSV etc
   Replay it against a test environment
       i.e. change the base URL
   Amplify & rate throttle req/sec as


                                                                       @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

                                                        Personal Opinion!

So whats the Answer?
 Use the cheapest method to generate load that you can
 Move away from scripting-based approaches towards using
  real-user session replay (if possible!)
 Generate load continuously
 Measure continuously
   using APM & RUM type tools  FOSS or Commercial
   Look for changes in histograms, averages, standard dev etc
 Protocol and Framework aware instrumentation
   AFAIK this currently doesnt exist
                                                      @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

        @LDNWebPerf User Group!
          Join our London Web Performance Meetup
          Next Wednesday 17th Oct  7pm  Central London
          Follow us on Twitter @LDNWebPerf
          #LDNWebPerf & #WebPerf

(c) Seriti Consulting, 2011                                  @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

        About Me
          21yrs IT experience.
                 Started with www in 1998 (IIS3! Site Server 3!).
                 Web Architect @ BNP Paribas, CSFB etc
                 Web Operations Manager for www.totaljobs.com, www.tes.co.uk
                 Professional Services Manager @ www.siteconfidence.com
                 Seriti Consulting  specialising in web operations, management and
            m:+44 7971 815 940
            Twitter: http://twitter.com/TheOpsMgr
            Blog: http://www.seriticonsulting.com/blog/
            LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/stephenthair
            Skype: seriti-steve
(c) Seriti Consulting, 2011                                               @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf


(c) Seriti Consulting, 2011   @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

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Is the current model of load testing broken ukcmg - steve thair

  • 1. Is the current model of load testing broken? Steve Thair Seriti Consulting @TheOpsMgr
  • 2. 2 Some background. My User Group Dec 2011 - http://www.meetup.com/London-Web-Performance-Group/ (c) Seriti Consulting, 2011
  • 3. Delivery Alert Deviation from Team normal? Ready Fail Fail to for Build meet Test? SLAs? Deploy Measurements Environment Continuous End User Perf Trends Load Response Injection For Each Data Service/API Point Usage response Profile Production logs System Perf Details monitors http://www.slideshare.net/sthair/continuous-integration-a-performance-engineers-journey CONFIDENTIAL and not for reproduction without prior written consent. 息 of the Sporting Exchange Limited.
  • 4. 4 The Killer Comment Weve had to look at separating load injection from performance measurement. - Andrew Harding, Betfair http://www.seriticonsulting.com/blog/2011 /12/9/is-the-current-model-of- loadperformance-testing-broken.html (c) Seriti Consulting, 2011 @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 5. So why are you paying all 5 that money for that What are key expensive brand-name reasons behind load testing tool then? that decision? Surely there are open source or cheap cloud tools if all you want is load? What other issues might we have with What are you traditional load using to measure testing models Performance in a Web 2.0 then? world? @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 6. 6 Defining the current model Stephen didnt explicitly define what the current model of load/performance testing is Alex Podelko http://applicationperformanceengineeringhub.com/is-the-current-model- of-loadperformance-testing-broken/ @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 7. 7 Current Model Straw Man (1) Waterfall Development Cycle (2) Load Tool compiles the report (3) Reporting at the end of the test (4) Request / Response paradigm (5) Well-defined customer journeys (c) Seriti Consulting, 2011
  • 8. 8 Testing in a CI/Agile world Performance testing initiated every time code is committed to the CM repository (e.g. SVN, GIT etc) Betfair issue was that their system was complex with many layers of caching etc so it took longer to warm up the environment (to achieve a steady performance state) than they had between check-ins So they needed continuous injection to keep the environment constantly warm The test tool never stopped to compile the report So any tool that reported at the end wasnt as useful @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 9. 9 Test tools in a APM & RUM world traditional test tools generally have the ability to deploy agents to gather metrics from the target environment But the depth of analysis and correlation falls well below that of modern Application Performance Management tools e.g. AppDynamics APM tools offer a deeper insight and better event correlation across tiers And they are getting (much) cheaper @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 10. APM Measurement @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 11. Google Real Time Analytics @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 12. 12 WebSockets HTTP 1.1 Start Timer GET /index.html Response 200 OK Stop Timer WebSockets Start Timer Socket upgrade N many frames Stop??? Bi-directional socket channel @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 13. 13 HTTP 2.0 HTTP 1.1 Sequential ordered HTTP 2.0 (& SPDY) Multiplexed over a single connection Responses returned out of sequence Hard to time! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10480122/difference-between-http-pipeling-and-http-multiplexing-with-spdy @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 14. 14 Website Complexity 263,000 entry points @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 15. 15 Visitor Flow How many paths thru a website? Classic script-driven approaches cant hope to address the complexity Network and log file replay solutions? @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 16. 16 A PCAP Solution to Replay? POC solution based on Cloudmeter Pion + custom scripts Read a PCAP (network capture) Identify the HTTP traffic Filter it (based on your requirements) Parameterise it (query strings, POST parameters etc) Randomise inputs from SQL, CSV etc Replay it against a test environment i.e. change the base URL Amplify & rate throttle req/sec as required http://www.cloudmeter.com/pion/data-processing.php @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 17. 17 Personal Opinion! YMMV So whats the Answer? Use the cheapest method to generate load that you can find Move away from scripting-based approaches towards using real-user session replay (if possible!) Generate load continuously Measure continuously using APM & RUM type tools FOSS or Commercial Look for changes in histograms, averages, standard dev etc Protocol and Framework aware instrumentation AFAIK this currently doesnt exist @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 18. 18 @LDNWebPerf User Group! Join our London Web Performance Meetup http://www.meetup.com/London-Web-Performance-Group/ Next Wednesday 17th Oct 7pm Central London Follow us on Twitter @LDNWebPerf #LDNWebPerf & #WebPerf (c) Seriti Consulting, 2011 @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 19. 19 About Me 21yrs IT experience. Started with www in 1998 (IIS3! Site Server 3!). Web Architect @ BNP Paribas, CSFB etc Web Operations Manager for www.totaljobs.com, www.tes.co.uk Professional Services Manager @ www.siteconfidence.com Seriti Consulting specialising in web operations, management and Performance e:stephen.thair@seriticonsulting.com m:+44 7971 815 940 Twitter: http://twitter.com/TheOpsMgr Blog: http://www.seriticonsulting.com/blog/ LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/stephenthair Skype: seriti-steve (c) Seriti Consulting, 2011 @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf
  • 20. 20 Questions? (c) Seriti Consulting, 2011 @TheOpsMgr #ukcmg #webperf

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Thanks for coming to my talk I know it must have been hard to tear yourself away from all about Workload License charges in IBM System Z so I appreciate your trust! We have lot of really interesting stuff to talk aboutYou will get a lot of food for thought and I will confess right now that I dont know all the answers to this as yet, but hopefully we might find some out along the way!
  • #3: I run a monthly Meetup group on Web Performance and back in December 2011 we had a presentation from the Performance team at Betfair about performance testing in their continuous integration environment.
  • #4: And they presented an environment like this
  • #5: So I am like what, huh, thats that? You separated load injection from performance measurement? Doesnt that sort of destroy half the value proposition of the all those expensive load testing tools? Why did you do that?How are you measuring it then? And then all sorts of other issues came out of that
  • #6: So I had all these questions in my head but before I get to that I need to address Alex Podelkos objection raised in a comment on my blog
  • #7: True, I didnt. So say hello to my little friend the Straw Man!
  • #9: How do you get results when the testing never stops
  • #10: APM tools offer more insight. I mean, thats what they are designed to do so its hardly a surprise. So increasing in my load testing I search
  • #11: Some RUM tools are even free like Google SiteSpeedSo why do I need expensive load tools if I all I am doing is measuring load?
  • #12: WebSockets is a new HTML 5 API protocol for bi-directional real-time communication between browser (client) and server.But the key here is that there isnt a nice request/response round-trip any more the very thing that most of the current generation of test tools rely on (especially the HTTP 1.1 level protocol tools like JmeterAnd in a HTTP 2.0 world it gets even worse because you have HTTP channel multiplexing
  • #13: Websites are getting more and more complex especially as we add in new functionality like AJAX and HTML5 I have been playing with a solution
  • #14: I created a proof of concept
  • #20: DB2 was the reason I moved into local area networking