IT Recycling has Changed Forever. In this presentation, find out:
- How to profit from your company's end-of-life technology
- How to protect your companys brand... and get promoted at the same time!
- How to create a sustainable model for your company through reuse and donation
Garry Seaber is the CEO and Founder of IT Liquidators. The company provides managed IT asset disposition services, with a focus on IT asset recovery. IT Liquidators helps medium and large companies recoup value from their excess tech equipment, while providing data destruction services, protection from corporate liabilities, and partnering with certified ethical recyclers.
2. Goals :
1. How to Protect Your Company!
2. How to Profit from Your
Companys Old Tech Equipment!
3. How to Create a Sustainable
Model for Your Company and Get
Promoted at the Same Time!
5. Bans certain electronics from disposal in landfills by
state agencies, businesses and residential customers
The Fine: Enforced by the Colorado Department of
Public Health (CDPHE) Up to $10,000.00
Your Local Liability
32. We Manage
Your Assets
Asset Chain of Custody Documentation
Free Pickup
Proprietary IT Asset Tracking System
Detailed Asset Reporting
Secure Facility
33. Offer to
Buy it All
Write you
a Check
Free Asset
We Buy
Your Assets
#8: GLOBALLYOUR OLD TECHNOLOGY CAN BE VERY HAZARDOUS.3 Main Countries import computer scrap from around the world. Include: China, Ghana and India.---STATISTICS --- 6,000,000 tons annually worldwideMain toxic materials Lead, Cadmium, Bryllium, Mercury, ChromiumResults of ingesting via air, skin, etc. -- Brain Damage, Kidney Disease mutations, cancer & even DeathTHIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE, BUT YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE..
#11: The biggest crimesin our society today is not BLUE COLLAR crimes, but WHITE COLLAR crimes Identify Theft -- many white collar criminals are buying up recycled computers just to pull information off the hard drives for identity theft#1 Protect your Identity sign up for comprehensive Identify Theft Protection with KathiErber from LegalShield. If you dont know Kathi, she is a member of TIE Rockies#2 Destroy your old hard drives and data.. But How!!!!
#12: Here is one Idea!Another Idea is THIS!!!!((( SAMPLE )))) - DRIVE WITH LARGE NAIL and DRILLED HOLES. -- let me pass this aroundOr
#13: Have your Hard Drive shredded into pieces No chance of any data being removed from a shredded hard drive.HERE ARE (((SAMPLES OF SCHREDDED HARD DRIVES!!)))-- PASS AROUND these samples!!!!!!Another Option would Be.
#14: Destroying it with SoftwareThe concept is to use software to overwrite all data on a hard drive with ALTERNATING 0s AND 1s, thus removing the chance to recover your data!Easiest option to use. PLUS YOU CAN RE-USE THE HARD DRIVE!!!OK GARRY HOW MUCH DOES THIS COST ME!
#19: You must change your mindset! Its not de-commission your old equipment and then recycle. Wouldnt you rather get a check than write a check!So How Can We Resell Our Old Computers?
#20: For companies with larger volumes of technology, YOU HAVE MONEY SITTING IN CLOSETS ; LOOSING 3% 5% OF ITS VALUE EACH MONTH!*** THIS IS EASY MONEY PEOPLE *** -- TURN IT INTO CASH!want to Resell to an IT Asset Recovery Company who has the experience and expertise to remarket your IT gear.There is a: Disconnect in Corporate IT Departments today --The IT Director de-installs equipment and wants it out of here or they store the equipment.Purchasing buys stuff.. .they are not Sellers!= No Ownership!If equipment has no resale value, then..
#21: .Donate your Excess Corporate TechnologyIf old equipment has no resale value, then at least get a tax write off by donating the equipment But a charity wont usea really old computer In that case
#22: Have a company like ours handle the heavy lifting for you with the resources and expertise to:Test the equipment and confirm its viability for donationThe technology to properly and securely wipe all systems to the highest certification levelsUpgrade your system(s) with memory, components, hard drives & the latest operating system & office softwareResult is a valuable donation to your favorite charity thatthey can really use and you can get a valid & significant tax deduction at FMVIF ALL ELSE FAILS, THEN.
#23: Donate Your Refurbished Equipment to Your Favorite Charity.The 3rd and final option other than RESELL or DONATE would be to
#26: 1. Try and Resell your excess equipment --- if no resale value then2. Reuse or Donate your equipment if still no use or value after considering refurbishing and upgrading for reuse or donation, then3. Recycle using a Certified R2 or e-Steward Recycling Company i.e. Metech Recycling or ERI Electronic Recyclers International