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Intel® Retail Certified Specialist
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Vice President and Director Consumer
Channels Group Intel Corporation
• Deep understanding of the latest Intel® processor-based 2 in 1 devices
• The benefits of Intel® Core™ -based Processors
• Windows* 8.1 and Android* 4.2/4.3 Jelly Bean operating systems
• Leadership Training
Intel® Retail Certified Professional
Waled Wageh 2014-09-09

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Intel® Retail Certified Professional

  • 1. INTEL CORPORATION CERTIFIES THAT HAS SATISFIED THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE Intel® Retail Certified Specialist PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE This certificate is the property of Intel Corporation. Intel, the Intel logo, the Look Inside. logo and Look Inside. are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. Copyright © 2014 Intel Corporation. https://certification-retail.intel.com/ JEFF McCREA Vice President and Director Consumer Channels Group Intel Corporation AWARDED ON CERTIFICATE NUMBER EXPIRES ON • Deep understanding of the latest Intel® processor-based 2 in 1 devices • The benefits of Intel® Core™ -based Processors • Windows* 8.1 and Android* 4.2/4.3 Jelly Bean operating systems • Leadership Training Intel® Retail Certified Professional c5b000fc-b490-452e-b5d8-8eea114e154c 2015-09-09 Waled Wageh 2014-09-09