There has been so much written recently about the world-wide increase in the number of children with autism that this issue demands a bit of investigation. We will begin by looking at some of the publicity about the rising cases of autism"
(2016) New State Vaccine Laws Impact: California & Colorado Highlight.
California joins Mississippi and West Virginia as the only states to not allow school children exemptions for vaccinations based on religious or personal beliefs.
Although more states are enacting legislation making it more difficult to declare an exemption - such as Colorado.
This paper discusses the importance of vaccines for eradicating disease. It argues that vaccines are both safe and cost-effective compared to treating diseases. While some parents resist vaccines due to disproven claims about side effects, studies show that vaccines do not cause autism or weaken the immune system. Widespread vaccination through herd immunity is vital for preventing outbreaks of contagious diseases like measles, which cost millions to contain. The evidence overwhelmingly shows that vaccines are safe and essential public health tools.
Doctors have an ethical obligation to educate parents about the importance of vaccinating children against measles. While parents have the right to refuse vaccines, this puts other children at risk. Doctors should try to convince hesitant parents but may dismiss families that refuse, as unvaccinated patients endanger others. Media coverage of discredited claims linking vaccines to autism has contributed to rising exemption rates and growing measles risks in the US. Doctors must protect their patients and communities from preventable diseases.
This document discusses the socioeconomic impact of pediatric sleep disorders. It finds that pediatric sleep disorders can increase direct health care costs, with one study in Australia finding an additional $27.5 million in annual health care costs. Pediatric sleep disorders are also linked to increased rates of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, behavioral issues, and car accidents in teenage drivers due to sleep deprivation. Delaying school start times by even 30 minutes resulted in decreased car crashes, improved moods, and less daytime sleepiness in students. Overall, the document suggests that pediatric sleep disorders present significant socioeconomic costs but that early diagnosis and treatment can help offset these costs.
Efforts to end teen pregnancy gaining momentumErica Ives
The American Academy of Pediatrics recently called on pediatricians to counsel adolescent patients about emergency contraception and provide advance prescriptions to girls under 17. This is intended to help reduce teen pregnancy rates by making emergency contraception more readily available. However, some religious groups and parents' rights advocates oppose this recommendation, arguing that it undermines parental responsibility and encourages risky sexual behavior among teens. Studies show teen pregnancy rates have declined in recent decades but still remain high compared to other developed nations, costing U.S. taxpayers billions each year.
Poverty and it's relationship to child maltreatment Volume103Tigrai Harris
1. The document discusses the relationship between poverty and child maltreatment. It notes that families living below $15,000 annual income are 22 times more likely to experience child maltreatment than families earning over $30,000.
2. Poverty is correlated with higher rates of child maltreatment, though the causal relationship is unclear. Factors associated with poverty like single parenthood, substance abuse, and poor mental/physical health also increase maltreatment risk.
3. Studies found that modest increases in income through programs like child support payments reduced likelihood of child maltreatment reports by about 10% for low-income families. Stricter welfare policies and economic hardship are also linked to higher
The thesis I presented for my Master\'s program studied the effects of an after-school nutrition and physical activity intervention in a suburban middle school on the attitudes, knowledge, and behavior of the participants.a
The Holst Group distributes and delivers world-class tools and workshops to support your people and your business.
We are so passionate about the products and workshops we bring you all our work is fully guaranteed!
Prevalence and Services in Countries outside of Europe and North AmericaBronwyn Orsatti
This document discusses autism prevalence and services outside of Europe and North America. It begins by explaining why studying worldwide prevalence is important given the imbalance in knowledge from wealthier countries. It then discusses challenges in international prevalence studies, such as differences in cultures and diagnostic criteria. The document reviews prevalence findings from studies conducted in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and other regions. It shifts to discussing service provision for autism in developing countries and provides an example of a personal experience assessing services in Cambodia.
Unit II Journal InstructionsYou have been a successful divisio.docxouldparis
Unit II Journal
You have been a successful division manager in a company with subsidiaries in several countries in Europe and Southeast Asia. Your boss wants to help your career growth and offers you opportunity for an expatriate assignment in Saudi Arabia knowing a success there will open the door to a directorate role upon your return. As a female and knowing that this subsidiary has all males in every leadership position, you have some concerns of discrimination and unfair treatment that will make the assignment difficult. Would you accept the position? Why? How would you prepare to face the challenges to gain the respect and trust of the males who will be important to your success or failure?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
Unit II Scholarly Activity
For this assignment, you will again be writing about the fictitious company that you created in Unit I. In a minimum of two pages, discuss the following items that address the human resource (HR) implications for your company as it goes international as well as your role in HR in this growth. These will also help you to prepare for your PowerPoint briefing to the CEO that will be submitted in Unit VII:
1. Discuss current HRM practices that will need to be modified as the organization goes abroad.
2. Discuss the three different types of HR structural forms (centralized, decentralized, and transition) and select the one this organization should adopt and explain why.
3. Explain the control mechanisms to put into place to ensure the organizations culture is congruent across international borders.
4. Address factors driving standardization.
5. Discuss factors driving internationalization growth and the spread of internationalization.
6. Discuss the IHRM professionals role and challenges in a typical merger and acquisition.
7. Discuss international joint venture challenges.
8. Discuss the term SME as it applies to IHRM.
The paper should be APA-formatted using at least two peer-reviewed articles and the textbook as supporting documentation. You should also have a title page and a reference page, which do not count as part of the two-page minimum requirement.
Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., & Engle, A. D., Sr. (2017). International human resource management (7th ed.). Hampshire, United Kingdom, : Cengage Learning.
Turner, Chakaela | Fort Valley State University| BIOL 4254K | November 28, 2017
Autism Turner
Vaccines have been a controversial topic on social media and in the headlines in the past
year. The purpose of a vaccine is to guard individuals to work with the immune system to
avoid disease. A vaccine is an item that produces resistance from an ailment and ...
This document provides an overview of child abuse. It begins with definitions of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse as well as neglect. Statistics on child abuse victims in the US from 2008-2012 are presented. Younger children, especially infants, are most at risk of abuse. The effects of different types of abuse are discussed, including physical and psychological impacts. Prevention programs and challenges in identifying abuse are also examined.
A single etiology for autism or for any of the
disorders on the autistic spectrum has yet to be determined. In the past, suspected causes of these disorders included parentally induced autism, brain
injury/anomalies, constitutional vulnerability, and developmental aphasia, as well as deficits in the reticular activating system, and an unfortunate interplay between psychogenic and neurodevelopmental factors.Other suspected etiologies are structural cerebellar changes, genetics, viral infections, and immunological abnormalities, with various teratogens, seizures and
vaccines also being investigated. Until we know the multiple etiologies of those within the Autism Spectrum; as researchers, health care providers, educators and optometrists, we must offer all within
the autistic continuum the very best, most current and accessible care available based upon the latest known science.
A single etiology for autism or for any of the
disorders on the autistic spectrum has yet to be determined. In the past, suspected causes of these disorders included parentally induced autism, brain
injury/anomalies, constitutional vulnerability, and developmental aphasia, as well as deficits in the reticular activating system, and an unfortunate interplay between psychogenic and neurodevelopmental factors. Other suspected etiologies are structural cerebellar changes, genetics, viral infections, and immunological
abnormalities, with various teratogens, seizures and vaccines also being investigated. Until we know the multiple etiologies of those within the Autism
Spectrum; as researchers, health care providers, educators and optometrists, we must offer all within the autistic continuum the very best, most current and accessible care available based upon the latest known science.
Global Medical Cures | Epilepsy
Global Medical Cures does not offer any medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or recommendations. Only your healthcare provider/physician can offer you information and recommendations for you to decide about your healthcare choices.
畛 xem full ti li畛u Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
How Primary Care ODs can Profit from Pediatric PracticeDominick Maino
I wrote "How Primary Care ODs can Profit from Pediatric Practice" some time ago....but its basic premise is still true today and you may find this useful.
Assessment of Mothers Education and their Knowledge about Home-Accident among...Mohammed Talib Abed
This study assessed mothers' education levels and knowledge about home accidents among children aged 5 and under. A questionnaire was administered to 200 mothers selected from health centers. Most mothers were 25-35 years old with primary education and unemployed. Over a quarter of the sample had moderate knowledge about home accidents. The study found that some mothers had poor knowledge about accident prevention for young children and there was no correlation between mothers' knowledge and their age or education levels. The study recommends implementing health education programs at various levels to teach mothers about home accident explanations, first aid, and avoidance techniques.
Autism rates are increasing in Minnesota and nationally. In Minnesota, approximately 2.7% of children have autism, with similar rates between Somali and white children. Research has not identified clear causes of autism, though genetics and environmental factors like nutrition are thought to play a role. Nurse interventions focus on early identification, individualized care, and advocacy to reduce stigma and restraints in care environments.
There is no scientific consensus on a link between immunization shots and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). While some studies have found potential connections, most research rejects a link and identifies genetic factors as a basis for ASD. The prevalence of ASD diagnoses has increased significantly in recent decades, coinciding with rising immunization rates, fueling parental concerns. However, later studies discredited early research finding links and identified flaws in methodology and small sample sizes in studies supporting a link. The causes of ASD remain unclear, but effective education programs can help improve outcomes for children with ASD. Further research is still needed to fully address parental concerns and further understanding of ASD.
FIRE ENGINEERING January 2013 81www.FireEngineering.comB Y.docxvoversbyobersby
B Y T I M O T H Y A . L E I D I G
received some sort of fi re safety education in
school, on television, or from some other source.
Even with basic knowledge, when a smoke or fi re alarm
sounds, the question can be posed: Why do these individu-
als experience a brief sensation of fear, panic, and confusion?
Generally, the sensations pass, and the individual is able to
rely on basic knowledge and take appropriate actions of
notifi cation, evacuation, or problem solving. These actions
can be carried out when an individual is out of his normal
surroundingfor example, people visiting a movie theater will
subconsciously locate the nearest exit or, if in a hotel, locate
the exits for an emergency escape. This all becomes second
nature for adults exposed to fi re safety education and able to
use appropriate skills for the emergency.
An autistic individual put into this type of an emergency
situation, even with fi re safety education, may not act ap-
propriately because of fear of the alarm noise or the need
to be moved from what he considers a place of safety; the
unanticipated situation places the individual in a total panic.
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, defi nes autism as
a developmental disability resulting from a neurological dis-
order that affects the formal function of the brain.1 The num-
ber of fi re departments conducting fi re safety education for
autistic children is minimal; it is nonexistent for adult autistic
individuals. The need for fi re safety programs for individuals
with autism must be addressed because of serious safety con-
cerns. The dangers to an autistic person without fi re safety
education are tremendous. When supervisors, parents, or
caregivers are present to provide directions, the dangers are
slightly reduced. For a young adult autistic individual who
may have to be self-reliant or potentially reliant on someone
else with or without the same disorder, there is no reduction
in the threat.
In the case of special-needs children, specifi cally autistic
children, only very basic foundation educational materials are
issued to teachers and facilitators to deliver to students, and
no follow-up evaluation is completed. The provided informa-
tion may or may not be appropriate because of the cognitive
level of the autistic student, and with no follow-up the success
levels are undetermined. This problem continues to escalate at
each consecutive grade level. When the autistic student reaches
high school, there is a segment of society whose members
have to be prepared and self-reliant to appropriately handle
an emergency in their homes, college dorms, or group-living
settings. Since 2001, the number of programs increased from
22 to more than 250 in 2010.2 Although colleges and universi-
ties in the United States are increasing the pr ...
1. Coalition ProposalVaccination Policy for Infectious Disease P.docxmonicafrancis71118
1. Coalition Proposal
Vaccination Policy for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Scope of the Problem
Vaccines have done an excellent job at preventing many diseases, some of which can be deadly if not prevented. When bacteria or viruses enter the body, they immediately begin to attack and multiply, which then causes an infection. The immune system will then fight off the infection and establish antibodies, which will help recognize and fight off the same disease in the future. For this very reason, it has been important for children to be vaccinated at an early age so that they may establish those antibodies their bodies need. Vaccines act as the disease so that the body may produce antibodies, but the good thing is that it wont cause an infection (CDC, 2017).
There are current policies that mandate vaccinations in the U.S., for example, all children are required to be up to date on their vaccines before beginning school. The problem is that there are many loopholes and exceptions to the rule, whether its due to religious reasons or other medical issues. Because of this, there are still many children and adults who have yet to be fully compliant with vaccine requirements
Some important statistics to note (Johns Hopkins Medicine):
揃 CDC estimated 2,700 new cases of hepatitis A in the U.S.
揃 It is estimated that in 2011, 19,000 new cases of hepatitis B and 17,000 cases of hepatitis C occurred.
揃 In 2012, nearly 10,000 new cases of tuberculosis were reported.
揃 Approximately 36,000 people per year die from influenza and pneumonia.
揃 50,000 new cases of HIV infection occur annually.
揃 In 2012, new cases of STDs were reported, including HPV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, and Syphilis.
Who is affected by this problem? Identify.
Children are mainly affected by this problem due to parents hesitancy for vaccinations. Although law mandates for children to be vaccinated for school enrollment, parents have the option to use exemptions to avoid having their children vaccinated. Currently, medical exemptions are allowed for medical reasons in all states, and it is estimated that one to three percent of children are excused from vaccinations because of these exemptions. Parents have continued to use reasons to avoid vaccinations, for example, the belief that the decline in vaccine-preventable diseases is due to improved health care, hygiene, and sanitation (Ventola, C. L., 2016).
Health disparities among Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites have played a huge role in terms of vaccination coverage. Studies have shown that health insurance has a direct impact on the vaccination coverage in adults, therefore, low-income families who cant afford health insurance will most likely not get the vaccines they need. With that being said, uninsured prevalence was higher among non-Hispanic blacks (19.5%) and Hispanics (30.1%) compared with non-Hispanic whites (11.1%) (Lu, P., et al, 2015).
What has been written on the issue and policy options?
There ha.
This document summarizes current research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to help clinicians provide guidance to families. It discusses that ASD is characterized by difficulties with social communication and repetitive behaviors. While ASD is lifelong, outcomes have improved in recent decades due to things like increased community support services. However, most individuals still require lifelong support. The document reviews signs and symptoms of ASD based on diagnostic criteria, issues around screening and diagnosis at different ages, risk factors and causes, available treatments and their effectiveness, transitions individuals face, and recommendations for clinicians in assisting families.
Parents perceptions of autism and theirhealth-seeking behavemelyvalg9
Parents' perceptions of autism and their
health-seeking behaviors
Maria Isabel O. Quilendrino a,*, Mary Anne R. Castor a,
Nenacia Ranali Nirena P. Mendoza b, Jacqueline R. Vea c,
Nina T. Castillo-Carandang c
a Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines,
Manila, Philippines
b Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine,
University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
c Department of Clinical Epidemiology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
c l i n i c a l e p i d e m i o l o g y a n d g l o b a l h e a l t h 3 ( 2 0 1 5 ) s 1 0 s 1 5
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 15 September 2015
Accepted 13 November 2015
Available online 7 December 2015
Autistic disorder
a b s t r a c t
Background: Parents' health-seeking behaviors, which in turn may be related to their per-
ceptions, are hypothesized to be the major determinant of the timing of diagnosis and
subsequent intervention for children with autism.
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to describe parental perceptions of autism
and health-seeking behaviors for urban Filipino children aged 26 years.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in several phases. The first phase
involved collection of qualitative data from key informant interviews and small group
discussions. The second phase involved the development of a validated and reliable ques-
tionnaire, which was administered to 41 parents of children with autism, aged 26 years.
Results: Parents had varying perceptions of autism. They were generally undecided with
regard to the etiology of autism, but were in agreement that psychosocial factors, such as
parental sins and curses, were unlikely to be associated with autism. The most common
presenting symptom noted by parents was a qualitative impairment in social interaction.
There was a noted trend towards earlier age of symptom recognition (mean of 24 months)
and diagnosis of autism (mean of 39 months) among parents with younger children.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed some trends: There is improved awareness
regarding autism and the needs of children with autism. Parents tend to disagree with
previous myths about autism. There was an observable trend toward earlier diagnosis for
this group.
# 2015 INDIACLEN. Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India, Pvt. Ltd. All
rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +63 9178033888; fax: +63 27311631.
E-mail address: [email油protected] (M.I.O. Quilendrino).
Available online at
journal homepage:
2213-3984/# 2015 INDIACLEN. Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India, Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
http://crossmar ...
Dr. Anik Roy Chowdhury
MBBS, BCS(Health), DA, MD (Resident)
Department of Anesthesiology, ICU & Pain Medicine
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (ShSMCH)
Creatines Untold Story and How 30-Year-Old Lessons Can Shape the FutureSteve Jennings
Creatine burst into the public consciousness in 1992 when an investigative reporter inside the Olympic Village in Barcelona caught wind of British athletes using a product called Ergomax C150. This led to an explosion of interest in and questions about the ingredient after high-profile British athletes won multiple gold medals.
I developed Ergomax C150, working closely with the late and great Dr. Roger Harris (1944 2024), and Prof. Erik Hultman (1925 2011), the pioneering scientists behind the landmark studies of creatine and athletic performance in the early 1990s.
Thirty years on, these are the slides I used at the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2025 to share the story, the lessons from that time, and how and why creatine will play a pivotal role in tomorrows high-growth active nutrition and healthspan categories.
The shoulder complex acts as in coordinated fashion to provide the smoothest and greatest range of motion possible of the upper limb.
Combined motion of GH and ST joint of shoulder complex helps in:
Distribution of motion between other two joints.
Maintenance of glenoid fossa in optimal position.
Maintenance of good length tension
Although some amount of glenohumeral motion may occur while the other shoulder articulations remain stabilized, movement of the humerus more commonly involves some movement at all three shoulder joints.
Prevalence and Services in Countries outside of Europe and North AmericaBronwyn Orsatti
This document discusses autism prevalence and services outside of Europe and North America. It begins by explaining why studying worldwide prevalence is important given the imbalance in knowledge from wealthier countries. It then discusses challenges in international prevalence studies, such as differences in cultures and diagnostic criteria. The document reviews prevalence findings from studies conducted in Africa, the Middle East, Latin America, Southeast Asia, and other regions. It shifts to discussing service provision for autism in developing countries and provides an example of a personal experience assessing services in Cambodia.
Unit II Journal InstructionsYou have been a successful divisio.docxouldparis
Unit II Journal
You have been a successful division manager in a company with subsidiaries in several countries in Europe and Southeast Asia. Your boss wants to help your career growth and offers you opportunity for an expatriate assignment in Saudi Arabia knowing a success there will open the door to a directorate role upon your return. As a female and knowing that this subsidiary has all males in every leadership position, you have some concerns of discrimination and unfair treatment that will make the assignment difficult. Would you accept the position? Why? How would you prepare to face the challenges to gain the respect and trust of the males who will be important to your success or failure?
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary.
Unit II Scholarly Activity
For this assignment, you will again be writing about the fictitious company that you created in Unit I. In a minimum of two pages, discuss the following items that address the human resource (HR) implications for your company as it goes international as well as your role in HR in this growth. These will also help you to prepare for your PowerPoint briefing to the CEO that will be submitted in Unit VII:
1. Discuss current HRM practices that will need to be modified as the organization goes abroad.
2. Discuss the three different types of HR structural forms (centralized, decentralized, and transition) and select the one this organization should adopt and explain why.
3. Explain the control mechanisms to put into place to ensure the organizations culture is congruent across international borders.
4. Address factors driving standardization.
5. Discuss factors driving internationalization growth and the spread of internationalization.
6. Discuss the IHRM professionals role and challenges in a typical merger and acquisition.
7. Discuss international joint venture challenges.
8. Discuss the term SME as it applies to IHRM.
The paper should be APA-formatted using at least two peer-reviewed articles and the textbook as supporting documentation. You should also have a title page and a reference page, which do not count as part of the two-page minimum requirement.
Dowling, P. J., Festing, M., & Engle, A. D., Sr. (2017). International human resource management (7th ed.). Hampshire, United Kingdom, : Cengage Learning.
Turner, Chakaela | Fort Valley State University| BIOL 4254K | November 28, 2017
Autism Turner
Vaccines have been a controversial topic on social media and in the headlines in the past
year. The purpose of a vaccine is to guard individuals to work with the immune system to
avoid disease. A vaccine is an item that produces resistance from an ailment and ...
This document provides an overview of child abuse. It begins with definitions of physical, sexual, and emotional abuse as well as neglect. Statistics on child abuse victims in the US from 2008-2012 are presented. Younger children, especially infants, are most at risk of abuse. The effects of different types of abuse are discussed, including physical and psychological impacts. Prevention programs and challenges in identifying abuse are also examined.
A single etiology for autism or for any of the
disorders on the autistic spectrum has yet to be determined. In the past, suspected causes of these disorders included parentally induced autism, brain
injury/anomalies, constitutional vulnerability, and developmental aphasia, as well as deficits in the reticular activating system, and an unfortunate interplay between psychogenic and neurodevelopmental factors.Other suspected etiologies are structural cerebellar changes, genetics, viral infections, and immunological abnormalities, with various teratogens, seizures and
vaccines also being investigated. Until we know the multiple etiologies of those within the Autism Spectrum; as researchers, health care providers, educators and optometrists, we must offer all within
the autistic continuum the very best, most current and accessible care available based upon the latest known science.
A single etiology for autism or for any of the
disorders on the autistic spectrum has yet to be determined. In the past, suspected causes of these disorders included parentally induced autism, brain
injury/anomalies, constitutional vulnerability, and developmental aphasia, as well as deficits in the reticular activating system, and an unfortunate interplay between psychogenic and neurodevelopmental factors. Other suspected etiologies are structural cerebellar changes, genetics, viral infections, and immunological
abnormalities, with various teratogens, seizures and vaccines also being investigated. Until we know the multiple etiologies of those within the Autism
Spectrum; as researchers, health care providers, educators and optometrists, we must offer all within the autistic continuum the very best, most current and accessible care available based upon the latest known science.
Global Medical Cures | Epilepsy
Global Medical Cures does not offer any medical advice, diagnosis, treatment or recommendations. Only your healthcare provider/physician can offer you information and recommendations for you to decide about your healthcare choices.
畛 xem full ti li畛u Xin vui long li棚n h畛 page 畛 動畛c h畛 tr畛
tai lieu tong hop, thu vien luan van, luan van tong hop, do an chuyen nganh
How Primary Care ODs can Profit from Pediatric PracticeDominick Maino
I wrote "How Primary Care ODs can Profit from Pediatric Practice" some time ago....but its basic premise is still true today and you may find this useful.
Assessment of Mothers Education and their Knowledge about Home-Accident among...Mohammed Talib Abed
This study assessed mothers' education levels and knowledge about home accidents among children aged 5 and under. A questionnaire was administered to 200 mothers selected from health centers. Most mothers were 25-35 years old with primary education and unemployed. Over a quarter of the sample had moderate knowledge about home accidents. The study found that some mothers had poor knowledge about accident prevention for young children and there was no correlation between mothers' knowledge and their age or education levels. The study recommends implementing health education programs at various levels to teach mothers about home accident explanations, first aid, and avoidance techniques.
Autism rates are increasing in Minnesota and nationally. In Minnesota, approximately 2.7% of children have autism, with similar rates between Somali and white children. Research has not identified clear causes of autism, though genetics and environmental factors like nutrition are thought to play a role. Nurse interventions focus on early identification, individualized care, and advocacy to reduce stigma and restraints in care environments.
There is no scientific consensus on a link between immunization shots and autism spectrum disorders (ASD). While some studies have found potential connections, most research rejects a link and identifies genetic factors as a basis for ASD. The prevalence of ASD diagnoses has increased significantly in recent decades, coinciding with rising immunization rates, fueling parental concerns. However, later studies discredited early research finding links and identified flaws in methodology and small sample sizes in studies supporting a link. The causes of ASD remain unclear, but effective education programs can help improve outcomes for children with ASD. Further research is still needed to fully address parental concerns and further understanding of ASD.
FIRE ENGINEERING January 2013 81www.FireEngineering.comB Y.docxvoversbyobersby
B Y T I M O T H Y A . L E I D I G
received some sort of fi re safety education in
school, on television, or from some other source.
Even with basic knowledge, when a smoke or fi re alarm
sounds, the question can be posed: Why do these individu-
als experience a brief sensation of fear, panic, and confusion?
Generally, the sensations pass, and the individual is able to
rely on basic knowledge and take appropriate actions of
notifi cation, evacuation, or problem solving. These actions
can be carried out when an individual is out of his normal
surroundingfor example, people visiting a movie theater will
subconsciously locate the nearest exit or, if in a hotel, locate
the exits for an emergency escape. This all becomes second
nature for adults exposed to fi re safety education and able to
use appropriate skills for the emergency.
An autistic individual put into this type of an emergency
situation, even with fi re safety education, may not act ap-
propriately because of fear of the alarm noise or the need
to be moved from what he considers a place of safety; the
unanticipated situation places the individual in a total panic.
The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition, defi nes autism as
a developmental disability resulting from a neurological dis-
order that affects the formal function of the brain.1 The num-
ber of fi re departments conducting fi re safety education for
autistic children is minimal; it is nonexistent for adult autistic
individuals. The need for fi re safety programs for individuals
with autism must be addressed because of serious safety con-
cerns. The dangers to an autistic person without fi re safety
education are tremendous. When supervisors, parents, or
caregivers are present to provide directions, the dangers are
slightly reduced. For a young adult autistic individual who
may have to be self-reliant or potentially reliant on someone
else with or without the same disorder, there is no reduction
in the threat.
In the case of special-needs children, specifi cally autistic
children, only very basic foundation educational materials are
issued to teachers and facilitators to deliver to students, and
no follow-up evaluation is completed. The provided informa-
tion may or may not be appropriate because of the cognitive
level of the autistic student, and with no follow-up the success
levels are undetermined. This problem continues to escalate at
each consecutive grade level. When the autistic student reaches
high school, there is a segment of society whose members
have to be prepared and self-reliant to appropriately handle
an emergency in their homes, college dorms, or group-living
settings. Since 2001, the number of programs increased from
22 to more than 250 in 2010.2 Although colleges and universi-
ties in the United States are increasing the pr ...
1. Coalition ProposalVaccination Policy for Infectious Disease P.docxmonicafrancis71118
1. Coalition Proposal
Vaccination Policy for Infectious Disease Prevention and Control
Scope of the Problem
Vaccines have done an excellent job at preventing many diseases, some of which can be deadly if not prevented. When bacteria or viruses enter the body, they immediately begin to attack and multiply, which then causes an infection. The immune system will then fight off the infection and establish antibodies, which will help recognize and fight off the same disease in the future. For this very reason, it has been important for children to be vaccinated at an early age so that they may establish those antibodies their bodies need. Vaccines act as the disease so that the body may produce antibodies, but the good thing is that it wont cause an infection (CDC, 2017).
There are current policies that mandate vaccinations in the U.S., for example, all children are required to be up to date on their vaccines before beginning school. The problem is that there are many loopholes and exceptions to the rule, whether its due to religious reasons or other medical issues. Because of this, there are still many children and adults who have yet to be fully compliant with vaccine requirements
Some important statistics to note (Johns Hopkins Medicine):
揃 CDC estimated 2,700 new cases of hepatitis A in the U.S.
揃 It is estimated that in 2011, 19,000 new cases of hepatitis B and 17,000 cases of hepatitis C occurred.
揃 In 2012, nearly 10,000 new cases of tuberculosis were reported.
揃 Approximately 36,000 people per year die from influenza and pneumonia.
揃 50,000 new cases of HIV infection occur annually.
揃 In 2012, new cases of STDs were reported, including HPV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, HIV, and Syphilis.
Who is affected by this problem? Identify.
Children are mainly affected by this problem due to parents hesitancy for vaccinations. Although law mandates for children to be vaccinated for school enrollment, parents have the option to use exemptions to avoid having their children vaccinated. Currently, medical exemptions are allowed for medical reasons in all states, and it is estimated that one to three percent of children are excused from vaccinations because of these exemptions. Parents have continued to use reasons to avoid vaccinations, for example, the belief that the decline in vaccine-preventable diseases is due to improved health care, hygiene, and sanitation (Ventola, C. L., 2016).
Health disparities among Blacks, Hispanics, and Whites have played a huge role in terms of vaccination coverage. Studies have shown that health insurance has a direct impact on the vaccination coverage in adults, therefore, low-income families who cant afford health insurance will most likely not get the vaccines they need. With that being said, uninsured prevalence was higher among non-Hispanic blacks (19.5%) and Hispanics (30.1%) compared with non-Hispanic whites (11.1%) (Lu, P., et al, 2015).
What has been written on the issue and policy options?
There ha.
This document summarizes current research on autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to help clinicians provide guidance to families. It discusses that ASD is characterized by difficulties with social communication and repetitive behaviors. While ASD is lifelong, outcomes have improved in recent decades due to things like increased community support services. However, most individuals still require lifelong support. The document reviews signs and symptoms of ASD based on diagnostic criteria, issues around screening and diagnosis at different ages, risk factors and causes, available treatments and their effectiveness, transitions individuals face, and recommendations for clinicians in assisting families.
Parents perceptions of autism and theirhealth-seeking behavemelyvalg9
Parents' perceptions of autism and their
health-seeking behaviors
Maria Isabel O. Quilendrino a,*, Mary Anne R. Castor a,
Nenacia Ranali Nirena P. Mendoza b, Jacqueline R. Vea c,
Nina T. Castillo-Carandang c
a Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines,
Manila, Philippines
b Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Department of Family and Community Medicine, College of Medicine,
University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
c Department of Clinical Epidemiology, College of Medicine, University of the Philippines, Manila, Philippines
c l i n i c a l e p i d e m i o l o g y a n d g l o b a l h e a l t h 3 ( 2 0 1 5 ) s 1 0 s 1 5
a r t i c l e i n f o
Article history:
Received 15 September 2015
Accepted 13 November 2015
Available online 7 December 2015
Autistic disorder
a b s t r a c t
Background: Parents' health-seeking behaviors, which in turn may be related to their per-
ceptions, are hypothesized to be the major determinant of the timing of diagnosis and
subsequent intervention for children with autism.
Objective: The primary objective of this study was to describe parental perceptions of autism
and health-seeking behaviors for urban Filipino children aged 26 years.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in several phases. The first phase
involved collection of qualitative data from key informant interviews and small group
discussions. The second phase involved the development of a validated and reliable ques-
tionnaire, which was administered to 41 parents of children with autism, aged 26 years.
Results: Parents had varying perceptions of autism. They were generally undecided with
regard to the etiology of autism, but were in agreement that psychosocial factors, such as
parental sins and curses, were unlikely to be associated with autism. The most common
presenting symptom noted by parents was a qualitative impairment in social interaction.
There was a noted trend towards earlier age of symptom recognition (mean of 24 months)
and diagnosis of autism (mean of 39 months) among parents with younger children.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed some trends: There is improved awareness
regarding autism and the needs of children with autism. Parents tend to disagree with
previous myths about autism. There was an observable trend toward earlier diagnosis for
this group.
# 2015 INDIACLEN. Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India, Pvt. Ltd. All
rights reserved.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +63 9178033888; fax: +63 27311631.
E-mail address: [email油protected] (M.I.O. Quilendrino).
Available online at
journal homepage:
2213-3984/# 2015 INDIACLEN. Published by Elsevier, a division of Reed Elsevier India, Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Dr. Anik Roy Chowdhury
MBBS, BCS(Health), DA, MD (Resident)
Department of Anesthesiology, ICU & Pain Medicine
Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital (ShSMCH)
Creatines Untold Story and How 30-Year-Old Lessons Can Shape the FutureSteve Jennings
Creatine burst into the public consciousness in 1992 when an investigative reporter inside the Olympic Village in Barcelona caught wind of British athletes using a product called Ergomax C150. This led to an explosion of interest in and questions about the ingredient after high-profile British athletes won multiple gold medals.
I developed Ergomax C150, working closely with the late and great Dr. Roger Harris (1944 2024), and Prof. Erik Hultman (1925 2011), the pioneering scientists behind the landmark studies of creatine and athletic performance in the early 1990s.
Thirty years on, these are the slides I used at the Sports & Active Nutrition Summit 2025 to share the story, the lessons from that time, and how and why creatine will play a pivotal role in tomorrows high-growth active nutrition and healthspan categories.
The shoulder complex acts as in coordinated fashion to provide the smoothest and greatest range of motion possible of the upper limb.
Combined motion of GH and ST joint of shoulder complex helps in:
Distribution of motion between other two joints.
Maintenance of glenoid fossa in optimal position.
Maintenance of good length tension
Although some amount of glenohumeral motion may occur while the other shoulder articulations remain stabilized, movement of the humerus more commonly involves some movement at all three shoulder joints.
Presentaci坦 que va acompanyar la demostraci坦 prctica de metge d'Innovaci坦 Jos辿 Ferrer sobre el projecte Benestar de BSA, nom d'IDIAP Pere Gol, el 5 de mar巽 de 2025 a l'estand de XarSMART al Mobible Word Congress.
Optimization in Pharmaceutical Formulations: Concepts, Methods & ApplicationsKHUSHAL CHAVAN
This presentation provides a comprehensive overview of optimization in pharmaceutical formulations. It explains the concept of optimization, different types of optimization problems (constrained and unconstrained), and the mathematical principles behind formulation development. Key topics include:
Methods for optimization (Sequential Simplex Method, Classical Mathematical Methods)
Statistical analysis in optimization (Mean, Standard Deviation, Regression, Hypothesis Testing)
Factorial Design & Quality by Design (QbD) for process improvement
Applications of optimization in drug formulation
This resource is beneficial for pharmaceutical scientists, R&D professionals, regulatory experts, and students looking to understand pharmaceutical process optimization and quality by design approaches.
Chair and Presenters Sara A. Hurvitz, MD, FACP, Carey K. Anders, MD, FASCO, and Vyshak Venur, MD, discuss metastatic HER2-positive breast cancer in this CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE activity titled Fine-Tuning the Selection and Sequencing of HER2-Targeting Therapies in HER2-Positive MBC With and Without CNS Metastases: Expert Guidance on How to Individualize Therapy Based on Latest Evidence, Disease Features, Treatment Characteristics, and Patient Needs and Preferences. For the full presentation, downloadable Practice Aids, and complete CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE information, and to apply for credit, please visit us at CME/NCPD/CPE/AAPA/IPCE credit will be available until March 2, 2026.
Dr. Vincenzo Giordano began his medical career 2011 at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary in the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery. Here, he performed complex adult cardiothoracic surgical procedures, significantly enhancing his proficiency in patient critical care, as evidenced by his FCCS certification.
Local Anesthetic Use in the Vulnerable PatientsReza Aminnejad
Local anesthetics are a cornerstone of pain management, but their use requires special consideration in vulnerable groups such as pediatric, elderly, diabetic, or obese patients. In this presentation, well explore how factors like age and physiology influence local anesthetics' selection, dosing, and safety. By understanding these differences, we can optimize patient care and minimize risks.
Flag Screening in Physiotherapy Examination.pptxBALAJI SOMA
Flag screening is a crucial part of physiotherapy assessment that helps in identifying medical, psychological, occupational, and social barriers to recovery. Recognizing these flags ensures that physiotherapists make informed decisions, provide holistic care, and refer patients appropriately when necessary. By integrating flag screening into practice, physiotherapists can optimize patient outcomes and prevent chronicity of conditions.
Personality theory is a collection of ideas that explain how a person's personality develops and how it affects their behavior. It also seeks to understand how people react to situations, and how their personality impacts their relationships.
Key aspects of personality theory
Personality traits: The characteristics that make up a person's personality.
Personality development: How a person's personality develops over time.
Personality disorders: How personality theories can be used to study personality disorders.
Personality and environment: How a person's personality is influenced by their environment.
Cardiac Arrhythmia definition, classification, normal sinus rhythm, characteristics , types and management with medical ,surgical & nursing, health education and nursing diagnosis for paramedical students.