1) The document summarizes Nicholas Zurcher's experience at the SILVER KOALA'S leadership institute. Participants were divided into color groups and took daily lessons on topics like negotiations, advocacy, and coalition building.
2) Typical days involved lessons from 8:30-19:50 with breaks for news, lunch, and recreation. Rooms slept 2-5 people with bunk beds and small bathrooms. Free time activities included swimming, downtown excursions, and evening entertainment.
3) Authentic leaders consider group views while inauthentic leaders push their own agendas and take sole credit. Signs of authentic leaders include giving credit to groups and representing what groups want.
2. Check in and explanation of Groups1st day we had to check in at the reception Then we got name tags that have a colored sticker on them.Sticker was your color group which after the lessons we went to rooms.
3. Lessons MondaySchool Systems: A comparisonLeaders and LeadershipEnvisioning Consensus SeekingTuesday Negotiations Creating rewards Creating an image Perspective taking
4. Lessons contWednesday Your leadership style The issues forum: Gender justiceCoalition Building The issues forum: Gender justiceThursday Advocacy Gaining legitimacy The group contextPutting it all together
5. These were the people in charge of all the events throughout the week She Is Hot Regent come from all over the world.3 from USA ,2 from germany, 1 from netherlands, 1 from italy , 1 from belgium , 1 from hungry , 1 from finland , 1 from czech , 1 from estonia Regents
6. Color Groups Silver koalas Koala Man Mascot Les diableus (Dark Blue)Lime time Gold membersBlack mambas Ice breakers(light blue)Clementines (Orange)Red Alert
8. Breaks We had breaks through out the day because our days lasted from 8:30 to 19:50. Right before lunch we had this thing called News break Which is when they tell us what is going on the rest of the day Plus if you lose something and they will find it they will make you do something in front everyone .
11. Sample day Wake up 0700 (pool open 0705)Breakfest 0730Negotions0830Break 100Creating rewards 1015Newsbreak 1140 Lunch 1200Recreation 1301Creating image1400Break 1520Perspectiving Taking 1535Color group processing 1700Dinner 1730Free time 1900 Bed time 2330Beginning of each lesson you walked in to the main hall while musik was playing
12. Rooms The rooms where small with somewhere from 2 to 4 or 5 people in it. BunkbedsTiny bathrooms Same sex hall ways
13. Free time In the morning you can swim or go run b4 breakfast doors open at 7 am During the 2 hour lunch you can go downtown and get lunch there At 1 you can go to the music hall for mini talent show Downstairs there are pool table ping pong table,There is a bar down there that you could get (Europeans only)
14. Language The whole institute was taught in english.Some people spoke their native tongue on there free time and some other people spoke another language because they needed to learn it It was tiring on the some of the non native englisch speakers.
15. What you would learn from goingto this institute you will learn leadership About how to become a good leaderThings you should know about and how to do some thing You will know about other schoolsYou will know what leadership is and how to be a good leader
16. Leader and leadership Leaders are commonly needed in our generation There is also a line between authentic and inauthentic leadersIf want to be a leader really bad you might become an inauthentic leader
17. Common signs of inauthentic leader some signs of inauthentic leader areThey use I wantThey try to push their believes on the group Take the credit for what the group does Is very selfish
18. Common Signs of Authentic Leader Some signs of authentic leader Views of the groupThe group wants.. Gives credit to the group and not to himself