1. The document discusses top iPad apps for digital age learning. It provides examples of how different apps can be used to apply Bloom's revised taxonomy of learning domains in teaching the story of the Three Little Pigs.
2. Bloom's taxonomy includes remembering, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating. The document gives examples of apps that could be used to teach each level, such as using Doodlelicious for remembering and Animoto for understanding.
3. The document encourages teachers to have fun by finding new apps and sharing recommendations through their professional learning networks. It provides links to websites that review educational apps.
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Remember Describe where the 3 little pigs lived Doodlelicious
Summarize what the 3 little pigs story
Understand Animoto**
was about
Construct a theory as to why the wolf
Apply Show Me
blew down the houses
Differentiate between how the pigs
iCard Sort
Analyze reacted and how you would react to the
Assess whether or not you think this
Evaluate PaperHelper
really happened to the 3 pigs
Compose a song, skit, poem, video, etc.
Puppet Pals
Create to convey the 3 little pigs story in a new
#4: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><poll url="http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/LTU5NDUxMTQyMg"> <!-- This snippet was inserted via the Poll Everywhere Mac Presenter --> <!-- The presence of this snippet is used to indicate that a poll will be shown during the slideshow --> <!-- TIP: You can draw a solid, filled rectangle on your slide and the Mac Presenter will automatically display your poll in that area. --> <!-- The Mac Presenter application must also be running and logged in for this to work. --> <!-- To remove this, simply delete it from the notes yourself or use the Mac Presenter to remove it for you. --> <title>Primary Position</title></poll>
#5: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?><poll url="http://www.polleverywhere.com/multiple_choice_polls/LTQyMjk3OTEw"> <!-- This snippet was inserted via the Poll Everywhere Mac Presenter --> <!-- The presence of this snippet is used to indicate that a poll will be shown during the slideshow --> <!-- TIP: You can draw a solid, filled rectangle on your slide and the Mac Presenter will automatically display your poll in that area. --> <!-- The Mac Presenter application must also be running and logged in for this to work. --> <!-- To remove this, simply delete it from the notes yourself or use the Mac Presenter to remove it for you. --> <title>iPad Usage</title></poll>
#11: LOTS Lower Order Thinking SkillsRememberingListing, describing, identifying, findingBullet Pointing, highlighting, bookmarking, social networking, searchingWikihoodBrainPop/ BrainPopJrPenultimateFlashcardletWunderlist HD