This document discusses Islamic private equity opportunities in the Middle East region. It provides statistics on the geographical distribution of Shariah-compliant assets globally and within the region. The top countries for Shariah assets are Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. Real estate and private equity are attractive sectors for Islamic investments. The document outlines tips for private equity market entry in the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, including developing corporate governance standards and providing value-added services. Fundraising by Middle Eastern private equity funds reached a record $6.4 billion in 2008, driven by large fund sizes. Popular investment sectors include transport, healthcare, oil and gas, and construction.
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Islamic Private Equity in GCC
1. Islamic Private Equity Opportunities in the Middle East
Paul Wouters
Lawyer Antwerp Bar Association, Belgium
Counsel, Bener Law Office, Istanbul-Turkey
2. Next to the pure financial merits, in Islamic finance the PE is an
understanding and agreement between the financiers and the
entrepreneurs on :
(1) how the money is put to work (contracts / structures used for the
financing itself AND the going concern of the target company) and
(2) where it is used (financial screenings and sectors excluded) and fits in
the Islamic P/L sharing model and the way money should be used.
PARTNERSHIPS are considered to be the natural habitat of Islamic Finance
Half of the respondents of the Deloitte MENA Private Equity
Confidence Survey (Jan 2009) did expect an increase in Shariah
compliant funds due to a general growing awareness of Islamic
finance in the region.
8 of the 12 OPEC nations are within the MENA region: Algeria, Iran, Iraq,
Kuwait, Libya, Qatar, K. Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates.
3. What does that mean on global scale
with the benchmark on 1.500 US$
Geographical distribution reported Shariah assets % Global
Non GCC - Mena
Austra - Euro - USA
Sub Saharan Africa
Source : FT - The Banker 2007/08
GCC 35,59 Asia 23,85
Non GCC Mena 35,33 Australia Europe - 5,4
Sub Saharan Africa 0,94 USA
4. Distribution within the GCC
Geographical distribution reported Shariah assets % - GCC
Saudi Arabia
Source : FT - The Banker 2007/08
Saudi Arabia 38,95 Bahrain 14,74
Kuwait 21,16 Qatar 5,31
UAE 19,85
5. Distribution rest of MENA
Geographical distribution reported Shariah assets % Non GCC Mena
Palestine Territories
Source : FT - The Banker 2007/08
Iran 87,44 Tunesia 0,16
Egypt 2,18 Algeria 0,32
Jordan 1,49 Lebanon 7.78
Yemen 0,19 Palestine Territories 0,12
6. Distribution rest of the world
Geographical distribution reported Shariah assets - Rest
Source : FT - The Banker 2007/08
Malaysia 40,72 Sudan 2,80
Brunei 19,73 Bangladesh 2,71
Pakistan 9,96 Indonesia 1,39
UK 6,52 Switzerland 0,51
Turkey 6,30 Rest 0,27
7. Country listing Shariah compliant assets
1, Iran 6, Brunei
2, KSA 7, Bahrain
3, Malaysia 8, Pakistan
4,Kuwait 9, Qatar
5, UAE 10, UK
Source : FT - The Banker 2007/08
8. How does the GCC live the financial crisis ?
In the GCC, the K. Saudi Arabia financial market was due to
regulatory standards more balanced (and therefore less infected
by the credit crunch) then the other regional players.
Most hit are the UAE and Kuwait with large asset exposure to real
estate (bankers, constructors and real estate promotors)
Is the GCC an easy market for Islamic Finance ?
The Saudi investors also appear to be more sensitive to demand
Islamic investments (prefer over accepted Kuwait, Bahrain,
Qatar to neutral - UAE) (note: Malaysia is accepted Indonesia
is neutral).
9. Ernst & Young The Islamic Funds & Investments Report - 2008
Statistic global Islamic asset allocation: Allocations to real estate and private
equity are considerably higher in Islamic investment compared to conventional
Mutual Funds because the asset classes fit nice in Shariah compliant investment.
The Middle East knew a significant over allocation on real estate.
10. Where is the GCC now - development
The Middle East has traditionally been viewed as a source, rather
than a target, of investment capital. Historically funds got raised
before investment opportunities were found.
Local economies tended to comprise out of government based
employment together with a strong emphasis on agency-based
business models, in which companies represent international brands
at a local level rather than producing products themselves.
Growing population together with the need for diversification
creates different needs and opportunities.
Privatization and re-engineering of family business made the
number of investment possibilities further grow considerably.
Together with the present credit crunch, the usual capital overhang
begins to narrow.
11. Tips for market entry ..
Several areas of focus are important in order to compete in the local
1. The key qualities in winning deals are reputation and providing
value added services. Access to capital and local presence are of
rising significance.
note: the average deal ticket appears to evolve
from 28 upto 35 million US$
14. Tips for market entry ..
Several areas of focus are important in order to compete in the local
2. Corporate finance savvyness in order to clean up the balance sheet
3. Corporate governance : strategic thinking and quality of information /
transparancy one of the big problems is that many companies have
only been accountable to themselves in the past and are not used to
have outside shareholders. If a good governance model is not yet in
place from the outset, then PE investment could face a difficult time.
In terms of fund strategies, more and more funds are seeking controlling
stakes. While in 2005, only 3 percent of transactions were control
buyouts, by 2008, some 26 percent of transactions volume and half of
transactions values were control buyouts.
4. Timeline for due dilligence and regulatory constraints are further exisiting
hindrances, next to valuation disputes, disagreement on exit strategies
and investors rights and privilages.
17. How was the fundraising in 2008 ?
Middle East private equity fund managers raised a record $6.4 billion in
2008. This is up more than 10 percent over 2007 and more than double
the amount raised in 2005.
Large size funds are mostly responsible for this growth, with the average
fund size in 2008 being US$258 million, compared with US$213 million in
2007 and just US$177 million in 2006.
Present liquidity results from (1) an increase in fundraising and (2) a
decrease in deals, with the number of private equity investments dropping
by 22 percent between 2007 and 2008, as well as the total investment size,
which fell by 31 percent.
Regional players are experiencing an increasing request for funds with a
mandate that includes MENA, to expand and include South Asia,
Southeast Asia and/or Africa.
18. Sectors of focus :
Health care
Oil & gas
Financial Services
Power & Utilities
Successfull countries over the last four years were : Saudi Arabia,
Egypt and UAE.
Also Jordanie and Turkey managed to be included in some of the
fund strategies (proxemity specialised investments).
19. The near future
The regional funds are cash rich with US$11 billion in capital under
management yet to be deployed.
This dry powder gives the PE sector a strategic opportunity vis--vis
target companies, given the present limited scope of other funding sources
available in the current global financial environment.
The large funds will have more difficulties for closing.
Exits will be more difficult due to tight financial markets (less IPO
possibilities ...). The funds will have to sit longer on their investments and
grow them further. On the other hand their will be a relative abundance of
opportunities. Midsize and family owned business will gain on importance.
20. The increased attention from international players that the GCC region
witnessed in 2007 is expected to be disrupted only temporary.
Sustained robust economic performance of the GCC region most
propably will attract additional allocation from international institutional
investors over the medium term.
Note: The population of the MENA region comprises about 6% of the total
world population. It is equivalent in number to one third of the population
of the People's Republic of China, is almost equivalent to the population
of the European Union, and is one and a quarter times larger than the
population of the United States.
21. Paul WOUTERS
Lawyer Antwerp Bar Association, Belgium
Counsel Bener Law Office, Istanbul Turkey
Yapi Kredi Plaza C Blok Kat: 4
34330 Istanbul - Turkey
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