Israel has had significant accomplishments and innovations in technology, medicine, and science despite its small size. Some key points:
- Many computer technologies were developed in Israel, including Windows operating systems and Intel chips.
- Israel has more start-up companies per capita than any other country and is a world leader in high-tech industries.
- Israeli researchers and companies have developed important medical innovations like drugs to treat multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's, ingestible cameras for diagnosing intestinal issues, and stem cell and cancer treatments.
- Israel also leads in academic achievements with high rates of university degrees and Nobel Prize winners in science, economics, literature, and peace.
2. Israel the 100th smallest country,
with less than 1/1000th of the world's population,
can lay claim to the following:
3. Most of theMost of the
Windows NT and XPWindows NT and XP
operating systemsoperating systems
were developed bywere developed by
The Pentium MMXThe Pentium MMX
Chip technology wasChip technology was
designed in Israel atdesigned in Israel at
5. The Pentium
in your
computer was most likely
made in Israel.
Voice mail technology
was developed
in Israel.
Both Microsoft and Cisco
built their only
R&D facilities
outside the US in Israel.
6. The technology for
the AOL Instant Messenger ICQ
was developed in 1996
by four young Israelis.
7. According to industry officials, Israel
designed the airline industry's most
impenetrable flight security. US officials
now look (finally) to Israel for advice on how
to handle airborne security threats.
8. In proportion to its populationIn proportion to its population,, IsraelIsrael hashas
the largest number of startupthe largest number of startup
companies in the worldcompanies in the world.. In absoluteIn absolute
termsterms,, IsraelIsrael has the largest number ofhas the largest number of
startup companies in the world, exceptstartup companies in the world, except
thethe UU..S (S (3,5003,500 companies mostly in hicompanies mostly in hi--
With more than 3,000 highWith more than 3,000 high--techtech
companies and startupscompanies and startups,, IsraelIsrael has thehas the
highest concentration of hihighest concentration of hi--techtech
companies in the worldcompanies in the world ---- apart fromapart from
thethe Silicon ValleySilicon Valley,, UU.. SS..
9. Israel is the only country
in the world that
entered the 21st century
with more trees than
in the 20th century ,
which is more remarkable
this was achieved in
an area considered
mainly desert.
10. "Israel is one of the countries that is
leading the way in medical research
Israeli researchers are some of the best
in the world.
Christopher Reeve
11. Israel: Bio-Tech & Medicine
Israeli researchers have created a biological
pacemaker which corrects faulty heart rhythms.
Israeli scientists are developing a nose drop that will
provide a five-year flu vaccine.
A revolutionary new drug developed by Hebrew
University prevents re-clogging of coronary
arteries after undergoing "balloon therapy."
Israeli scientists have created a DNA nano-computer
that not only detects cancer, but also releases
drugs that specifically target and treat cancerous
Israeli stem-cell technology is being used in the U.S.
to regenerate heart tissue.
12. PillCam ESO 2 is a new capsule endoscope
from Israel's Given Imaging Ltd.
Thanks to Israels Given Imaging,
doctors have the Pillcam!
Israel's Given Imaging developed the first
ingestible video camera, so small it fits
inside a pill. Used to view the small intestine
from the inside, cancer and
digestive disorders.
13. Copaxone
Two of the most
revolutionary drugs
on the market -
Copaxone, which
treats Multiple
Sclerosis, and
Rasagaline, which
treats Parkinsons -
were brought to you
by Israels Teva
14. Medicine...
Israeliscientists developed the
first fully computerized, no-radiation,
diagnostic instrumentation for breast cancer.
An Israeli company developed a computerized
system for ensuring proper administration
of medications, thus removing human error
from medical treatment. Every year in U. S.
hospitals 7,000 patients die from
treatment mistakes.
15. Researchers in Israel
developed a new device that
directly helps the heart
pump blood, an innovation
with the potential to save
lives among those with
heart failure. The new device
synchronized with the
camera helps doctors
diagnose heart's mechanical
operations through a
sophisticated system of
16. Israel has the highest percentage in the
world of home computers per capita.
Israel has the world's second highest per
capita of new books.
Israel has more museums per capita than
any other country
17. TwentyTwenty--four per cent offour per cent of
Israel's workforce holdsIsrael's workforce holds
university degrees, rankinguniversity degrees, ranking
third in the industrializedthird in the industrialized
world, after theworld, after the UnitedUnited
StatesStates andand HollandHolland and 12and 12
per cent hold advancedper cent hold advanced
18. Israel has the highest ratio of university
degrees reported to the population,
in the world.
19. All the above while engaged in regular wars
with an implacable enemy that
seeks its destruction, and an economy
under strain by having to spend
more per capita on its own
protection than any other county on earth.
20. Israeli and Jewish Nobel prize winnersIsraeli and Jewish Nobel prize winners
21. Chemistry (30 prize
winners, 20% of
world total, 28%
of US total(
Economics (26 prize
winners, 42% of
world total, 56%
of US total(
Physiology or
Medicine (53 prize
winners, 28% of
world total, 41%
of US total(