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| Hulled Hemp Seeds (an All-Natural Vegetarian Protein) with Ionic Alfalfa |

Natures Perfect
Hemp seed is one of natures most
nutritious foods containing protein
complete with all nine essential amino
acids and an optimal ratio of omega-6
to omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Sprinkle IsaCrunch on salads, soups
and more or enjoy a spoonful straight
from the bag.

   What should I know about IsaCrunch?

    IsaCrunch adds maximum nutrition to your
    meals by providing a rich source of essential
    fatty acids in an ideal 3:1 ratio of omega-6
                                                       How can I benefit from eating IsaCrunch?
    to omega-3. Essential fatty acids are the
    good fats that are necessary for health,
    but the body cant make themyou must get            Hemp seed is one of natures highest botanical
    them from food. Hemp seed is one of natures         sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
    highest botanical sources of these fatty acids.      Omega-3s are touted by the American Heart
    Scientific studies show that omega-3s support        Association as one of the ways to help support
    cardiovascular and immune systems, as well           heart health. Replacing bad fats with good fats
    as increase joint flexibility.                       in your diet is key to promoting heart health.
                                                         The fats in IsaCrunch protect the heart, while the
    IsaCrunch contains all 20 amino acids including      fats in meat can increase risk of heart disease.
    the nine essential amino acids. Your body relies
    on, but cant produce these essential amino          The protein in IsaCrunch is a complete vegetarian
    acids. IsaCrunch is a natural source.                protein providing all nine essential amino acids.
                                                         Amino acids play innumerable roles in human
    IsaCrunch contains more protein per gram             health. They support the immune system and
    than milk, eggs, chicken, hamburger meat             are necessary for building muscle.
    and cheese. No other botanical source
    provides such a complete protein that is so          IsaCrunch can be added to salads, pastas, dips,
    easily digested. Unlike the protein in legumes       soups, yogurt, and your favorite recipes. Add
    (containing trypsin inhibitors), the protein         IsaCrunch to your IsaLean速 Shake or IsaLean速 Soup
    in IsaCrunch is easily digested. (See FAQ            to increase your intake of important nutrients.
    on back.)
|   How does IsaCrunch速 compare to the competition?

                                                         Our premium hemp seed is now packaged in an easy-to-use,
                                                         re-sealable 50-serving pouch. At only $1.56 per ounce, this
                                                         larger-size package offers significant savings. Plus, no other
                                                         hemp seed product contains Ionic Alfalfa≒our proprietary
                                                         blend of minerals. Using no-compromise ingredients in this
                                                         spark plug of life, these super-charged minerals provide
                                                         the building blocks that support 95 percent of the bodys
                                                         functions. IsaCrunch is rigorously tested to ensure there are
                                                         no traces of pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, preservatives
                                                         or additives.

|   IsaCrunch Frequently Asked Questions

          Why is a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to                            hoW do i use isaCrunCh during
          omega-3 optimal for your health?                            my isagenix program?
          It is estimated that our ancestral hunter-gatherer          Make IsaCrunch part of your Isagenix program
          diet provided a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3.            by enjoying three teaspoons a day. One of the
          This ratio is considered ideal for your overall             easiest ways to add the benefits of hemp seed
          health and helps support heart and joint function.          to your daily routine is by adding IsaCrunch
                                                                      to your IsaLean Shake or IsaLean Soup have
          What makes hemp seed protein                                a couple spoonfuls of IsaCrunch straight from
                                                                      the bag. Sprinkle IsaCrunch on salads, yogurt,
          superior and highly digestible?
                                                                      dips, or add to your favorite recipes to easily
          The protein in hemp seed is easy to digest                  boost nutrients.
          because it is two-thirds edestin and one-third
          albumin. Hemp seed protein contains no trypsin
          inhibitors that can cause upset stomach (typically
                                                                      are hemp and marijuana similar?
          found in legumes) and contains no gluten.                   Hemp and marijuana are two of the common
                                                                      names used for the plant species Cannabis
                                                                      sativa L. Different cultivars of Cannabis
          is the hemp seed in isaCrunCh
                                                                      sativa L. have different levels of THC. Hemp
          hulled?                                                     is naturally 100% free of THC. IsaCrunch will
          Yes. Weve removed the hard outer shell of the              not cause a person to fail a drug test over
          hemp seedleaving the hemp heartthe tastiest               short-or long-term use and does not contain
          and most nutritious part. This inner kernel is one          psychoactive effects.
          of natures most nutrient-rich foods.
                                                                      hoW muCh isaCrunCh should
          hoW does isaCrunCh taste?                                   i eat eaCh day?
          IsaCrunch has a wholesome, light nutty flavor               We recommend at least three teaspoons
          and is similar in taste to sunflower seeds.                 a day to support a healthy lifestyle.

          Where Can i find a variety of
          reCipes that inClude isaCrunCh?
          Visit IsaProduct.com for great-tasting,
          nutritious recipes.

                                                    For more information, please contact your Isagenix Independent Associate:

                                                                                                                    10-3092  01.12.11

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Isa Crunch N Y K O

  • 1. IsaCrunch速 | Hulled Hemp Seeds (an All-Natural Vegetarian Protein) with Ionic Alfalfa | Natures Perfect Powerfood Hemp seed is one of natures most nutritious foods containing protein complete with all nine essential amino acids and an optimal ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 essential fatty acids. Sprinkle IsaCrunch on salads, soups and more or enjoy a spoonful straight from the bag. What should I know about IsaCrunch? IsaCrunch adds maximum nutrition to your meals by providing a rich source of essential fatty acids in an ideal 3:1 ratio of omega-6 How can I benefit from eating IsaCrunch? to omega-3. Essential fatty acids are the good fats that are necessary for health, but the body cant make themyou must get Hemp seed is one of natures highest botanical them from food. Hemp seed is one of natures sources of omega-3 essential fatty acids. highest botanical sources of these fatty acids. Omega-3s are touted by the American Heart Scientific studies show that omega-3s support Association as one of the ways to help support cardiovascular and immune systems, as well heart health. Replacing bad fats with good fats as increase joint flexibility. in your diet is key to promoting heart health. The fats in IsaCrunch protect the heart, while the IsaCrunch contains all 20 amino acids including fats in meat can increase risk of heart disease. the nine essential amino acids. Your body relies on, but cant produce these essential amino The protein in IsaCrunch is a complete vegetarian acids. IsaCrunch is a natural source. protein providing all nine essential amino acids. Amino acids play innumerable roles in human IsaCrunch contains more protein per gram health. They support the immune system and than milk, eggs, chicken, hamburger meat are necessary for building muscle. and cheese. No other botanical source provides such a complete protein that is so IsaCrunch can be added to salads, pastas, dips, easily digested. Unlike the protein in legumes soups, yogurt, and your favorite recipes. Add (containing trypsin inhibitors), the protein IsaCrunch to your IsaLean速 Shake or IsaLean速 Soup in IsaCrunch is easily digested. (See FAQ to increase your intake of important nutrients. on back.)
  • 2. | How does IsaCrunch速 compare to the competition? Our premium hemp seed is now packaged in an easy-to-use, re-sealable 50-serving pouch. At only $1.56 per ounce, this larger-size package offers significant savings. Plus, no other hemp seed product contains Ionic Alfalfa≒our proprietary blend of minerals. Using no-compromise ingredients in this spark plug of life, these super-charged minerals provide the building blocks that support 95 percent of the bodys functions. IsaCrunch is rigorously tested to ensure there are no traces of pesticides, herbicides, chemicals, preservatives or additives. | IsaCrunch Frequently Asked Questions Why is a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to hoW do i use isaCrunCh during omega-3 optimal for your health? my isagenix program? It is estimated that our ancestral hunter-gatherer Make IsaCrunch part of your Isagenix program diet provided a 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3. by enjoying three teaspoons a day. One of the This ratio is considered ideal for your overall easiest ways to add the benefits of hemp seed health and helps support heart and joint function. to your daily routine is by adding IsaCrunch to your IsaLean Shake or IsaLean Soup have What makes hemp seed protein a couple spoonfuls of IsaCrunch straight from the bag. Sprinkle IsaCrunch on salads, yogurt, superior and highly digestible? dips, or add to your favorite recipes to easily The protein in hemp seed is easy to digest boost nutrients. because it is two-thirds edestin and one-third albumin. Hemp seed protein contains no trypsin inhibitors that can cause upset stomach (typically are hemp and marijuana similar? found in legumes) and contains no gluten. Hemp and marijuana are two of the common names used for the plant species Cannabis sativa L. Different cultivars of Cannabis is the hemp seed in isaCrunCh sativa L. have different levels of THC. Hemp hulled? is naturally 100% free of THC. IsaCrunch will Yes. Weve removed the hard outer shell of the not cause a person to fail a drug test over hemp seedleaving the hemp heartthe tastiest short-or long-term use and does not contain and most nutritious part. This inner kernel is one psychoactive effects. of natures most nutrient-rich foods. hoW muCh isaCrunCh should hoW does isaCrunCh taste? i eat eaCh day? IsaCrunch has a wholesome, light nutty flavor We recommend at least three teaspoons and is similar in taste to sunflower seeds. a day to support a healthy lifestyle. Where Can i find a variety of reCipes that inClude isaCrunCh? Visit IsaProduct.com for great-tasting, nutritious recipes. For more information, please contact your Isagenix Independent Associate: 10-3092 01.12.11