Facial Feature Tracking under Varying Facial Expressions and Face Poses based...Yen Ho
This is the 2nd key paper: Facial Feature Tracking under Varying Facial Expressions and Face Poses based on Restricted Boltzmann Machines
For faces with expression
The document provides an overview of the Taj Hotels group in India. It discusses that Taj Hotels was founded in 1903 and currently operates 76 hotels across 12 countries, employing over 13,000 people. Taj Hotels is segmented into luxury hotels like Taj Palace and Taj Mahal, business hotels like Taj President, and leisure hotels like beach resorts. The document outlines some of the amenities and services that Taj Hotels provides to customers. It also discusses Taj's employee programs, financial performance, competitors, challenges, and awards.
Angela Frucci worked on redesigning the website for Telmate to improve wayfinding and resolve confusion between the company and product brands. She led a complete redesign focusing on improving navigation, succinctly communicating product offerings, and making the site easier to use with a human-focused, testimonial approach. She also created copy for Telmate's customized Android tablet and onboarding experience to address issues of users not logging in due to cost confusion.
O documento discute a import?ncia do brincar na educa??o infantil. Ele afirma que (1) o brincar est presente desde a inf?ncia e ajuda no desenvolvimento de habilidades e aprendizagem; (2) famlia e escola devem oferecer seguran?a e bem-estar para a crian?a brincar e aprender; e (3) brincadeiras desenvolvem valores e cidadania e preparam a crian?a para a vida.
Este documento es un resumen de un curso de ?tica y Deontologa Profesional dictado por la profesora Suhaila Temponi Moncada en el Instituto Universitario Politcnico Santiago Mari?o en Maracaibo, Venezuela en enero de 2017. El resumen fue realizado por el estudiante Juan Carlos Laguna.
Dora Stratou International Consulting Program aims to increase US participation in the CID World Congress in Greece. The document analyzes the target market of dance professionals, top US cities for dance, and the effectiveness of the current communication strategy using social media and media partners. It recommends strengthening the social media presence, approaching specialized media partners, making published material accessible online, contacting top US dance schools, and requesting participant feedback.
This document discusses three XML parsing models: DOM, SAX, and StAX. DOM builds an in-memory tree representation of the XML document, while SAX is push-based and sends events to an application as it parses the XML. StAX uses a pull-based model where the application pulls events from the parser. The document compares features of each including ease of use, efficiency, capabilities for reading, writing and searching XML.
This document provides information about Hadoop ecosystem components over multiple years:
- MapReduce was introduced in 2004 and the Hadoop system paper was published in 2005. Core and HDFS levels were added to Hadoop in 2006.
- YARN was developed and introduced in 2013 to address limitations of the MapReduce framework. It separated processing from scheduling and resource management.
- Various other projects were added over time like Spark in 2014, Flink in 2015, and Kubernetes integration in 2017. Hadoop has expanded from a compute framework to a full data operating system.
- New components continue to be added for improved performance, ease of use, and to address different workloads like stream processing and SQL. H
The document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over the past 70 years. It outlines some of the key milestones in AI research from the early work in the 1950s to modern advances in deep learning. While progress has been significant, fully general human-level AI remains an ongoing challenge that researchers continue working to achieve.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kesehatan reproduksi remaja, meliputi perubahan fisik dan psikologis selama pubertas, organ reproduksi, menstruasi, mimpi basah, kehamilan, hubungan seks pra-nikah dan bahayanya, serta pentingnya pacaran sehat dan menghindari rayuan cinta yang meresahkan.
This document discusses how emojis, emoticons, and text speak can be used to teach students. It provides background on the origins of emoticons in 1982 as ways to convey tone and feelings in text communications. It then suggests that with text speak and emojis, students can translate, decode, summarize, play with language, and add emotion to language. A number of websites and apps that can be used for emoji-related activities, lessons, and discussions are also listed.
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and ArchivesNed Potter
1) The document discusses how the University of York Library has used various user experience (UX) techniques like ethnographic observation and interviews to better understand user needs and behaviors.
2) Some changes implemented based on UX findings include installing hot water taps, changing hours, and adding blankets - aimed at improving the small details of user experience.
3) The presentation encourages other libraries, archives and museums to try incorporating UX techniques like behavioral mapping and cognitive interviews to inform design changes that enhance services for users.
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit https://generalassemb.ly/instructors/seth-familian/4813
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at http://familian1.com
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here: http://blog.drift.com/sales-team-tips
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
Angela Frucci worked on redesigning the website for Telmate to improve wayfinding and resolve confusion between the company and product brands. She led a complete redesign focusing on improving navigation, succinctly communicating product offerings, and making the site easier to use with a human-focused, testimonial approach. She also created copy for Telmate's customized Android tablet and onboarding experience to address issues of users not logging in due to cost confusion.
O documento discute a import?ncia do brincar na educa??o infantil. Ele afirma que (1) o brincar est presente desde a inf?ncia e ajuda no desenvolvimento de habilidades e aprendizagem; (2) famlia e escola devem oferecer seguran?a e bem-estar para a crian?a brincar e aprender; e (3) brincadeiras desenvolvem valores e cidadania e preparam a crian?a para a vida.
Este documento es un resumen de un curso de ?tica y Deontologa Profesional dictado por la profesora Suhaila Temponi Moncada en el Instituto Universitario Politcnico Santiago Mari?o en Maracaibo, Venezuela en enero de 2017. El resumen fue realizado por el estudiante Juan Carlos Laguna.
Dora Stratou International Consulting Program aims to increase US participation in the CID World Congress in Greece. The document analyzes the target market of dance professionals, top US cities for dance, and the effectiveness of the current communication strategy using social media and media partners. It recommends strengthening the social media presence, approaching specialized media partners, making published material accessible online, contacting top US dance schools, and requesting participant feedback.
This document discusses three XML parsing models: DOM, SAX, and StAX. DOM builds an in-memory tree representation of the XML document, while SAX is push-based and sends events to an application as it parses the XML. StAX uses a pull-based model where the application pulls events from the parser. The document compares features of each including ease of use, efficiency, capabilities for reading, writing and searching XML.
This document provides information about Hadoop ecosystem components over multiple years:
- MapReduce was introduced in 2004 and the Hadoop system paper was published in 2005. Core and HDFS levels were added to Hadoop in 2006.
- YARN was developed and introduced in 2013 to address limitations of the MapReduce framework. It separated processing from scheduling and resource management.
- Various other projects were added over time like Spark in 2014, Flink in 2015, and Kubernetes integration in 2017. Hadoop has expanded from a compute framework to a full data operating system.
- New components continue to be added for improved performance, ease of use, and to address different workloads like stream processing and SQL. H
The document discusses the history and development of artificial intelligence over the past 70 years. It outlines some of the key milestones in AI research from the early work in the 1950s to modern advances in deep learning. While progress has been significant, fully general human-level AI remains an ongoing challenge that researchers continue working to achieve.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang kesehatan reproduksi remaja, meliputi perubahan fisik dan psikologis selama pubertas, organ reproduksi, menstruasi, mimpi basah, kehamilan, hubungan seks pra-nikah dan bahayanya, serta pentingnya pacaran sehat dan menghindari rayuan cinta yang meresahkan.
This document discusses how emojis, emoticons, and text speak can be used to teach students. It provides background on the origins of emoticons in 1982 as ways to convey tone and feelings in text communications. It then suggests that with text speak and emojis, students can translate, decode, summarize, play with language, and add emotion to language. A number of websites and apps that can be used for emoji-related activities, lessons, and discussions are also listed.
UX, ethnography and possibilities: for Libraries, Museums and ArchivesNed Potter
1) The document discusses how the University of York Library has used various user experience (UX) techniques like ethnographic observation and interviews to better understand user needs and behaviors.
2) Some changes implemented based on UX findings include installing hot water taps, changing hours, and adding blankets - aimed at improving the small details of user experience.
3) The presentation encourages other libraries, archives and museums to try incorporating UX techniques like behavioral mapping and cognitive interviews to inform design changes that enhance services for users.
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit https://generalassemb.ly/instructors/seth-familian/4813
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at http://familian1.com
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here: http://blog.drift.com/sales-team-tips
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.