The document discusses challenges with integrating ICT into teaching and learning in Malaysian schools. It notes that while the government has invested in preparing teachers and students with ICT skills, there remain equity issues, a lack of ICT skills among some teachers, and insufficient leadership to handle ICT projects in schools. Overall, the main challenges involve policy makers and educators, education administrators, issues relating to language and content, infrastructure financing, and building ICT capacity. The presentation concludes that the government must take appropriate actions to address all challenges to successfully implement ICT in teaching and learning.
1. The government has started integrating ICT in teaching and
learning in Malaysian school long time ago.
2. Nowadays, ICT application has become one of the main
important thing in the teaching and learning session in
3. The government has use a lot of money to prepared the
teachers and the students, so that they will have appropriate
ICT skills.
4. There are a lot of issues that arises when the
government implemented an ICT application in
Malaysian schools.
5. Even though, this ICT application has a lot of benefits,
there are many challenges in integrating ICT in teaching
and learning in our Malaysian schools.
Equity issue
Lack of ICT skills
among teachers
Lacks of informed leadership to
handle this ICT projects in
9. I n o v e r a l l
T h e Ch a l l e n g e s
P o l i c y ma k Ed u c a t i o n
e r s a n d Ed u c a t o r s a d mi n i s t r
p l a n n e r s a t o r s
Ed u c a t i o n
L a n g u a g e
a l p o l i c y
a n d
a n d
c o n t e n t
p l a n n i n g
I n f r a s t r u
Fi n a n c e b u i l d i n g
c t u r e
c a p a c i t y
The government should take an appropriate actions to
overcome all the challenges in order to implement ICT in
teaching and learning.