ISO TC 279's purpose is to develop, maintain and promote standards in the fields of innovation management. The standard ISO 50500 series will be publish in 2018.
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ISO guidelines on Innovation management ISO 50500 series
1. ISO TC 279 - Innovation
ISO 50 500 series
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ISO, what is it?
o is an independent, non-governmental organization made up of members from the
national standards bodies of 164 countries.
o Its a voluntary process of developing specifications based on consensus among all
interested parties (industry including SMEs, consumers, trade unions, public
authorities, etc).
o It is carried out by independent standards bodies, acting at national (ANSI, BSI,
AFNOR, DIN, AENOR), European (CEN) and international (ISO) level.
Management system standardization
o Standards for management systems provide recommendations or requirements for Organizations and processes.
o These standards can be applied to any organization, large or small, whatever its product or service and regardless
of its sector of activity.
o An effective management system has many benefits including:
more efficient resource use
improved risk management, and
increased customer satisfaction as services and products consistently deliver what they promise
Which interest?
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ISO/TC 279 Innovation management
Objectives, missions, organisations
Creation in 2013
More than 47 countries are involved !!
Liaison with:
oOECD (Oslo manual revision)
More than 50
experts during
TC 279 meeting
in Dublin
inoct. 2015
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ISO/TC 279 Innovation management
Objectives, missions, organisations
Who are concerned by this standardisation work
o Industry and commerce; especially SMEs
including service, industries, private investment bodies, venture capitalists and
advisors, innovation management consulting companies, transfer and valuation agencies
o Governments, including public investment bodies
o Academic and research bodies
o Non-governmental organizations
o Liaison with OECD (Oslo manual revision)
o and with WIPO (International Patent Office)
All kind of stakeholders represented
in ISO TC 279 !
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ISO TC 279 Innovation management
Objectives, missions, organisations
Define a common language
on innovation management
and connected subjects
(such IP/IPR)
Define the Innovation
Management system
(processes and
Define the useful tools and methods
to support innovation (IPR
management, collaboration
management, project monitoring)
Define the criteria to self
assess the innovation
management system
WG 1
convened by
SG 4
Convened by
WG 3
Convened by
WG 2
Convened by
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Aibus Defence & Space
ISO TC 279 Chairman
ISO TC 279 Secretary
Join us in developing a common language for innovation management.
Contribute your view, ideas and leading practices in innovation management.
To join us you can also contact your national
standardisation body !
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