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IT Outsourcing Professiona ls That Deliver

IT O utso urci ng Se r vices
The typical IT organization spends five percent to six percent of its     ITO Ex per ience T hat Deli ve rs
total IT budget on outsourcing services, regardless of size. Indeed,
                                                                          IT O utso urci ng Vertica ls
some maintain that company size is irrelevant when it comes to the
benefits of IT outsourcing. IT outsourcing can be especially beneficial
to small and medium enterprises that have a small or nonexistent IT
The IT O uts o urc ing Ma rket i s G ro wi ng                               Hospitality
The use of IT outsourcing is likely to grow. A recent survey                Telecom
conducted by the Gartner Group found that 85 percent of                     Media
companies plan to increase or maintain their spending with external         High Tech
service providers when the economy gets better.                             Utilities
                                                                            Oil & Gas
Ha vi ng t he Ri g ht Tea m                                                 Banking
So if your looking to capture a portion of this growing market you          Chemicals
need to know that your sales force, client services personnel and           Distribution
implementation teams are the best in the industry. Understanding            Transportation
this complex, sales, customer service and implementation market is          Consumer Products
tough and few recruiters specialize in find the right mix of Hunters,
Farmers and Deliverers.
                                                                          IT O utso urci ng S peciali sts
                                                                            Account Executives
IT O utso urci ng P ro fes si ona ls Know C ub e Ma nag ement               Sales Executives
For years Cube Management has been recognized as a national                 Sales Managers
leader specializing in the sourcing, screening and securing of top IT       Sales Directors
Outsourcing talent for our clients. As a result, candidates seek us         VP of Sales
out requesting assistance in their IT Outsourcing career move. Our          Client Services Manager
candidate database contains thousands of the top IT Outsourcing             Client Services Director
professionals waiting to hear about an outstanding career                   VP of Client Services
opportunity. In addition, we have one of the strongest referral             Large Deal Leaders
networks in the industry. If we cant find the candidate you are            Project Delivery Specialists
seeking one of our network recruiting partners are sure to know
someone that fits your opportunity.
                                                                          IT O utso urci ng A rea s
                                                                            Business Process Outsourcing
                                                                            Knowledge Process Outsourcing
IT O utso urci ng P ro fes si ona ls T hat Deli ver

No Mo re Empt y S uits                                              Ab o ut C ube Ma nagem ent
Lets face it. In todays ultra competitive marketplace, hiring       Cube Management provides sales
proven sales performers is the key to accelerating your sales         acceleration services to emerging growth
growth. Yet many businesses struggle to find and attract the          and mid-market companies in the
right people who will make a true impact on their business. They      technology, manufacturing, healthcare and
end up hiring people who sell themselves through the                business service sectors. The experts at
interviewing process, but arent willing or able to deliver the       Cube Management work across the entire
goods. Sound familiar?                                                spectrum of marketing, sales and business
                                                                      development to provide customized
Sale s & Marketing Is All We Do
                                                                      solutions that drive revenue and profit
At Cube Management, we take the guesswork out of making
                                                                      growth. Cube Management combines
critical sales hires that are essential to achieving business
                                                                      Strategy, Process & People to deliver
success. We know sales and marketing -- its the only thing we
                                                                      winning results.
do. We have years of proven success in building and leading
winning teams, in technology, manufacturing, healthcare and
business services. We use industry Best Practices to consistently
deliver A players who take can take your company from also
                                                                                   Office Locatio ns
ran to market leader.
                                                                              Co rp o rate Hea dq ua rters
Buil di ng A Str o ng Fo undatio n
We start by going in-depth to understand your company,                                   Portland, OR
business model, culture, markets, competition, and sales and
marketing processes. We craft candidate profiles, job                              Regi o nal Of fices
descriptions and interviewing guides that get to the heart of
                                                                                    New York, NY
critical elements that will determine success for your business.
                                                                                   Columbus, OH
We also build a story about the job opportunity that will attract                Vancouver, WA
the best people to your company.                                                      Tampa, FL
                                                                                 West Chesterfield, NH
The Ri ght To ol s Fo r Eac h J ob
Once weve identified the right profile for your positions, we use
                                                                                 503.572.8187  Voice
proven methods to identify and approach leading candidates. We
research and target specific companies and candidates, through                     503.626.6759 - Fax
a combination of focused communications, networking, and
direct approaches. Were also in constant contact with top                    www.cubemanagement.com
performers, subscribe to online search tools and maintain our
own extensive network and talent database.

A Pla ye rs O nly, Ple ase
Once weve attracted top candidates to your opportunity, we use
rigorous behavioral interviewing, performance data gathering and
profiling techniques to fully qualify candidates for each position.
We assign homework and closely watch how they behave
through the interviewing process, which is a good predictor of
how they will perform once they come to work for you. Our multi-
phased process is designed to make sure that only top
performers get through it. By the time we deliver candidates to
you, they are fully vetted and suitable for hire.

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It Outsourcing Recruiting Services

  • 1. IT Outsourcing Professiona ls That Deliver IT O utso urci ng Se r vices The typical IT organization spends five percent to six percent of its ITO Ex per ience T hat Deli ve rs total IT budget on outsourcing services, regardless of size. Indeed, IT O utso urci ng Vertica ls some maintain that company size is irrelevant when it comes to the Manufacturing benefits of IT outsourcing. IT outsourcing can be especially beneficial Energy to small and medium enterprises that have a small or nonexistent IT Healthcare organization. Retail Travel The IT O uts o urc ing Ma rket i s G ro wi ng Hospitality The use of IT outsourcing is likely to grow. A recent survey Telecom conducted by the Gartner Group found that 85 percent of Media companies plan to increase or maintain their spending with external High Tech service providers when the economy gets better. Utilities Oil & Gas Ha vi ng t he Ri g ht Tea m Banking So if your looking to capture a portion of this growing market you Chemicals need to know that your sales force, client services personnel and Distribution implementation teams are the best in the industry. Understanding Transportation this complex, sales, customer service and implementation market is Consumer Products tough and few recruiters specialize in find the right mix of Hunters, Farmers and Deliverers. IT O utso urci ng S peciali sts Account Executives IT O utso urci ng P ro fes si ona ls Know C ub e Ma nag ement Sales Executives For years Cube Management has been recognized as a national Sales Managers leader specializing in the sourcing, screening and securing of top IT Sales Directors Outsourcing talent for our clients. As a result, candidates seek us VP of Sales out requesting assistance in their IT Outsourcing career move. Our Client Services Manager candidate database contains thousands of the top IT Outsourcing Client Services Director professionals waiting to hear about an outstanding career VP of Client Services opportunity. In addition, we have one of the strongest referral Large Deal Leaders networks in the industry. If we cant find the candidate you are Project Delivery Specialists seeking one of our network recruiting partners are sure to know someone that fits your opportunity. IT O utso urci ng A rea s Business Process Outsourcing Knowledge Process Outsourcing
  • 2. IT O utso urci ng P ro fes si ona ls T hat Deli ver No Mo re Empt y S uits Ab o ut C ube Ma nagem ent Lets face it. In todays ultra competitive marketplace, hiring Cube Management provides sales proven sales performers is the key to accelerating your sales acceleration services to emerging growth growth. Yet many businesses struggle to find and attract the and mid-market companies in the right people who will make a true impact on their business. They technology, manufacturing, healthcare and end up hiring people who sell themselves through the business service sectors. The experts at interviewing process, but arent willing or able to deliver the Cube Management work across the entire goods. Sound familiar? spectrum of marketing, sales and business development to provide customized Sale s & Marketing Is All We Do solutions that drive revenue and profit At Cube Management, we take the guesswork out of making growth. Cube Management combines critical sales hires that are essential to achieving business Strategy, Process & People to deliver success. We know sales and marketing -- its the only thing we winning results. do. We have years of proven success in building and leading winning teams, in technology, manufacturing, healthcare and business services. We use industry Best Practices to consistently deliver A players who take can take your company from also Office Locatio ns ran to market leader. Co rp o rate Hea dq ua rters Buil di ng A Str o ng Fo undatio n We start by going in-depth to understand your company, Portland, OR business model, culture, markets, competition, and sales and marketing processes. We craft candidate profiles, job Regi o nal Of fices descriptions and interviewing guides that get to the heart of New York, NY critical elements that will determine success for your business. Columbus, OH We also build a story about the job opportunity that will attract Vancouver, WA the best people to your company. Tampa, FL West Chesterfield, NH The Ri ght To ol s Fo r Eac h J ob Once weve identified the right profile for your positions, we use 503.572.8187 Voice proven methods to identify and approach leading candidates. We research and target specific companies and candidates, through 503.626.6759 - Fax a combination of focused communications, networking, and direct approaches. Were also in constant contact with top www.cubemanagement.com performers, subscribe to online search tools and maintain our own extensive network and talent database. A Pla ye rs O nly, Ple ase Once weve attracted top candidates to your opportunity, we use rigorous behavioral interviewing, performance data gathering and profiling techniques to fully qualify candidates for each position. We assign homework and closely watch how they behave through the interviewing process, which is a good predictor of how they will perform once they come to work for you. Our multi- phased process is designed to make sure that only top performers get through it. By the time we deliver candidates to you, they are fully vetted and suitable for hire.