This document provides a community profile report for breast cancer in Kansas. It includes quantitative data on breast cancer rates, trends, and demographics for the state and counties. It also describes the health systems analysis of breast cancer care in Kansas and provides an overview of public policies that affect breast cancer, such as the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program. The report aims to identify populations most at risk of negative breast cancer outcomes to determine where to invest in breast cancer programs and services.
Este documento analiza c坦mo los pol鱈ticos utilizan la televisi坦n y los medios de comunicaci坦n para manipular emocionalmente a los ciudadanos durante las campa単as electorales, vendiendo falsas promesas de cambio y progreso para ganar votos. Tanto Juan Manuel Santos como scar Iv叩n Zuluaga apelaron a los sentimientos durante sus campa単as presidenciales de 2014 para las elecciones de segunda vuelta, en lugar de tener debates cr鱈ticos sobre problemas reales. Esto muestra c坦mo la democracia se reduce a un proyecto de sentimentalismo
This statement of attainment certifies that Yip Wai Loon successfully attained the competency of displaying critical thinking and analytical skills through training at Capelle Academy Pte. Ltd. on September 16, 2015. The training and assessment were accredited under the Singapore Workforce Skills Qualification System, as verified through the unique certificate number on the government website.
This document outlines the rules for several competitions at IPWeek2017, an event focused on petroleum industries. It provides details on eligibility, venues, dates, formats and registration procedures for the Energize! Run, Smart Competition, Mud Competition, Oil Rig Design Competition and Paper Competition. Key details include:
- Competitions are open to undergraduate students and the public. Teams consist of 3 students except where noted.
- Events will take place February 16-18, 2017 in Bandung, Indonesia at various ITB venues. Competitions include a 5k run, quiz games, presentations on drilling fluids/mud problems, and designing a model oil rig.
- Winners receive cash prizes up
SV Affordable Housing crisis and response 5-15Kevin Zwick
This document summarizes the state of housing in Silicon Valley. It notes that the region has become the least affordable place to buy a home for millennials and has seen large rent increases. It also discusses the shortage of affordable housing construction relative to goals. The document outlines the challenges of high housing costs, lack of supply, and affordable housing underfunding. It proposes solutions like advocacy groups, affordable loan funds, and new venture funds to address the affordable housing crisis in the region.
Jeff McCrea, Vice President and Director of Intel's Consumer Channels Group, has certified that Waled Wageh has satisfied the requirements for Intel's Retail Certified Specialist in product knowledge. The certification demonstrates Waled Wageh's understanding of the latest Intel processor-based 2-in-1 devices, the benefits of Intel Core processors, Windows 8.1 and Android operating systems, and leadership training. The certification is valid until September 9, 2015.
La m叩cula ocular o m叩cula l炭tea es una de las zonas que adquieren una mayor relevancia dentro del globo ocular. Su apariencia es la de una peque単a mancha de color amarillo que se encuentra en el interior de la retina y nos permite tener la visi坦n de los detalles y el movimiento. Esta zona del ojo es la que consigue que se puedan distinguir las caras y que se desarrolle la lectura sin inconvenientes.
Este documento presenta el proyecto anual de educaci坦n f鱈sica para el segundo a単o de secundaria en una escuela de la provincia de Santa Cruz. El proyecto se organiza en cuatro unidades did叩cticas sobre nataci坦n, gimnasia y b叩squet durante los tres trimestres, con una unidad transversal sobre h叩bitos saludables. Se utilizar叩n m辿todos de problematizaci坦n y demostraci坦n, as鱈 como las TIC incluyendo un blog para el seguimiento del aprendizaje.
Waleed Wageeh Hamed Abdel Moteleb is an experienced IT Manager with over 15 years of experience managing complex IT environments. He has a proven track record of planning and implementing architectural improvements to information technology systems. He is skilled in overseeing all technical operations and related services to ensure the smooth running of systems and improve company efficiency. He is looking for a new challenging position that utilizes his skills and experience while allowing for further personal development.
Waleed Wageeh Hamed Abdel Moteleb is an IT Manager with over 15 years of experience in complex IT environments. He has a proven track record of planning and implementing architectural improvements to information technology systems. Abdel Moteleb has extensive knowledge of enterprise networks, server infrastructures, and ensuring the smooth running of IT systems to improve business efficiency. He is looking for a new challenging position that utilizes his skills and experiences in areas such as Microsoft technologies, virtualization, storage, networking, security, and backup solutions.
VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Center Virtualization certificateWaled Wageh
This document contains a date of Saturday, November 19, 2016, a reference number of VMW-01551129D-00500428, and another date of Monday, November 19, 2018 along with a name, Waleed Wageeh Hamed AbdelMoteleb.
VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization certificateWaled Wageh
This document contains a date of Tuesday, October 25, 2016, a reference number of VMW-01551129D-00500428, another date of Thursday, October 25, 2018, and a name, Waleed Wageeh Hamed Abdelmoteleb.
This document contains personal information including a name, date, alphanumeric code, and reference number. It appears to be some form of identification or record containing basic details but no further contextual information.
This document contains personal information including a name, date, and what appears to be an identification number or code. In 3 sentences or less, it lists personal details but does not provide much contextual information or meaning on its own.
VMware Certified Associate Data Center VirtualizationWaled Wageh
This document certifies that Waled Abdel Moteleb has successfully completed all requirements for VMware Certified Associate in Data Center Virtualization. It was issued on February 17, 2015 and signed by Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VMware, to recognize Moteleb's achievement in virtualization certification.
Veeam Certificate of Backup and Replication V7Waled Wageh
This document appears to be a random string of characters and numbers that looks like it may be a file name or identification code. No other contextual or summarizable information is provided in the short document.
Microsoft速 Certified Solutions Expert MCSE 2012 Server InfrastructureWaled Wageh
WALED W HAMED earned the certification of Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Server Infrastructure on November 11, 2014. This certification, numbered F054-3137, recognizes that WALED W HAMED successfully completed the requirements and has expertise in server infrastructure. The certification will become inactive on November 11, 2017 unless renewed.
Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching CertificateWaled Wageh
This document certifies that Waleed Wageeh Hamed AbdelMoteleb has successfully completed the requirements for Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching certification. The certification is valid through March 8, 2019 and can be verified online using the provided certificate number and verification code. The certification was issued and signed by Chuck Robbins, CEO of Cisco Systems.
Waleed Wageeh Hamed Abdel Moteleb is an experienced IT Manager with over 15 years of experience managing complex IT environments. He has a proven track record of planning and implementing architectural improvements to information technology systems. He is skilled in overseeing all technical operations and related services to ensure the smooth running of systems and improve company efficiency. He is looking for a new challenging position that utilizes his skills and experience while allowing for further personal development.
Waleed Wageeh Hamed Abdel Moteleb is an IT Manager with over 15 years of experience in complex IT environments. He has a proven track record of planning and implementing architectural improvements to information technology systems. Abdel Moteleb has extensive knowledge of enterprise networks, server infrastructures, and ensuring the smooth running of IT systems to improve business efficiency. He is looking for a new challenging position that utilizes his skills and experiences in areas such as Microsoft technologies, virtualization, storage, networking, security, and backup solutions.
VMware Certified Professional 6 - Data Center Virtualization certificateWaled Wageh
This document contains a date of Saturday, November 19, 2016, a reference number of VMW-01551129D-00500428, and another date of Monday, November 19, 2018 along with a name, Waleed Wageeh Hamed AbdelMoteleb.
VMware Certified Professional 6 - Network Virtualization certificateWaled Wageh
This document contains a date of Tuesday, October 25, 2016, a reference number of VMW-01551129D-00500428, another date of Thursday, October 25, 2018, and a name, Waleed Wageeh Hamed Abdelmoteleb.
This document contains personal information including a name, date, alphanumeric code, and reference number. It appears to be some form of identification or record containing basic details but no further contextual information.
This document contains personal information including a name, date, and what appears to be an identification number or code. In 3 sentences or less, it lists personal details but does not provide much contextual information or meaning on its own.
VMware Certified Associate Data Center VirtualizationWaled Wageh
This document certifies that Waled Abdel Moteleb has successfully completed all requirements for VMware Certified Associate in Data Center Virtualization. It was issued on February 17, 2015 and signed by Pat Gelsinger, CEO of VMware, to recognize Moteleb's achievement in virtualization certification.
Veeam Certificate of Backup and Replication V7Waled Wageh
This document appears to be a random string of characters and numbers that looks like it may be a file name or identification code. No other contextual or summarizable information is provided in the short document.
Microsoft速 Certified Solutions Expert MCSE 2012 Server InfrastructureWaled Wageh
WALED W HAMED earned the certification of Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert: Server Infrastructure on November 11, 2014. This certification, numbered F054-3137, recognizes that WALED W HAMED successfully completed the requirements and has expertise in server infrastructure. The certification will become inactive on November 11, 2017 unless renewed.
Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching CertificateWaled Wageh
This document certifies that Waleed Wageeh Hamed AbdelMoteleb has successfully completed the requirements for Cisco Certified Network Associate Routing and Switching certification. The certification is valid through March 8, 2019 and can be verified online using the provided certificate number and verification code. The certification was issued and signed by Chuck Robbins, CEO of Cisco Systems.